英语 中的 tail 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 tail 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 tail 的说明。

英语 中的tail 表示尾,尾巴 wěi ,wěi bɑ, 后部 hòu bù, 飞机的尾部 fēi jī de wěi bù, 硬币的背面, 硬币背面朝上, 后部的 hòu bù de, 从后面来的,从后方来的 cóng hòu miàn lái de, 彗尾 huì wěi, 后下摆 hòu xià bǎi, 风筝尾部 fēng zhēng wěi bù, 跟踪者,盯梢者 gēn zōng zhě,dīng shāo zhě, (与女子)性交, 女人,妞 nǚ rén,niū, 臀部,屁股 tún bù,pì gǔ, 燕尾服 yàn wěi fú, 跟随, 盯梢, 偷偷尾随, 向后延伸, 变得越来越少 biàn de yuè lái yuè shǎo, 燕尾服的燕尾 yàn wěi fú de yàn wěi, 电子零售, 急忙走开,快跑,急行 jí máng zǒu kāi,kuài pǎo ,jí xíng, 水平安定面,水平稳定面, 把…搞清楚, 马尾式辫子 mǎ wěi shì biàn zi, 鼠尾鳕, 鼠尾辫, 衬衫下摆 chèn shān xià bǎi, 远亲的,远房的 yuǎn qīn de ,yuǎn fáng de, 附注, 微不足道的 wēi bù zú dào de, 借助,趁机利用 jiè zhù,chèn jī lì yòng, 末端 mò duān, 尾鳍 wěi qí, 汽车尾翼, 尾灯 wěi dēng, 尾灯 wěi dēng, 渐少, 燕尾服 yàn wěi fú, 后挡板 hòu dǎng bǎn, 顺风 shùn fēng, 航角指示器, 除去…的两端,去掉…的两端, 从头至尾地清洗,彻头彻尾地清洗, 从头到脚 cóng tóu dào jiǎo, 转身逃跑 zhuǎn shēn táo pǎo。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 tail 的含义

尾,尾巴 wěi ,wěi bɑ

noun (animal: end part) (动物)

The dog yelped when the guy stepped on his tail.

后部 hòu bù

noun (figurative (rear)

The truck hit the tail of the car.

飞机的尾部 fēi jī de wěi bù

noun (end section of an aircraft)

The airline's logo was on the tail of the aircraft.


noun (reverse face of a coin)

If the coin lands on heads, I win; if it's tails, you win.


interjection (coin: reverse face up) (感叹词)

Do you want heads or tails in the coin toss? Tails!

后部的 hòu bù de

adjective (rear)

The tail end of the car was damaged when it was hit by another car from behind.

从后面来的,从后方来的 cóng hòu miàn lái de

adjective (coming from behind)

The sailboat benefited from a strong tail wind.

彗尾 huì wěi

noun (end part of a comet)

The tail of that comet is visible with the naked eye.

后下摆 hòu xià bǎi

noun (bottom of a shirt) (衬衫的)

The tail of his shirt was hanging out of his pants.

风筝尾部 fēng zhēng wěi bù

noun (trailing part of a kite)

The kite had a long beautiful tail.

跟踪者,盯梢者 gēn zōng zhě,dīng shāo zhě

noun (figurative, slang (person doing surveillance)

The police put a tail on the gangster to find out who his associates are.


noun (US, slang, offensive (sex with a woman)

Rob is so immature; all he ever talks about is "getting some tail."

女人,妞 nǚ rén,niū

noun (US, slang, offensive (women as sexual object) (指性对象)

Steve is such a misogynist; he talks about women as "tail."

臀部,屁股 tún bù,pì gǔ

noun (US, informal (buttocks)

燕尾服 yàn wěi fú

plural noun (tailcoat: men's dress coat)

He was dressed in top hat and tails.

跟随, 盯梢, 偷偷尾随

transitive verb (informal (follow) (非正式用语)

The spy tailed the official to find out whom he was working with.


phrasal verb, intransitive (UK (traffic: form long queue)

变得越来越少 biàn de yuè lái yuè shǎo

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (diminish gradually)

The number of flu patients will tail off in the spring.

燕尾服的燕尾 yàn wěi fú de yàn wěi

noun (usually plural (man's formal jacket: back flap) (常作_s)


noun (selling on Internet)

急忙走开,快跑,急行 jí máng zǒu kāi,kuài pǎo ,jí xíng

intransitive verb (US, informal (run, hurry) (非正式用语)


noun (aeronautics) (飞机)


verbal expression (understand [sth])

马尾式辫子 mǎ wěi shì biàn zi

noun (tied-back hairstyle)

The cooks with long hair were required to wear a ponytail to work.


noun (fish with long thin tail)


noun (hair: thin pony tail)

衬衫下摆 chèn shān xià bǎi

noun (bottom part of a shirt)

远亲的,远房的 yuǎn qīn de ,yuǎn fáng de

adjective (US, figurative (relative: distant) (指亲戚)


noun (US, figurative (addition to news story) (新闻)

微不足道的 wēi bù zú dào de

adjective (US, figurative (small, of little value)

借助,趁机利用 jiè zhù,chèn jī lì yòng

intransitive verb (US, figurative (use success or connections)

末端 mò duān

noun (very last part)

The car at the tail end of a railway train is often called the caboose.

尾鳍 wěi qí

noun (of a fish) (鱼)

I could tell by its tail fin that the fish was a marlin.


noun (on a car)

American cars in the 1950's had tail fins.

尾灯 wěi dēng

noun (UK (vehicle's rear light)

尾灯 wěi dēng

plural noun (npl (vehicle's rear lights) (车)

The deputy stopped us because one of our tail lights was out.


noun (figurative (gradual decrease)

燕尾服 yàn wěi fú

noun (men's dress coat)

后挡板 hòu dǎng bǎn

noun (vehicle: board at back) (卡车等)

After work, we sat on the tailgate and drank sodas.

顺风 shùn fēng

noun (wind from behind)

The plane arrived early because there was a tailwind for almost the entire flight.


noun (nautical: indicates air flow) (航海)

The sailor struggled to repair the tell-tale during the storm.


verbal expression (vegetable: remove both ends) (蔬菜)

Top and tail the carrots then dice them and add to the pan.


verbal expression (method of washing a baby) (婴儿)

从头到脚 cóng tóu dào jiǎo

adverb (people: head to feet)

The two brothers were sharing a bed, lying top to tail.

转身逃跑 zhuǎn shēn táo pǎo

(figurative (run away)

Seeing the criminal with a gun made her turn tail.

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tail 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。