英语 中的 score 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 score 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 score 的说明。

英语 中的score 表示得分,比分 dé fēn ,bǐ fēn, 得分,分数 dé fēn ,fēn shù, 得分,获分 dé fēn ,huò fēn, 得(分) dé fēn, 刮 guā, (计数等用的)刻痕、刻线 jì shǔ děng yòng de kè hén kè xiàn, 划痕 huà hén, 配乐 pèi yuè, 二十 èr shí, 许多 xǔ duō, 得分 dé fēn, 二十英镑, 计分 jì fēn, 成功,获得成功 chéng gōng,huò dé chéng gōng, 做爱, 性交, 艳遇, 把…谱成管弦乐曲 bǎ pǔ chéng guǎn xián yuè qǔ, 为…判分 wèi pàn fēn, 给…配乐 gěi pèi yuè, 在…划长形切口 zài huà cháng xíng qiē kǒu, 计 jì, 赢得 yíng dé, 在...上压出折痕, 得分记录表,总成绩 dé fēn jì lù biǎo,zǒng chéng jì, 信用评分 xìn yòng píng fēn, 有账要算, 高得分, 记分 jì fēn, 记录 jì lù, 了解真相 liǎo jiě zhēn xiàng, 平均分,平均分数,平均得分 píng jūn fēn, 乐谱 yuè pǔ, 配乐 pèi yuè, 管弦乐团总谱, 钢琴谱 gāng qín pǔ, 实际分数, 记分卡 jì fēn kǎ, 记分单 jì fēn dān, 算账 suàn zhàng, 找…算帐, 算帐 suàn zhàng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 score 的含义

得分,比分 dé fēn ,bǐ fēn

noun (game, sport: points) (比赛)

The basketball score was forty to thirty-eight at halftime. Have I missed the start of the match? What's the score?

得分,分数 dé fēn ,fēn shù

noun (UK (test performance) (考试、测验等)

Sally had the highest set of scores in her exams.

得分,获分 dé fēn ,huò fēn

intransitive verb (game, sport: earn points) (比赛)

The team's forward scored at the last minute.

得(分) dé fēn

transitive verb (earn points) (体育比赛)

With each basket you score two points for your team.

刮 guā

transitive verb (make scratch, groove in)

Furious at seeing yet another badly parked car, Eugene ran his keys along the side of it and scored the paintwork.

(计数等用的)刻痕、刻线 jì shǔ děng yòng de kè hén kè xiàn

noun (notch)

Scientists discovered scores etched on walls in ancient caves.

划痕 huà hén

noun (scratch)

The fine table has a score in the finish.

配乐 pèi yuè

noun (musical soundtrack)

The composer wrote the score for the film.

二十 èr shí

noun (archaic, invariable (twenty) (历史用法)

The expression "three score and ten" refers to a life expectancy of 70 years.

许多 xǔ duō

adjective (figurative (many: people, etc.)

There were scores of people at the shopping mall on Christmas Eve.

得分 dé fēn

noun (act of earning a point)

Bennett's score put the red team ahead.


noun (UK, slang (twenty pounds)

Lend us a score, will you?

计分 jì fēn

intransitive verb (keep track of results)

You can play, and I will score.

成功,获得成功 chéng gōng,huò dé chéng gōng

intransitive verb (US, informal, figurative (succeed) (俚语,比喻)

After applying ten times, I finally scored with an acceptance letter.

做爱, 性交

intransitive verb (slang, figurative (have sex) (俚语)

Did you finally score with her last night?


intransitive verb (slang (find sexual partner)

Jenna is very attractive and almost always scores when she goes out.

把…谱成管弦乐曲 bǎ pǔ chéng guǎn xián yuè qǔ

transitive verb (music: orchestrate)

Ravel scored Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition."

为…判分 wèi pàn fēn

transitive verb (test: mark)

The teacher scored the multiple-choice exams.

给…配乐 gěi pèi yuè

transitive verb (music: compose)

He scored the last three movements very quickly.

在…划长形切口 zài huà cháng xíng qiē kǒu

transitive verb (food: cut ridges in) (烹饪)

Score the Brussels sprout base for faster cooking time.

计 jì

transitive verb (tally up) (分数等)

Father scored the points for the last round of rummy.

赢得 yíng dé

transitive verb (gain, win)

They scored seven wins last season.


transitive verb (crease using a blade)

It is easier to fold the paper if you score it first.

得分记录表,总成绩 dé fēn jì lù biǎo,zǒng chéng jì

noun (sport: statistics) (体育运动)

The box score for basketball game gives you lots of useful statistics.

信用评分 xìn yòng píng fēn

noun (ability to repay)

I've no idea at all what my credit score is.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (plan to take revenge) (指复仇等)

Bruce has a score to settle with Joe because he thinks Joe stole some of his money.


noun (test, game: good marks) (测试、比赛)

You will need to gain a high score in every section of the test.

记分 jì fēn

(sport: record results) (体育比赛)

Please keep score for your team while Jim does the same for his team.

记录 jì lù

(figurative (track what is given and owed)

Gillian is always keeping score in her relationship with Mike; she thinks he does fewer chores than her.

了解真相 liǎo jiě zhēn xiàng

verbal expression (informal, figurative (understand the situation)

She says the cheque is in the mail, but I know the score - she's trying not to pay us.

平均分,平均分数,平均得分 píng jūn fēn

noun (average result)

The mean score on this test was 65%.

乐谱 yuè pǔ

noun (sheet music for a play, film, etc.)

The violinist placed the musical score on a stand and began to play.

配乐 pèi yuè

noun (soundtrack of a play, film, etc.)

Michael Nyman composed the musical score for the film.


noun (sheet music for an orchestra)

A huge amount of information is presented in an orchestral score.

钢琴谱 gāng qín pǔ

noun (sheet music for a pianist)

I found the piano score for the song in the music store.


noun (actual test result)

My raw score on the math test was 65 percent, but it was the best in the class, so the percentile score was 100 percent.

记分卡 jì fēn kǎ

noun (sport: card for recording results)

The golfer was disqualified because he forgot to sign his score card.

记分单 jì fēn dān

noun (sport: page for recording results) (体育比赛)

According to the score sheet I'm winning!

算账 suàn zhàng

verbal expression (figurative (take revenge)


verbal expression (figurative (take revenge on [sb])

Alex dreamed up ways to settle the score with his enemies. The author wrote the scandalous book to settle the score with her one-time friends.

算帐 suàn zhàng

verbal expression (figurative (conclude a matter)

Jane settled the score by looking up the answer on the Internet.

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score 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。