英语 中的 weighting 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 weighting 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 weighting 的说明。

英语 中的weighting 表示加权 jiā quán, 伦敦的交通补助(地区额外津贴) lún dūn de jiāo tōng bǔ zhù dì qū é wài jīn tiē, 重量 zhòng liàng, 重量 zhòng liàng, 体重 tǐ zhòng, 重量 zhòng liàng, 肥肉 féi ròu, 衡量(制), 砝码 fǎ mǎ, 杠铃片,哑铃 gàng líng piàn ,yǎ líng, (机械装置中的)重体 jī xiè zhuāng zhì zhōng de zhòng tǐ, 重物 zhòng wù, 重担 zhòng dàn, 重要性 zhòng yào xìng, 肃静 sù jìng, 影响 yǐng xiǎng, 力量,影响力 lì liàng ,yǐng xiǎng lì, 铅球, 铁饼, 重量级别 zhòng liàng jí bié, 加权,权,权重 jiā quán,quán,quán zhòng, 加重 jiā zhòng, 压住,镇住 yā zhù, 给...施加...的压力, 加权, 对…进行加权。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 weighting 的含义

加权 jiā quán

noun (relative importance)

In this test of spoken English, the weighting for accuracy is the same as that for fluency.

伦敦的交通补助(地区额外津贴) lún dūn de jiāo tōng bǔ zhù dì qū é wài jīn tiē

noun (UK (London travel allowance)

The salary for this job includes a London weighting.

重量 zhòng liàng

noun (countable (relative heaviness)

Measure the weight of these two objects and tell me which one is heavier.

重量 zhòng liàng

noun (uncountable (heaviness)

Its weight was sufficient to hold the door open.

体重 tǐ zhòng

noun (countable (how much a body weighs)

I try to maintain a healthy weight.

重量 zhòng liàng

noun (uncountable (body mass) (身体减轻的)

How much weight did you lose after you cut out sugar from your diet?

肥肉 féi ròu

noun (uncountable (body: excess fat)

No matter how much I diet, I can't seem to shift this weight.


noun (countable (measure of weight)

What system of weights and measures do they use in the UK?

砝码 fǎ mǎ

noun (countable (block used with scales)

Old scales used little weights to balance the goods purchased.

杠铃片,哑铃 gàng líng piàn ,yǎ líng

noun (countable (weight training: dumbbell) (体育运动)

He grabbed the thirty-kilogram weights for his chest exercises.

(机械装置中的)重体 jī xiè zhuāng zhì zhōng de zhòng tǐ

noun (countable (heavy element in a mechanism)

The weights in this grandfather clock need replacing.

重物 zhòng wù

noun (countable (paperweight, etc.) (如镇纸等)

The book was used as a weight to hold the door open.

重担 zhòng dàn

noun (figurative (burden)

Looking after both elderly parents was a heavy weight on her shoulders.

重要性 zhòng yào xìng

noun (uncountable, figurative (significance)

I don't apply any weight to the age of the candidates. The best man will get the job.

肃静 sù jìng

noun (uncountable, figurative (solemnity)

The priest spoke at the funeral with great weight and respect.

影响 yǐng xiǎng

noun (uncountable, figurative (influence)

She holds considerable weight in his decision-making.

力量,影响力 lì liàng ,yǐng xiǎng lì

noun (uncountable, figurative (majority)

The weight of the majority was so strong that there was no problem passing the legislation.

铅球, 铁饼

noun (countable (athletics: shot) (体育运动)

In the shot put, you have to throw the weight as far as possible.

重量级别 zhòng liàng jí bié

noun (category in boxing) (拳击比赛)

Mohammad Ali boxed in the heavy weight division.

加权,权,权重 jiā quán,quán,quán zhòng

noun (statistics: coefficient) (统计学)

The analysis shows that income has considerable weight in who buys expensive cars.

加重 jiā zhòng

transitive verb (apply weight to)

We weighted the sacks before dumping them overboard.

压住,镇住 yā zhù

transitive verb (hold down with a weight) (用重物)

He weighted the papers with the book.


transitive verb (burden)

Please don't weight me with all your problems.

加权, 对…进行加权

transitive verb (statistics: apply a coefficient to) (统计学)

The numbers were weighted to reflect population density.

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weighting 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。