英语 中的 measure 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 measure 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 measure 的说明。

英语 中的measure 表示测量, 度量, 斟酌,估量,权衡 zhēn zhuó,gū liang ,quán héng, 把…和…相比, 比较 bǐ jiào, 度量单位 dù liàng dān wèi, 计量制 jì liàng zhì, 措施 cuò shī, 尺寸 chǐ cùn, 一定量 yí dìng liàng, 测量工具 cè liáng gōng jù, 尺度 chǐ dù, 大小 dà xiǎo, 措施 cuò shī, (一定的)量, 小节 xiǎo jié, 把…测量后分配, 符合标准 fú hé biāo zhǔn, 达到…的要求, 度量 dù liàng, 给…量尺寸, 评估 píng gū, 无可估量, 应对措施,对策 duì cè, 对策 duì cè, 对策 duì cè, 双份 shuāng fèn, 另外,此外 lìng wài,cǐ wài, 足量, 全部,全面,最大程度 quán bù,quán miàn,zuì dà chéng dù, 不彻底的办法, 在一定程度上 zài yí dìng chéng dù shàng, 很大程度上 hěn dà chéng dù shàng, 在某种程度上 zài mǒu zhǒng chéng dù shàng, 量身订制的,订制的,定做的 liáng shēn dìng zhì de,dìng zhì de,dìng zuò de, 以牙还牙地 yǐ yá huán yá de, 为…给…量尺寸, 谨言慎行, 防护措施, 粗略的测量 cū lüè de cè liáng, 卷尺 juǎn chǐ, 临时举措 lín shí jǔ cuò。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 measure 的含义

测量, 度量

transitive verb (calculate dimensions)

I need to measure the wood before I cut it. The player measured the distance to the goal.

斟酌,估量,权衡 zhēn zhuó,gū liang ,quán héng

transitive verb (figurative (weigh, consider)

He measured all of his options before acting.


(figurative (compare)

The new president's success would always be measured against his predecessor's.

比较 bǐ jiào


He tested his skill to see how he measures against the competition.

度量单位 dù liàng dān wèi

noun (unit of measurement)

They use pounds as a measure in the USA.

计量制 jì liàng zhì

noun (system of measurement)

The litre is a liquid measure.

措施 cuò shī

noun (often plural (action taken)

This measure is necessary to ensure the safety of all employees.

尺寸 chǐ cùn

noun (often plural (dimensions calculated)

I have the measures of the room in my notebook.

一定量 yí dìng liàng

noun (figurative (limited amount)

He had just a measure of curiosity about the subject.

测量工具 cè liáng gōng jù

noun (measuring instrument)

The worker took out his measure before he started working.

尺度 chǐ dù

noun (standard)

Our process is the best one, by any measure.

大小 dà xiǎo

noun (bounds, limits)

The measure of the court was 30 x 90 meters.

措施 cuò shī

noun (law, bill)

The measure was approved by the legislature.


noun (specific amount)

In English pubs, a standard measure of spirits is 25 ml.

小节 xiǎo jié

noun (music: bar) (音乐)

There are four crotchets per measure in 4/4 time.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (measure and divide [sth])

The man measured the grain out into four equal portions.

符合标准 fú hé biāo zhǔn

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (be adequate)

He will never measure up; we might as well go ahead and fire him now.


(figurative (match, be equal to)

Rodgers has proved that he is capable of measuring up to the demands of the job.

度量 dù liàng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (calculate dimensions of)

Go ahead and measure up the next ten boards to be cut.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (calculate size: for clothing) (为裁剪或购买衣服)

The dress designer was measuring Brenda up.

评估 píng gū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (assess, scrutinize)

Colin knew about the vacant position and was aware that his boss was measuring him up.


adverb (more than can be calculated)

应对措施,对策 duì cè

noun (act that opposes another action)

对策 duì cè

noun (retaliation: act opposing an action)

对策 duì cè

noun (response)

The government's counter-measures don't seem to be working.

双份 shuāng fèn

noun (spirits: large serving) (烈酒)

I'd like a vodka, please, and make it a double.

另外,此外 lìng wài,cǐ wài

expression (a little more than required)

Emily added an extra teaspoon of cinnamon to the recipe for good measure.


noun (measured quantity, serving of [sth]) (分量)

I asked for a gallon, and he gave me full measure.

全部,全面,最大程度 quán bù,quán miàn,zuì dà chéng dù

noun (total amount, extent)


noun (disapproving, often plural (incomplete attempt)

Teaching people how to cook healthy meals is only a half-measure if they cannot afford the ingredients. It is not a time for half measures: we need radical change now.

在一定程度上 zài yí dìng chéng dù shàng

adverb (to an extent)

很大程度上 hěn dà chéng dù shàng

adverb (largely)

The President's re-election chances are in great measure tied to the health of the economy.

在某种程度上 zài mǒu zhǒng chéng dù shàng

adverb (to an extent)

量身订制的,订制的,定做的 liáng shēn dìng zhì de,dìng zhì de,dìng zuò de

adjective (designed specifically for [sb/sth])

以牙还牙地 yǐ yá huán yá de

expression (proportionately)

During the cold war, Kennedy felt that it was imperative that the US meet Khrushchev's challenges, measure for measure.


verbal expression (calculate size: for clothing) (为裁剪或购买衣服)

The tailor measured him up for a new suit.


verbal expression (figurative (be careful what you say)


noun (often plural (action taken to prevent [sth])

Some women use birth control pills as a preventive measure to avoid pregnancy. // Washing your hands frequently is a preventative measure against getting sick.

粗略的测量 cū lüè de cè liáng

noun (approximate gauge)

By studying people's actions you'll have the rough measure of their characters.

卷尺 juǎn chǐ

noun (strip for measuring)

Tailors and dressmakers use tape measures to take measurements for clothing.

临时举措 lín shí jǔ cuò

noun (provisional course of action)

A tourniquet is a temporary measure to stop bleeding until doctors can stitch up the wound.

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measure 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。