英语 中的 trial 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 trial 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 trial 的说明。

英语 中的trial 表示审判,审讯,审问 shěn pàn,shěn xùn,shěn wèn, 测验 cè yàn, 临床试验 lín chuáng shì yàn, 选拔赛 xuǎn bá sài, 比赛 bǐ sài, 磨难 mó nàn, 测试 cè shì, 临床试验 lín chuáng shì yàn, 进行审判 jìn xíng shěn pàn, 免费试用, 受审中, 在试用期, 被审问, 审判前的 shěn pàn qián de, 预审 yù shěn, 使受到审判 shǐ shòu dào shěn pàn, 做样子的公审, 计时赛 jì shí sài, 试错法, 试错法的, 试算表 shì suàn biǎo, (试探公众舆论的)实验气球,测风气球,试探气球 shì tàn gōng zhòng yú lùn de shí yàn qì qiú,cè fēng qì qiú,shì tàn qì qiú, 陪审团审判, 法庭 fǎ tíng, 陪审团 péi shěn tuán, 出庭律师 chū tíng lǜ shī, 试用期 shì yòng qī, 试用期 shì yòng qī, 试运行 shì yùn xíng, 试行, 调试, 试错方式,从错误中学习的方法。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 trial 的含义

审判,审讯,审问 shěn pàn,shěn xùn,shěn wèn

noun (resolution of legal issue in court) (法律)

The prosecutor presented evidence at the trial.

测验 cè yàn

noun (experimental attempt)

They tested the device in a controlled trial.

临床试验 lín chuáng shì yàn

noun (often plural (clinical testing) (医学)

The drug trial lasted for three years before the drug was approved.

选拔赛 xuǎn bá sài

noun (often plural (competitive event) (体育运动)

The time trials determine who competes in the final race.

比赛 bǐ sài

noun (often plural (contest for animals) (动物如马、狗等)

I am taking my filly to the horse trials tomorrow.

磨难 mó nàn

plural noun (difficulty)

I have had such trials trying to find a new job.

测试 cè shì

transitive verb (test)

They are trialling a new drug for cancer.

临床试验 lín chuáng shì yàn

noun (controlled testing)

They're asking for volunteers for clinical trials of a new drug.

进行审判 jìn xíng shěn pàn

verbal expression (hold court proceedings)

We should conduct a trial before we hang him.


noun (sample of [sth] at no charge)

If you want to check our new vehicles, just give us a call and we'll schedule a free trial.


expression (being examined in court) (法庭)


expression (undergoing probationary period)


expression (informal, figurative (under severe scrutiny)

Stop asking me questions about where I was; I feel like I'm on trial!

审判前的 shěn pàn qián de

adjective (before a legal trial)

预审 yù shěn

noun (court hearing before trial)

使受到审判 shǐ shòu dào shěn pàn

verbal expression (make appear in court)

Sometimes innocent people are put on trial for murder.


noun (trial with predetermined outcome)

Many show trials were conducted during Stalin's reign of terror. Show trials are meant to set an example.

计时赛 jì shí sài

noun (sport: timed qualifying)

Some stages of the Tour de France are road races; others are time trials.


noun (learning from mistakes)


noun as adjective (characterized by learning from mistakes)

试算表 shì suàn biǎo

noun (bookkeeping: check equality)

(试探公众舆论的)实验气球,测风气球,试探气球 shì tàn gōng zhòng yú lùn de shí yàn qì qiú,cè fēng qì qiú,shì tàn qì qiú

noun (test of public's reaction) (比喻)

The press release about the new product was a trial balloon to see if there would be a market for it.


noun (law: verdict decided by panel)

法庭 fǎ tíng


陪审团 péi shěn tuán

noun (law: panel of laypeople who decide guilt) (法律)

The trial jury found the accused guilty of the crime.

出庭律师 chū tíng lǜ shī

noun (US (attorney)

Trial lawyers have to be persuasive speakers in order to convince the jury.

试用期 shì yòng qī

noun (time during which [sth] can be evaluated)

The shop can hire you a wheelchair for a trial period to see if it suits your needs before you buy.

试用期 shì yòng qī

noun (time when employee, etc., is evaluated) (正式雇佣前的)

试运行 shì yùn xíng

noun (test)

I insisted on giving the car a trial run before I bought it. I took a trial run to see how much time I'll need to get to the airport tomorrow morning.

试行, 调试

noun (experimental attempt)


noun (research method: learning from mistakes)

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trial 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。