英语 中的 waved 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 waved 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 waved 的说明。

英语 中的waved 表示波浪 bō làng, 招手 zhāo shǒu, 波,浪潮 bō,làng cháo, 挥手致意, 挥手再见, 向…挥手示意, 波动 bō dòng, 突发 tū fā, (情绪等的)爆发 qíng xù děng de bào fā, 人潮,人浪 rén cháo,rén làng, 飘动,飘扬 piāo dòng,piāo yáng, 挥舞 huī wǔ, 挥舞 huī wǔ, 卷头发, 挥手示意…退下,挥手示意…离开, 挥手告别 huī shǒu gào bié, 挥手回应, 挥手示意…停下, 挥手告别 huī shǒu gào bié, 挥手赶走 huī shǒu gǎn zǒu, 脑电波 nǎo diàn bō, 灵机一动,好点子 líng jī yí dòng,hǎo diǎn zi, 寒潮 hán cháo, 冷烫 lěng tàng, (某一地区短期内的)犯罪率激增 mǒu yí dì qū duǎn qī nèi de fàn zuì lǜ jī zēng, 酷暑时期 kù shǔ shí qī, 墨西哥人浪, 新风尚, 新趋势, 新浪潮运动 xīn làng cháo yùn dòng, 新浪潮的, 新浪潮, 新浪潮的, 烫发 tàng fà, 烫发 tàng fà, 地震波 dì zhèn bō, 冲击波 chōng jī bō, 冲击波 chōng jī bō, 声波, 海啸 hǎi xiào, 浪潮 làng cháo, 使...波动,挥舞 huī wǔ, 挥舞,挥动 huī wǔ,huī dòng, 挥手示意…前进,挥手示意…向前移动, (无线电)波段 wú xiàn diàn bō duàn, 波形 bō xíng, 波导。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 waved 的含义

波浪 bō làng

noun (ocean, water: undulation)

The ocean waves rocked the boat.

招手 zhāo shǒu

noun (hand gesture)

Amanda acknowledged Tim with a wave as she went past.

波,浪潮 bō,làng cháo

noun (figurative (series)

There was a wave of protests after the announcement of the new policy.


intransitive verb (gesture hello, goodbye)

She saw him waving from the end of the pier.


transitive verb (gesture: hello, goodbye) (手势)

She waved goodbye to him.


(gesture in greeting)

Brent waved at his sons as he approached the house.

波动 bō dòng

noun (undulation)

The meter showed a sine wave.

突发 tū fā

noun (weather: surge) (天气)

A wave of cold air swept through the region last night.

(情绪等的)爆发 qíng xù děng de bào fā

noun (figurative (surge: of enthusiasm) (比喻)

There was a wave of enthusiasm after the team's win.

人潮,人浪 rén cháo,rén làng

noun (figurative (rush of people) (比喻)

A wave of people flowed into the stadium after they opened the doors.

飘动,飘扬 piāo dòng,piāo yáng

intransitive verb (flutter) (旗帜等)

Three flags were waving in the wind.

挥舞 huī wǔ

transitive verb (hold aloft)

Everybody ran when he started waving a gun.

挥舞 huī wǔ

transitive verb (agitate, make flutter)

The spectators at the parade were waving flags.


transitive verb (hair: curl)

She waved her hair using her curling iron.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (dismiss with hand gesture)

挥手告别 huī shǒu gào bié

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (dismiss [sb/sth])


(greet in return)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (signal [sth/sb] to stop)

挥手告别 huī shǒu gào bié

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (gesture goodbye to)

The onlookers waved the train off as it left the station.

挥手赶走 huī shǒu gǎn zǒu

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (dismiss, disregard)

脑电波 nǎo diàn bō

noun (usually plural (electrical impulse in the brain)

Brainwaves carry messages throughout our bodies.

灵机一动,好点子 líng jī yí dòng,hǎo diǎn zi

noun (figurative, informal (good idea) (比喻,非正式用语)

I had the brainwave of using apricots instead of dates, and the cake was delicious.

寒潮 hán cháo

noun (period of extremely cold weather)

The weather bureau forecast a cold wave.

冷烫 lěng tàng

noun (hairdressing: type of perm)

(某一地区短期内的)犯罪率激增 mǒu yí dì qū duǎn qī nèi de fàn zuì lǜ jī zēng

noun (rise in rate of crime)

A crime wave has been sweeping across the country.

酷暑时期 kù shǔ shí qī

noun (period of hot weather)

A heatwave in January is unusual for this part of the country.


noun (crowd movement up and down)

新风尚, 新趋势

noun (movement breaking with tradition)

新浪潮运动 xīn làng cháo yùn dòng

noun (1960s cinema) (电影的)


noun as adjective (relating to 1960s cinema) (电影)

Jean-Luc Godard is regarded as the father of French New Wave cinema.


noun (music: 70s, 80s pop) (音乐)


noun as adjective (relating to 70s, 80s pop music) (音乐)

烫发 tàng fà

noun (colloquial, abbreviation (hairstyle: permanent wave) (permanent wave的缩略形式)

I'm tired of my straight hair, so I'm getting a perm.

烫发 tàng fà

noun (dated (hairstyle: artificial curls)

In the 1980's many girls had a permanent wave to make their hair curly.

地震波 dì zhèn bō

noun (earthquake: tremor, vibration)

冲击波 chōng jī bō

noun (air pressure after explosion)

冲击波 chōng jī bō

noun (figurative, usually plural (violent disturbance) (比喻)

The scandal sent shock waves through the whole community.


noun (physics)

海啸 hǎi xiào

noun (tsunami)

The town of Hilo in Hawaii has suffered several deadly tidal waves in the last century.

浪潮 làng cháo

noun (figurative (big surge)

We've received a tidal wave of orders for our new product.

使...波动,挥舞 huī wǔ

(cause to flutter)

挥舞,挥动 huī wǔ,huī dòng

(hold aloft, brandish)


(signal to move forward)

(无线电)波段 wú xiàn diàn bō duàn

noun (radio: frequency range)

波形 bō xíng

noun (physics: shape of a wave)

The waveform of a current refers to its shape on a graph of signal strength plotted against time.


noun (tube that guides microwaves)

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