英语 中的 tape 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 tape 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 tape 的说明。

英语 中的tape 表示盒式磁带 hé shì cí dài, 胶带 jiāo dài, 卷尺 juǎn chǐ, 带子 dài zi, 用胶布粘住 yòng jiāo bù zhān zhù, 录下 lù xià, 录制 lù zhì, 磁带 cí dài, 用胶带粘住,用胶带缠住, 胶带 jiāo dài, 录音带 lù yīn dài, 磁带 cí dài, 警示胶带, 透明胶带 tòu míng jiāo dài, 修正带, 双面胶带,双面胶, 强力胶带 qiáng lì jiāo dài, 鳗草, 绝缘胶带, 砂贴 shā tiē, 磁带 cí dài, 遮护胶带 zhē hù jiāo dài, 母带 mǔ dài, 官僚习气,繁文缛节 guān liáo xí qì,fán wén rù jié, 透明胶带 tòu míng jiāo dài, 用透明胶带粘..., 胶带 jiāo dài, 医用胶带 yī yòng jiāo dài, 盒式磁带 hé shì cí dài, 磁带播放器 cí dài bō fàng qì, 磁带驱动器 cí dài qū dòng qì, 卷尺 juǎn chǐ, 用胶带粘紧 yòng jiāo dài nián jǐn, 用胶带把...粘紧, 磁带播放器 cí dài bō fàng qì, 录音机 lù yīn jī, 磁带录音 cí dài lù yīn, 用录音带录音, 录像带里的磁带 lù xiàng dài lǐ de cí dài, 录像带 lù xiàng dài, 磁带录像机 cí dài lù xiàng jī。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 tape 的含义

盒式磁带 hé shì cí dài

noun (audio cassette)

Liam put a tape in the cassette player and pressed play.

胶带 jiāo dài

noun (uncountable (adhesive strip)

Ann used tape to stick the wrapping paper down.

卷尺 juǎn chǐ

noun (measuring strip)

Ben got out the tape to measure the space.

带子 dài zi

noun (any thin strip)

The apron is fastened at the back with tapes. The crime scene was cordoned off with tape.

用胶布粘住 yòng jiāo bù zhān zhù

transitive verb (fix with adhesive tape)

Nina taped the hole in her jeans, as a temporary repair.

录下 lù xià

transitive verb (record)

The journalist taped his interview with the film star.

录制 lù zhì

transitive verb (record for broadcast) (用于公开播放)

The radio station taped the show, ready for broadcast a few days later.

磁带 cí dài

noun (recording)

The tape of the show was carefully stored in the warehouse.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (apply adhesive tape)

Joan taped up the parcel, ready to go in the post.

胶带 jiāo dài

noun (tape for sticking items together)

A first-aid kit includes gauze and adhesive tape as well as bandages.

录音带 lù yīn dài

noun (tape for recording sound)

磁带 cí dài

noun (tape: for recording)

The interviews were recorded on cassette.


noun (strip for blocking [sth] off)

The construction workers blocked off the manhole with caution tape.

透明胶带 tòu míng jiāo dài

noun (adhesive tape)

The sticky side of cellophane tape is useful for removing dog and cat hair from clothes.


noun (for masking errors)

When I used a typewriter I went through a lot of correction tape, but with a computer I just hit "Delete".


noun (strip: adhesive on both sides)

强力胶带 qiáng lì jiāo dài

noun (strong adhesive tape)

Duct tape can be used to repair almost anything.


noun (botany: marine plant)


noun (tape used to cover electric wires)

砂贴 shā tiē

noun (adhesive tape used for friction)

磁带 cí dài

noun (uncountable (strip sensitive to electromagnets)

遮护胶带 zhē hù jiāo dài

noun (temporary sticking tape)

When you are painting window frames, put masking tape round the edge to stop the paint getting on the glass.

母带 mǔ dài

noun (original recording)

I made a copy in case the master tape was destroyed or stolen.

官僚习气,繁文缛节 guān liáo xí qì,fán wén rù jié

noun (figurative, informal (bureaucracy) (比喻,非正式用语)

Prepare yourself for a lot of red tape when buying a house in Italy.

透明胶带 tòu míng jiāo dài

noun (uncountable, ® (clear adhesive tape)


transitive verb (uncountable, ® (repair or attach with Scotch tape)

胶带 jiāo dài

noun (adhesive strip)

I use sticky tape to remove fluff from my clothes.

医用胶带 yī yòng jiāo dài

noun (adhesive bandage)

盒式磁带 hé shì cí dài

noun (magnetic cassette for audio, video)

磁带播放器 cí dài bō fàng qì

noun (device that plays audio cassettes)

With the advent of CDs, tape decks in cars are becoming obsolete.

磁带驱动器 cí dài qū dòng qì

noun (transfers data between computer and tape)

We used to load reels of tape onto the tape drive so old data could be read.

卷尺 juǎn chǐ

noun (strip for measuring)

Tailors and dressmakers use tape measures to take measurements for clothing.

用胶带粘紧 yòng jiāo dài nián jǐn

(attach with sticky tape)

I need you to tape the poster on the wall.


(attach with sticky tape)

磁带播放器 cí dài bō fàng qì

noun (machine: plays audio cassettes)

Aaron switched on the tape player.

录音机 lù yīn jī

noun (device for recording onto audio cassette)

磁带录音 cí dài lù yīn

noun (sound reproduction on cassette)

The police have a tape recording of you admitting that you stole the money.


transitive verb (audio)

录像带里的磁带 lù xiàng dài lǐ de cí dài

noun (uncountable (film, audio medium)

One of the disadvantages of videotape is that it can become stretched.

录像带 lù xiàng dài

noun (videocassette)

The videotape has got stuck in the player.

磁带录像机 cí dài lù xiàng jī

noun (appliance that plays video cassettes)

I put the cassette in the video tape recorder and sat back to watch the film.

让我们学习 英语

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tape 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。