英语 中的 twenty 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 twenty 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 twenty 的说明。

英语 中的twenty 表示二十 èr shí, 二十个, 二十岁的 èr shí suì de, 二十多岁 èr shí duō suì, 二十年代 èr shí nián dài, 20个, 二十元的钞票 èr shí yuán de chāo piào, 二十英镑的纸币, 二十欧元纸钞, 20号,20日, 20号,20日, 24小时的, 24小时的,昼夜的, 二十国集团, 二十美元的钞票 èr shí měi yuán de chāo piào, 二十八 èr shí bā, 二十八的 èr shí bā de, 二十八岁的 èr shí bā suì de, 二十八人, 28号, 28号, 第二十八的, 第二十八, 28日,28号, 28日,28号, 第二十五位, 第二十五个, 二十五号, 二十五号, 21的, 21世纪的, 第21, 21岁生日, 21号, …月的21号, 二十五,25 èr shí wǔ, 二十五(个)的 èr shí wǔ gè de, 二十五岁的 èr shí wǔ suì de, 25 人, 25 日,25 号, 25 日,25 号, 二十五美分 èr shí wǔ měi fēn, 四分之一 sì fēn zhī yī, 四分之一的 sì fēn zhī yī de, 二十四,24 èr shí sì, 二十四(个)的 èr shí sì gè de, 二十四岁的 èr shí sì suì de, 二十四人, 24号, 24号, 第二十四的, 第二十四, 24日,24号, 24日,24号, 二十九 èr shí jiǔ, 二十九 èr shí jiǔ, 二十九 èr shí jiǔ, 二十九个, 二十九号, 二十九号, 第29的, 第29, 29日,29号, 29日,29号, 二十一,21 èr shí yī, 二十一(个)的 èr shí yī gè de, 二十一岁的 èr shí yī suì de, 21 人, 21 日,21 号, 21 日,21 号, 第二十二的, 第二十二, 二十二号, 二十二号, 27, 二十七的 èr shí qī de, 二十七岁的 èr shí qī suì de, 二十七人, 27号, 27号, 第二十七的, 第二十七, 二十七日, 二十七日, 二十六 èr shí liù, 二十六的 èr shí liù de, 二十六岁的 èr shí liù suì de, 二十六人, 26号, 26号, 第二十六的, 第二十六, 二十六日, 二十六日, 第 23 个的, 第 23 个, 这个月 23 日, 23 日, 两万的, 二十三 èr shí sān, 二十三的 èr shí sān de, 二十三岁的 èr shí sān suì de, 二十三个, 二十三日, 二十三日, 视力正常的, 二十二 èr shí èr, 二十二(个)的 èr shí èr gè de, 二十二岁的 èr shí èr suì de, 二十二人, 22号。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 twenty 的含义

二十 èr shí

noun (cardinal number: 20) (基数词)

Twenty is an even number.


adjective (20 in number)

She bought twenty books in one day.

二十岁的 èr shí suì de

adjective (20 years of age)

I'll be twenty next month.

二十多岁 èr shí duō suì

plural noun (age: 20-29 years)

Danny's twenties were a time of transition as he worked hard to establish a career.

二十年代 èr shí nián dài

plural noun (decade: 1920s)

Flapper fashion was popular during the twenties.


pronoun (people, things: 20 of them) (人,物)

Most of the classes have 30 students, but in this one there are only 20.

二十元的钞票 èr shí yuán de chāo piào

noun (US, Can, AU, informal (paper money: bill worth 20 dollars)

The suitcase was full of twenties.


noun (UK (paper money: note worth 20 pounds)

Paul borrowed a twenty from his brother.


noun (paper money: note worth 20 euros)

I handed the cashier a twenty and she gave me five cents' change.


noun (US, written (twentieth day of specified month) (一个月的第二十天)

I have booked a hotel room for 14 nights, from October 20 to November 3.


noun (mainly UK, written (twentieth day of specified month) (一个月的第二十天)

I was born on 20 August 1969.


noun as adjective (lasting 24 hours)


noun as adjective (open all day, night)

There's a 24-hour ATM on the corner.


noun (abbreviation (Group of Twenty)

二十美元的钞票 èr shí měi yuán de chāo piào

noun (US (bank note worth 20 dollars)

Wow, would you look at that, I just found a twenty-dollar bill on the ground!

二十八 èr shí bā

noun (cardinal number: 28) (基数词)

Twenty-eight is four times seven.

二十八的 èr shí bā de

adjective (28 in number)

二十八岁的 èr shí bā suì de

adjective (28 years of age)

He turned twenty-eight last week.


pronoun (people, things: 28 of them)


noun (US, written (twenty-eighth day of specified month)

The baby was due on March 28, but wasn't born until April 2.


noun (mainly UK, written (twenty-eighth day of specified month)

I'll be back from my holidays on 28 March.


adjective (28th in a series or list)


noun (in a series, list: 28th item, person)


noun (twenty-eighth day of the month)


noun (UK (twenty-eighth day of specified month)

My daughter was born on the 28th August.


adjective (25th in a series or list)


noun (in a series, list: 25th item, person)


noun (twenty-fifth day of the month)

Christmas Day is always on the 25th.


noun (UK (twenty-fifth day of specified month)

I've got tickets to see my favourite band in concert on the April the 25th.


adjective (21st in a series or list)

Many challenges faced the world at the beginning of the twenty-first century.


adjective (century: 2000-2099)

What did you and your family do to usher in the twenty-first century?


noun (in a series, list: 21st item, person)

Jack was the twenty-first out of twenty-two people to win an award that night.


noun (informal (21st birthday)

Have any big plans for your twenty-first this weekend?


noun (twenty-first day of the month)

Is today the twenty-first?


noun (UK (twenty-first day of specified month)

I'm afraid Mr. Cooper is away, and won't be back until the 21st of April.

二十五,25 èr shí wǔ

noun (cardinal number: 25) (基数词)

There are twenty-five children in the class.

二十五(个)的 èr shí wǔ gè de

adjective (25 in number)

He requested twenty-five of those screwdrivers.

二十五岁的 èr shí wǔ suì de

adjective (25 years of age)

Tania is twenty-five. Sharon has a twenty-five-year-old brother.

25 人

pronoun (people, things: 25 of them)

Exactly 25 people have been accepted into the program.

25 日,25 号

noun (US, written (twenty-fifth day of specified month) (日期)

Winter Break will be from February 21 to February 25 inclusive.

25 日,25 号

noun (mainly UK, written (twenty-fifth day of specified month) (日期)

The letter was dated 25 April, 2010.

二十五美分 èr shí wǔ měi fēn

plural noun (coins worth quarter of a dollar)

One quarter equals 25 cents.

四分之一 sì fēn zhī yī

noun (a quarter)

Twenty-five percent is a quarter of one hundred.

四分之一的 sì fēn zhī yī de

adverb (a quarter: of [sth])

二十四,24 èr shí sì

noun (cardinal number: 24) (基数词)

二十四(个)的 èr shí sì gè de

adjective (24 in number)

二十四岁的 èr shí sì suì de

adjective (24 years of age)

He was twenty-four years old when he got married for the first time.


pronoun (people, things: 24 of them)


noun (US, written (twenty-fourth day of specified month)

Christmas Eve is on December 24.


noun (mainly UK, written (twenty-fourth day of specified month)

Thank you for your letter of 24 June.


adjective (24th in a series or list)


noun (in a series, list: 24th item, person)


noun (twenty-fourth day of the month)

Melanie's baby was due on the twenty-fourth, but five days later, she's still waiting!


noun (UK (twenty-fourth day of specified month)

Chris and Jo are getting married on the 24th July.

二十九 èr shí jiǔ

noun (cardinal number: 29)

How do you say "twenty-nine" in French?

二十九 èr shí jiǔ

adjective (29 in number) (数量)

Claire has twenty-nine pairs of shoes!

二十九 èr shí jiǔ

adjective (29 years of age) (年纪)

Judith is twenty-nine.


pronoun (people, things: 29 of them)


noun (US, written (twenty-ninth day of specified month)

Jana was born on February 29; she celebrates her birthday on March 1.


noun (mainly UK, written (twenty-ninth day of specified month)

Thank you for your letter of 29 June.


adjective (29th in a series or list)


noun (in a series, list: 29th item, person)


noun (twenty-ninth day of the month)


noun (UK (twenty-ninth day of specified month)

The baby was due on the 29th of August, but she was born three days early.

二十一,21 èr shí yī

noun (cardinal number: 21) (基数)

Twenty-one comes before twenty-two.

二十一(个)的 èr shí yī gè de

adjective (21 in number)

Yesterday I saw twenty-one birds in the tree in my backyard.

二十一岁的 èr shí yī suì de

adjective (21 years of age)

In many states of the US, you must be twenty-one to buy alcohol.

21 人

pronoun (people, things: 21 of them)

Twenty-one of the thirty positions have already been filled.

21 日,21 号

noun (US, written (twenty-first day of specified month) (日期)

The heads of state are meeting to discuss this issue on March 21.

21 日,21 号

noun (mainly UK, written (twenty-first day of specified month) (日期)

I finish work on 21 December and will be on holiday for two weeks.


adjective (22nd in a series or list)

Jenkins is in twenty-second place in the list of the club's most successful players.


noun (in a series, list: 22nd item, person)


noun (twenty-second day of the month)


noun (UK (twenty-second day of specified month)

The agreement was signed on the twenty-second of January 1982.


noun (cardinal number: 27)

Twenty-seven minus two is twenty-five.

二十七的 èr shí qī de

adjective (27 in number)

The teacher bought twenty-seven pencils for her students.

二十七岁的 èr shí qī suì de

adjective (27 years of age)

Amy wanted to get married before she turned twenty-seven.


pronoun (people, things: 27 of them)


noun (US, written (twenty-seventh day of specified month)

I'll be on vacation for ten days from July 27.


noun (mainly UK, written (twenty-seventh day of specified month)

The autumn term begins on 27 September this year.


adjective (27th in a series or list)


noun (in a series, list: 27th item, person)


noun (twenty-seventh day of the month)


noun (UK (twenty-seventh day of specified month)

Don't forget to vote on 27th of May!

二十六 èr shí liù

noun (cardinal number: 26)

二十六的 èr shí liù de

adjective (26 in number)

二十六岁的 èr shí liù suì de

adjective (26 years of age)


pronoun (people, things: 26 of them)


noun (US, written (twenty-sixth day of specified month)

If your birthday is October 26, then you're a Scorpio.


noun (mainly UK, written (twenty-sixth day of specified month)

I am leaving for Paris on 26 May.


adjective (26th in a series or list)


noun (in a series, list: 26th item, person)


noun (twenty-sixth day of the month)


noun (UK (twenty-sixth day of specified month)

In the UK, we call the twenty-sixth of December "Boxing Day".

第 23 个的

adjective (item, person: 23rd in a series or list) (项目、物件、人等)

第 23 个

noun (in a series, list: 23rd item, person)

这个月 23 日

noun (twenty-third day of the month) (日期)

Sorry I missed your birthday; I thought it was the 23rd, not the 21st.

23 日

noun (UK (twenty-third day of specified month) (某个月的)

The 23rd of May marks ten years since we moved into this house.


adjective (20,000 of [sth])

二十三 èr shí sān

noun (cardinal number: 23)

Twenty-three is the ninth prime number.

二十三的 èr shí sān de

adjective (23 in number)

The debate was adjourned at twenty-three minutes past ten.

二十三岁的 èr shí sān suì de

adjective (23 years of age)

Sue left Canada at the age of twenty-three. When I was 23, I went on a round-the-world trip.


pronoun (people, things: 23 of them)


noun (US, written (twenty-third day of specified month)

The store will be closed on December 23.


noun (mainly UK, written (twenty-third day of specified month)

Re: your email of 23 June, I am writing to let you know that we have cancelled your subscription.


adjective (vision: normal)

二十二 èr shí èr

noun (cardinal number: 22)

二十二(个)的 èr shí èr gè de

adjective (22 in number)

二十二岁的 èr shí èr suì de

adjective (22 years of age)


pronoun (people, things: 22 of them)


noun (US, written (twenty-second day of specified month)

I look forward to seeing you on August 22.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 twenty 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。