英语 中的 trouble 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 trouble 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 trouble 的说明。

英语 中的trouble 表示麻烦 má fán, 烦恼,烦心事 fán nǎo,fán xīn shì, 骚乱 sāo luàn, 辛苦 xīn kǔ, 辛苦努力 xīn kǔ nǔ lì, 麻烦 má fán, 使…忧虑 shǐ … yōu lǜ, 故障 gù zhàng, 造成麻烦的人或物,闯祸的人或物, 内乱, 动乱, 担心 dān xīn, 费力做某事, 使不安定 shǐ bù ān dìng, 使遭受 shǐ zāo shòu, 招惹,自找 zhāo rě,zì zhǎo, 带来麻烦, 因…受到惩罚, 陷入困境 xiàn rù kùn jìng, 让…未婚怀孕, 让…婚外怀孕, 给...惹麻烦, 让...怀孕, 花很多精力做某事, 有困难 yǒu kùn nán, 心脏病 xīn zàng bìng, 有麻烦的 yǒu má fán de, 惹上麻烦的 rě shàng má fán de, 处于困境中 chǔ yú kùn jìng zhōng, 制造麻烦 zhì zào má fán, 给…带来麻烦, 挑起事端 tiǎo qǐ shì duān, 故障点 gù zhàng diǎn, 动荡的地区 dòng dàng de dì qū, (某人/某方面的)问题 mǒu rén mǒu fāng miàn de wèn tí, 自找…麻烦 zì zhǎo má fán, 没有困难的 méi yǒu kùn nán de, 麻烦制造者 má fán zhì zào zhě。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 trouble 的含义

麻烦 má fán

noun (difficulty)

He was having trouble getting the key in the door.

烦恼,烦心事 fán nǎo,fán xīn shì

plural noun (problems)

Francesca was telling me about all her troubles.

骚乱 sāo luàn

noun (disturbance)

The city closed the bar down because there was always trouble outside it.

辛苦 xīn kǔ

noun (cause of effort, exertion)

This job is just too much trouble.

辛苦努力 xīn kǔ nǔ lì

noun (effort)

Making your own clothing isn't worth the trouble.

麻烦 má fán

transitive verb (disturb, inconvenience)

I'm sorry to trouble you, but there is someone on the phone.

使…忧虑 shǐ … yōu lǜ

transitive verb (worry)

She was troubled by his spending habits.

故障 gù zhàng

noun (improper functioning) (机器等)

This washing machine is always giving trouble.


noun (informal (cause of problems)

Stay away from that boy - he's trouble.

内乱, 动乱

plural noun (UK, Ire (political strife)

I lived in Belfast throughout the Troubles.

担心 dān xīn

intransitive verb (worry)

It's alright, I'll do it - don't trouble.


(make an effort)

She didn't even trouble to tell me what had happened.

使不安定 shǐ bù ān dìng

transitive verb (make waves in)

She troubled the usually calm committee with her new ideas.

使遭受 shǐ zāo shòu

transitive verb (afflict, cause pain)

The athlete's Achilles tendon was troubling her.

招惹,自找 zhāo rě,zì zhǎo

(figurative, informal (invite: trouble)

I wouldn't do that if I were you! You're just asking for it.


(create problems)

The virus has been causing trouble for computer systems all over the world.


verbal expression (informal (be punished for doing [sth]) (非正式用语)

I often got into trouble with my teachers. I got in trouble for stealing apples from his orchard.

陷入困境 xiàn rù kùn jìng

verbal expression (be punished for wrongdoing)

Sarah gets into trouble at school every day because she won't stop talking in class.

让…未婚怀孕, 让…婚外怀孕

verbal expression (dated, informal (get pregnant outside marriage)

A lot of teenage girls who get into trouble choose to give their babies up for adoption.


verbal expression (cause [sb] to be reprimanded)

Chloe got me into trouble by passing me notes in class.


verbal expression (dated, informal (get [sb] pregnant outside marriage) (指未婚时或婚外)

When Arthur got Rita into trouble, their parents were furious.


verbal expression (make a special effort to)

I went to a lot of trouble to prepare a special dinner.

有困难 yǒu kùn nán

(experience difficulty: doing [sth])

I have trouble remembering passwords.

心脏病 xīn zàng bìng

noun (cardiac condition)

He was rushed to the hospital because of heart trouble. My neighbor was having a lot of heart trouble, so they implanted a pacemaker in her shoulder.

有麻烦的 yǒu má fán de

verbal expression (facing punishment)

My brother's in trouble for staying out after midnight.

惹上麻烦的 rě shàng má fán de

verbal expression (slang, euphemism (accidentally pregnant) (俚语,委婉语,指意外怀孕)

If you don't use a condom you might end up in trouble.

处于困境中 chǔ yú kùn jìng zhōng

verbal expression (in a difficult situation)

Call the lifeguard! - my son's in trouble and I can't swim!

制造麻烦 zhì zào má fán

(cause problems)

Nina was hoping that the children would behave themselves and not make trouble.


verbal expression (cause problems)

The icy roads are making trouble for motorists.

挑起事端 tiǎo qǐ shì duān

verbal expression (informal (provoke discontent or disagreement)

The motorcycle gang roared into town, determined to stir up trouble. Gossips must repeat rumors just to stir up trouble.

故障点 gù zhàng diǎn

noun (difficult place)

Pakistan and Iran are thought of as trouble spots in the West.

动荡的地区 dòng dàng de dì qū

noun (location of frequent fighting, violence)

That pub's a notorious trouble spot.

(某人/某方面的)问题 mǒu rén mǒu fāng miàn de wèn tí

noun (informal (problem posed by)

The trouble with living in the country is that you have to drive everywhere. The trouble with cats is they leave their fur everywhere.

自找…麻烦 zì zhǎo má fán

verbal expression (bother to attend to)

Don't trouble yourself with the details, just read what's essential.

没有困难的 méi yǒu kùn nán de

adjective (not problematic)

There is no marriage that is completely troublefree.

麻烦制造者 má fán zhì zào zhě

noun ([sb]: creates trouble)

Although Tommy is a bit of a troublemaker, he is quite smart.

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trouble 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。