英语 中的 stocking 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 stocking 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 stocking 的说明。

英语 中的stocking 表示连裤袜 lián kù wà, 长筒袜 cháng tǒng wà, 圣诞袜 shèng dàn wà, 股票 gǔ piào, 存货 cún huò, 供应物 gōng yìng wù, 存货 cún huò, 库存 kù cún, 库存的, 储备 chǔ bèi, 手足枷, 专业剧团的, 普通的,常规的 pǔ tōng de ,cháng guī de, 纸 zhǐ, 血统 xuè tǒng, 汤汁 tāng zhī, 家族 jiā zú, 枪托 qiāng tuō, 牲畜 shēng chù, 木材 mù cái, 胶片,胶卷 jiāo piàn ,jiāo juǎn, 树干 shù gàn, 紫罗兰 zǐ luó lán, 牲畜的 shēng chù de, 围栏 wéi lán, 枕木 zhěn mù, 补充 bǔ chōng, 供应 gōng yìng, 连裤紧身衣, 圣诞袜 shèng dàn wà, 隔行正反针编织法, 针织帽。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 stocking 的含义

连裤袜 lián kù wà

noun (often plural (women's hosiery)

Roberta was wearing stockings under her skirt.

长筒袜 cháng tǒng wà

noun (historical, usually plural (men's long sock) (男士)

The gentleman wore stockings and breeches.

圣诞袜 shèng dàn wà

noun (Christmas stocking)

Jennie opened her stocking to see what Santa had brought her.

股票 gǔ piào

noun (finance: equity) (金融)

The company will issue stock and cease to be a private firm.

存货 cún huò

noun (uncountable (store of merchandise)

Do we have enough large sizes in stock?

供应物 gōng yìng wù

noun (supply)

We have a good stock of farm tools and seeds.

存货 cún huò

noun (merchandise on hand)

Our stock is low because Christmas is only days away.

库存 kù cún

plural noun (for-sale inventories)


noun as adjective (item: from existing stock)

It is not a special order, but a stock item.

储备 chǔ bèi

transitive verb (carry merchandise)

We stock a wide selection of musical instruments.


plural noun (historical (punishment device)

The thief was put in the stocks, where villagers threw rotten food at him.


adjective (of theater, repertory) (轮流演出不同保留剧目的)

The actor will tour with a stock company this summer.

普通的,常规的 pǔ tōng de ,cháng guī de

adjective (ordinary, common)

The stock image of the Devil is of a horned man with a pitchfork.

纸 zhǐ

noun (paper)

We should print the announcement on a good, heavy stock.

血统 xuè tǒng

noun (uncountable (ancestry)

He comes from poor but noble stock.

汤汁 tāng zhī

noun (broth)

The chicken stock will give the rice a nice taste.

家族 jiā zú

noun (uncountable (lineage)

His stock can be traced back to a small town in Ireland.

枪托 qiāng tuō

noun (part of a shotgun)

The stock of the shotgun had notches representing the coyotes he had shot.

牲畜 shēng chù

noun (livestock)

All of our stock are purebred animals.

木材 mù cái

noun (piece of wood)

胶片,胶卷 jiāo piàn ,jiāo juǎn

noun (photographic film)

树干 shù gàn

noun (plant: source of cuttings)

紫罗兰 zǐ luó lán

noun (flower: Gillyflower)

牲畜的 shēng chù de

noun as adjective (of livestock)

The farmer hired a new stock hand.

围栏 wéi lán

plural noun (frame holding an animal still) (单个牲畜)

枕木 zhěn mù

plural noun (frame for a boat under construction)

补充 bǔ chōng

transitive verb (replenish)

When the truck unloads we can stock the shelves with new merchandise.

供应 gōng yìng

transitive verb (supply)

The relief agency will stock the mission with food and other supplies.


noun (tight garment)

圣诞袜 shèng dàn wà

noun (long sock: for gifts)

The children awoke to find their Christmas stockings filled with candy.


noun (knitting stitch)


noun (knitted cap)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。