英语 中的 hold 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 hold 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 hold 的说明。

英语 中的hold 表示握住 wò zhù, 包含 bāo hán, 拥抱 yōng bào, 等,别挂断 děng,bié guà duàn, 承受 chéng shòu, 等,等待 děng,děng dài, 握住 wò zhù, 底舱,货舱 dǐ cāng,huò cāng, 擒拿技术 qín ná jì shù, 把握 bǎ wò, 货舱 huò cāng, 行李舱 xíng lǐ cāng, 继续撑住 jì xù chēng zhù, 保持 bǎo chí, 有 yǒu, 保住 bǎo zhù, 保持 bǎo chí, 拿 ná, 拥有 yōng yǒu, 扣留 kòu liú, 保持 bǎo chí, 参与 cān yù, 容纳 róng nà, 防守 fáng shǒu, 占领 zhàn lǐng, 保持 bǎo chí, 相信 xiāng xìn, 举行 jǔ xíng, 怀有 huái yǒu, 因某事怨恨某人 yīn mǒu shì yuàn hèn mǒu rén, 阻止, 阻挡, 克制 kè zhì, 碍事 ài shì, 对…有所隐瞒, 扣住, 压抑感情, 把…按住让其不能动弹 bǎ àn zhù ràng qí bù néng dòng tán, 压制 yā zhì, 保住(工作等) bǎo zhù gōng zuò děng, 忍住未吐出, 牢牢系在...上, 坚持,坚守 jiān chí, 长篇大论 cháng piān dà lùn, 克制 kè zhì, 拖延 tuō yán, 拖延 tuō yán, 抵挡 dǐ dǎng, 坚持住, 挺住, 保持原来的姿势,继续 bǎo chí yuán lái de zī shì,jì xù, 别挂电话 bié guà diàn huà, 抓住…不放 zhuā zhù bú fàng, 保持,保住 bǎo chí,bǎo zhù, 坚持住 jiān chí zhù, 坚持抵抗 jiān chí dǐ kàng, 持续抵抗, 瞒着...,对...保密, 隐瞒 yǐn mán, 坚持…,拖延… jiān chí,tuō yán, 推迟 tuī chí, 使某人遵守某事, 拢在一起 lǒng zài yì qǐ, 抓住 zhuā zhù, 勒住脖子, 扼制, 别期望太高, 紧紧抓住 jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù, 抓住, 把握, 掌控, 搞到,弄到 gǎo dào,nòng dào, 联系上 lián xì shàng, 抓到,捉住 zhuā dào,zhuō zhù, 抓住 zhuā zhù, 抓住(念头、机遇等), 紧紧抓住 jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù, 暂时冻结, 把持, 未来会有, …即将发生在某人头上, 能与…相比, 可与…相提并论, 谈话 tán huà, 怀恨在心 huái hèn zài xīn, 怨恨…,对…怀恨在心 duì huái hèn zài xīn, 开会 kāi huì, 召开新闻发布会, 让…负责, 让…对…负责,让…为…负责, 把…保留起来, 引起他人注意, 珍视 zhēn shì, 保住饭碗, 固定器, 附着器, 牵手 qiān shǒu, 免责的, …免于承担责任, 压抑 yā yì, 对...不屑一顾, 对…非常器重, 等等 děng děng, 不准动!, 记恨某人, 担任要职, 等一下,等一会儿,稍等 děng yí xià,děng yī huì er, 握紧 wò jǐn, 提供 tí gōng, 抱希望, 要求…负责, 要求…对…负责,要求…为…负责, 要求…承担责任, 要求…对…承担责任, 将...作为人质要挟, 使…保持兴趣, 稳住 wěn zhù, 使…稳住, 因某事而对某人有怨气 yīn mǒu shì ér duì mǒu rén yǒu yuàn qì, 占统治地位,占主导地位 zhàn tǒng zhì dì wèi,zhàn zhǔ dǎo dì wèi, 使人集中注意力 shǐ rén jí zhōng zhù yì lì, 代管, 稍候, 保持现状, 别挂电话 bié guà diàn huà, 控制钱包, 紧紧抓住 jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù, 紧紧拥抱 jǐn jǐn yōng bào, 坚持住 jiān chí zhù, 准备好 zhǔn bèi hǎo, 做好准备 zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi, 要挟...付赎金, 逼迫某人做某事, 将…粘到一起。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 hold 的含义

握住 wò zhù

transitive verb (grasp)

She holds her child's hand when they cross the street.

包含 bāo hán

transitive verb (contain)

This container holds four litres of liquid.

拥抱 yōng bào

transitive verb (embrace)

The couple held each other tightly. The mother held her crying child.

等,别挂断 děng,bié guà duàn

intransitive verb (on phone: wait) (电话)

Can you hold for a minute while I check that information for you?

承受 chéng shòu

intransitive verb (adhere)

Is that knot going to hold?

等,等待 děng,děng dài

noun (telephone) (电话不挂断)

He was placed on hold for five minutes when he called.

握住 wò zhù

noun (grasp)

He had a tight hold on his daughter's wrist.

底舱,货舱 dǐ cāng,huò cāng

noun (ship: storage area) (船的)

The dry food was kept down in the hold.

擒拿技术 qín ná jì shù

noun (wrestling) (摔跤术语)

The wrestler used a special hold to defeat his opponent.

把握 bǎ wò

noun (mental grasp)

The new president's hold on difficult policy issues was not strong.

货舱 huò cāng

noun (plane: cargo storage) (飞机)

Pets travel in crates in the hold.

行李舱 xíng lǐ cāng

noun (plane: bag storage) (飞机)

The airline carries wheelchairs free of charge in the hold.

继续撑住 jì xù chēng zhù

intransitive verb (continue to resist)

The dam has held through all the storms that have passed.

保持 bǎo chí

(not change state) (某种状态)

The water level held at two feet above sea level.

有 yǒu

transitive verb (possess)

Leah holds the keys to the car.

保住 bǎo zhù

transitive verb (continue to have)

His son can't hold a job; he keeps getting fired.

保持 bǎo chí

transitive verb (believe that) (立场、观点)

The professor holds that it is best to learn a foreign language at the earliest age possible.

拿 ná

transitive verb (take)

Could you hold this box for me for a minute?

拥有 yōng yǒu

transitive verb (own)

She holds the land, but it is used by the entire family.

扣留 kòu liú

transitive verb (have in custody)

The police held the suspect in custody.

保持 bǎo chí

transitive verb (retain)

We held some cash in Euros in case of emergency.

参与 cān yù

transitive verb (engage in)

I don't hold discussions with silly people.

容纳 róng nà

transitive verb (accommodate)

This conference room holds up to forty people.

防守 fáng shǒu

transitive verb (military: defend) (军事术语)

The rebels held their position for ten hours until reinforcements arrived.

占领 zhàn lǐng

transitive verb (military: occupy) (军事术语)

The army sought to hold the strategic mountaintop.

保持 bǎo chí

transitive verb (course: maintain)

Hold your current course for the next one hundred kilometres.

相信 xiāng xìn

transitive verb (believe, consider)

He holds that those actions should be illegal.

举行 jǔ xíng

transitive verb (meeting, event: conduct)

We will hold the meeting in the conference room. // Julie is holding a party on Saturday.

怀有 huái yǒu

transitive verb (have: an opinion) (某种想法)

We know that not all party members hold the same position on this issue.

因某事怨恨某人 yīn mǒu shì yuàn hèn mǒu rén

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (resent [sb] for [sth])

They still hold my past mistakes against me.

阻止, 阻挡

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (restrain [sb] physically)

The boys started fighting so teachers came to hold them back.

克制 kè zhì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (restrain, keep under control) (怒火等)

He held back his anger until the children had gone to bed. She had had such a bad day, she couldn't hold back the tears any longer.

碍事 ài shì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (hinder [sb]'s progress)

She wants to be an actress but a lack of talent is holding her back.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (not divulge [sth])

She said she had told him all about her previous marriage, but he suspected she was holding something back.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (withhold, not give [sth])

He didn't give me all the money today, he's holding back half of it till the work is finished.


phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (repress feelings)

She is always holding back, afraid to share her true feelings.

把…按住让其不能动弹 bǎ àn zhù ràng qí bù néng dòng tán

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (restrain) (本义)

Hold his arms down so he'll stop hitting me!

压制 yā zhì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (restrain or repress)

I find it hard to hold down my anger when I see someone drop litter.

保住(工作等) bǎo zhù gōng zuò děng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (keep from losing)

I've been fired four times. I just can't hold down a job!


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (food: not eject as vomit) (食物等)

Though she still felt a little sick, Lisa managed to hold down her lunch.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (firmly, tightly)

The rope held fast to the boat.

坚持,坚守 jiān chí

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (uphold: principle, idea) (宾语多为表原则、信念之词)

He holds fast to his socialist principles.

长篇大论 cháng piān dà lùn

phrasal verb, intransitive (talk at length)

Prince Charles could hold forth for hours on the subject of architecture.

克制 kè zhì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (restrain, repress)

I can't hold in my feelings any longer!

拖延 tuō yán

phrasal verb, intransitive (bad weather: be delayed)

I hope the rain holds off till we get home.

拖延 tuō yán

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (postpone, delay)

Please hold off playing the drums until after I've gone!

抵挡 dǐ dǎng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (prevent attack)

The soldiers managed to hold off the attacking forces for three days.

坚持住, 挺住

phrasal verb, intransitive (stay courageous or patient) (困境中)

I know you are upset, but you must hold on for the sake of the children.

保持原来的姿势,继续 bǎo chí yuán lái de zī shì,jì xù

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (wait, maintain position) (非正式用语)

Hold on till I get there!

别挂电话 bié guà diàn huà

phrasal verb, intransitive (telephone)

"Can I talk to Camille?" "Hold on. I'll see if she's here."

抓住…不放 zhuā zhù bú fàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (grasp, clutch)

If you think you are going to slip, hold on to my arm.

保持,保住 bǎo chí,bǎo zhù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (keep, maintain despite difficulty)

In all the years of poverty, she managed to hold onto her dignity.

坚持住 jiān chí zhù

phrasal verb, intransitive (last, be sufficient)

I don't think the cattle feed is going to hold out until Christmas, we must order more.

坚持抵抗 jiān chí dǐ kàng

phrasal verb, intransitive (continue to resist)

Keep asking her for a date, she can't hold out much longer.


(continue to resist)

The remote mountain village held out against the foreign armies. I'm holding out against joining Facebook.


(refuse to give information)

Please don't hold out on me; just tell me who did it!

隐瞒 yǐn mán

(refuse to give [sth] to [sb])

I need Jason's help but he is holding out on me.

坚持…,拖延… jiān chí,tuō yán

(informal (wait) (以便得到自己想要的)

James did not accept the job straight away because he was holding out for a better offer.

推迟 tuī chí

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (postpone)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (expect [sb] to honour [sth])

He said he would come and see me and I'll hold him to that. You made a promise and we will hold you to your word.

拢在一起 lǒng zài yì qǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (not fall apart)

Incorporate the liquid into the dry ingredients until they hold together.

抓住 zhuā zhù

verbal expression (grasp, grab)

Mr. Jones caught hold of Mark by the collar and dragged him off to see the headmaster.


noun (grip on [sb]'s neck)


noun (figurative (complete power)


interjection (informal ([sth] is unlikely to happen soon)

Neil promised that he would have everything ready; don't hold your breath, though!

紧紧抓住 jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù

noun (secure grasp)

The army chief had a firm hold on power in the region.

抓住, 把握, 掌控

verbal expression (informal (grasp)

Get a firm hold of the load and make sure it's not too heavy before you lift.

搞到,弄到 gǎo dào,nòng dào

verbal expression (informal (obtain [sth]) (非正式用语)

Can you tell me where I can get hold of a watch like yours? You need to get hold of a copy of his birth certificate.

联系上 lián xì shàng

verbal expression (figurative (reach, contact [sb])

I've been trying to get hold of him all week, but he's always out.

抓到,捉住 zhuā dào,zhuō zhù

verbal expression (grasp)

She got hold of his arm and pulled him towards her.

抓住 zhuā zhù

verbal expression (physically: grasp)

Bella jumped on the back of Jacob's motorcycle and grabbed hold of his body. Grab hold of the rope so that I can pull you up!


verbal expression (figurative (idea, opportunity: seize)

Dean grabbed hold of the opportunity to visit the beach a few times.

紧紧抓住 jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù

verbal expression (grasp firmly)

Sally had a hold on the horse's reins.


verbal expression (account: be blocked) (支票、账户等)

Any check I deposit has a hold on it for 7 days.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (exert control)

In New Jersey, Democrats have had a hold on the Senate seats for many years.


verbal expression (reserve, promise for the future)

Nobody knows what tomorrow has in store.


verbal expression (reserve, promise)

Let's wait and see what next year has in store for us.

能与…相比, 可与…相提并论

verbal expression (figurative (be as good)

As a songwriter, George Harrison couldn't hold a candle to Paul McCartney.

谈话 tán huà

verbal expression (talk, converse, chat)

The man was too drunk to hold a conversation.

怀恨在心 huái hèn zài xīn

verbal expression (be resentful)

It was unfair that she was chosen instead of me, but I'm not one to hold a grudge.

怨恨…,对…怀恨在心 duì huái hèn zài xīn

verbal expression (resent: [sb])

Peter holds a grudge against his co-worker, who received the promotion that Peter was hoping for.

开会 kāi huì

verbal expression (meet to discuss [sth] formally)

The council will hold a meeting to discuss the road repairs.


verbal expression (speak to media)

The senator held a press conference to explain his new proposal.


(consider responsible)

If anything goes wrong, I will hold you accountable.


verbal expression (consider responsible for [sth])

I cannot hold him accountable for what happened.


(reserve, keep aside)

Hold this dress by for me until I get paid on Saturday.


verbal expression (figurative (receive much attention)

珍视 zhēn shì

(value, cherish)

Freedom of speech is a concept which I hold dear.


verbal expression (remain in employment)

After years of unemployment, John managed to hold down a job at the post office. I can never seem to hold down a job.


noun ([sth] that holds [sth] in place)


noun (botany: fungus part for attaching) (植物)

牵手 qiān shǒu

(clasp each another's hand)

My sister and her boyfriend always hold hands when watching a movie.


adjective (contract clause) (合同条款)

The contract has a hold harmless clause, which means the company is not liable.


(contract) (合同)

压抑 yā yì

verbal expression (control, restrain)

He had to hold his anger in check when his son wrecked the car.


verbal expression (despise, think [sb] worthless)


verbal expression (have great respect for)

等等 děng děng

interjection (informal (wait!)

Hold it! I want to say one more thing before you go.


interjection (informal (stop!)

Hold it, everybody! Don't go near that bull.


verbal expression (informal (bear a grudge) (因过去之事而)

She insulted him years ago, and he still holds it against her.


verbal expression (have specific important job)

等一下,等一会儿,稍等 děng yí xià,děng yī huì er

verbal expression (informal (wait)

Hold on a minute while I go back inside to turn off the lights.

握紧 wò jǐn

verbal expression (grip securely)

She held on tightly to the railings as she crossed the footbridge.

提供 tí gōng

(offer, proffer)

He held out his hand for the dog to sniff it.


verbal expression (stay optimistic)

Police do not hold out much hope of catching the culprits.


verbal expression (consider accountable)


verbal expression (consider accountable)


verbal expression (consider legally accountable)


verbal expression (consider legally accountable)


verbal expression (hold [sb] to ransom)


verbal expression (stay interesting)

Speakers need to select stimulating topics to hold the listeners' interest.

稳住 wěn zhù

(figurative (person: remain firm)

After holding steady for years, she finally gave up and sold the failing business.


(thing: secure)

This chain will hold the post steady against the wind.

因某事而对某人有怨气 yīn mǒu shì ér duì mǒu rén yǒu yuàn qì

verbal expression (hold a grudge)

I won't hold it against you if you don't want to join me.

占统治地位,占主导地位 zhàn tǒng zhì dì wèi,zhàn zhǔ dǎo dì wèi

(have influence) (信仰等)

The political advisor holds sway over the mind of the President.

使人集中注意力 shǐ rén jí zhōng zhù yì lì

verbal expression (be interesting)

The movie had an entertaining beginning, but it failed to hold the attention of the audience for the entire ninety minutes.


verbal expression (figurative (be in charge temporarily)

I'll hold the fort while you go on your coffee break.


verbal expression (on phone: wait)

Please hold the line while we try to connect you.


verbal expression (figurative (keep things as they are)

别挂电话 bié guà diàn huà

verbal expression (not hang up)

The receptionist asked me to hold the phone while she spoke to Dr Simpson.


verbal expression (figurative (control how money is spent)

紧紧抓住 jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù

(grasp firmly)

The woman held her bag tight as she hurried along the dark street.

紧紧拥抱 jǐn jǐn yōng bào


Tim held his girlfriend tight, before saying goodbye.

坚持住 jiān chí zhù

(figurative (persist, wait)

I'll be back in one moment - hold tight. Hold tight, I will be there soon.

准备好 zhǔn bèi hǎo

(brace yourself)

"Hold tight," shouted the ride operator as the rollercoaster began to move.

做好准备 zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi

(figurative (prepare yourself)

Hold tight, the next few months could prove to be a bumpy ride!


verbal expression (blackmail, force to pay)


verbal expression (figurative (force into doing [sth])



Car manufacturers are increasingly using glue to hold parts together.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。