英语 中的 trousers 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 trousers 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 trousers 的说明。

英语 中的trousers 表示长裤 cháng kù, 内裤 nèi kù, 短衬裤,内裤 duǎn chèn kù,nèi kù, 裤子的, 差的 chà de, 不擅长,对...不擅长, 糟糕, 完蛋, 裤子 kù zi, 裤子的, 长裤 cháng kù, 裤腿 kù tuǐ, 偷拿 tōu ná, 摸石头过河, 卡普里裤,七分裤, 工装裤 gōng zhuāng kù, 七分裤, 正装长裤, 曲棍球裤, 热裤 rè kù, 性欲 xìng yù, 女式短衬裤 nǚ shì duǎn chèn kù, 长裤 cháng kù, 男长裤, 一条短裤 yì tiáo duǎn kù, 一条裤子 yì tiáo kù zi, 睡裤, 弄湿自己, 吓得屁股尿流, 笑到无法控制, 短裤 duǎn kù, 滑雪裤 huá xuě kù, 自以为聪明的人,自作聪明者 zì yǐ wéi cōng míng de rén,zì zuò cōng míng zhě, 吊带裤,背带裤, 宽松运动裤 kuān sōng yùn dòng kù, 田径裤, 当家,掌权 zhǎng quán。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 trousers 的含义

长裤 cháng kù

plural noun (clothing for the legs)

Mary's pants had a hole in the knee.

内裤 nèi kù

plural noun (underwear)

Jeff put on his pants and vest and a pair of jeans. Brian packed five pairs of underpants in his suitcase.

短衬裤,内裤 duǎn chèn kù,nèi kù

plural noun (women's or girls' underpants) (女子所穿的)

Under her skirt, Judy wore lace pants. Patricia bought herself some new panties with a lace frill.


noun as adjective (mainly US (relating to trousers)

This pant leg isn't wide enough.

差的 chà de

adjective (UK, pejorative, slang (inferior)

That film was pants.


(UK, pejorative, slang (person: incompetent, useless) (人)

I'm pants at football, and John's pants at chess.

糟糕, 完蛋

interjection (UK, informal (expressing mild annoyance)

Oh pants! I forgot to book a table for Friday night. I hope the restaurant still has one available.

裤子 kù zi

plural noun (mainly UK (pants)

The girls' uniform consists of a black jumper and grey trousers or skirt.


noun as adjective (mainly UK (relating to trousers)

Martin rolled up his trouser legs to paddle.

长裤 cháng kù

noun (fashion: pair of trousers)

裤腿 kù tuǐ

noun (one trouser leg)

偷拿 tōu ná

transitive verb (UK, figurative, informal (money, etc.: take, pocket) (金钱)

Brian trousered the change instead of leaving it as a tip.


expression (without experience or knowledge)


plural noun (mid-calf-length casual trousers)

We are not allowed to wear shorts at work, but capri pants are fine.

工装裤 gōng zhuāng kù

plural noun (casual trousers)


plural noun (capri pants: short trousers)


plural noun (US (men's formal trousers) (男士)

Even if you live in jeans, you should own at least one nice pair of dress pants.


plural noun (trousers worn by hockey player)

热裤 rè kù

plural noun (women's short pants)

性欲 xìng yù

plural noun (US, slang, derogatory (sexual appetite)

女式短衬裤 nǚ shì duǎn chèn kù

plural noun (UK (women's underpants)

Sarah bought some new knickers at the store.

长裤 cháng kù

plural noun (US (trousers: reaching to feet)

Bill is wearing long pants.


plural noun (long pants for men)

一条短裤 yì tiáo duǎn kù

noun (UK (underpants, knickers)

一条裤子 yì tiáo kù zi

noun (US (outer garment: trousers)

My son has already outgrown the last pair of pants I bought him. She bought three pairs of pants at the mall in one day!


plural noun (sleepwear: lower part)


verbal expression (informal (wet yourself)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (be very scared)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (laugh uncontrollably)

短裤 duǎn kù

plural noun (US (shorts, thigh-length trousers)

The weather's much too cold for you to wear short pants.

滑雪裤 huá xuě kù

plural noun (US (trousers worn for skiing)

When he finished, his ski pants were soaking wet.

自以为聪明的人,自作聪明者 zì yǐ wéi cōng míng de rén,zì zuò cōng míng zhě

noun (informal, figurative (arrogantly clever person) (非正式用语,比喻)


plural noun (US (trousers held up by braces)

宽松运动裤 kuān sōng yùn dòng kù

plural noun (US (loose pants with an elastic waist)

On my days off I like to lounge around the house in sweatpants.


plural noun (athlete's long tracksuit trousers)

当家,掌权 zhǎng quán

verbal expression (figurative (have control of [sth])

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trousers 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。