英语 中的 foot 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 foot 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 foot 的说明。

英语 中的foot 表示脚,足 jiǎo ,zú, 英尺 yīng chǐ, 底座 dǐ zuò, 底部 dǐ bù, 脚步 jiǎo bù, 步兵 bù bīng, (桌、椅等家具)腿的下部 zhuō yǐ děng jiā jù tuǐ de xià bù, 脚 jiǎo, 残渣 cán zhā, 走 zǒu, 登上 dēng shàng, 付钱, 支付, 足癣 zú xuǎn, 前脚掌, 手脚被捆绑的 shǒu jiǎo bèi kǔn bǎng de, 手脚被捆住, 被完全束缚的, 立方英尺 lì fāng yīng chǐ, 畸形足 jī xíng zú, 眼角鱼尾纹, 立方英尺 lì fāng yīng chǐ, 扁平足 biǎn píng zú, 扁平足 biǎn píng zú, 水手 shuǐ shǒu, 裹脚,缠足,裹小脚, 脚病医生 jiǎo bìng yī shēng, 脚踏打气泵 jiǎo tà dǎ qì bèng, 竞走(比赛) jìng zǒu bǐ sài, 步兵 bù bīng, 普通员工 pǔ tōng yuán gōng, 付帐 fù zhàng, 人流,步行交通 rén liú, 洗脚盆, 洗脚池, (由走路过多引起的)脚酸的 yóu zǒu lù guò duō yǐn qǐ de jiǎo suān de, 从头到脚 cóng tóu dào jiǎo, 开头顺利, 出师不利, 成功的开始, 幸运兔腿 xìng yùn tù tuǐ, 步行 bù xíng, 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù, 尽量给人留下好印象, 加速 jiā sù, 坚持 jiān chí, 说错话 shuō cuò huà, 说错话 shuō cuò huà, 访问,到访 fǎng wèn,dào fǎng, 平方英尺, 战壕足病, 在脚下 zài jiǎo xià, 蹼趾, (脚趾间有薄膜连接的)蹼足 jiǎo zhǐ jiān yǒu bó mó lián jiē de pǔ zú, 打得某人手忙脚乱, 使某人措手不及。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 foot 的含义

脚,足 jiǎo ,zú

noun (anatomy: end of leg) (人体部位)

He kicks best with his right foot.

英尺 yīng chǐ

noun (measure: 0.3048 m) (等于0.3048米)

The box was a little more than one foot wide.

底座 dǐ zuò

noun (base)

The foot of this cabinet needs repairing.

底部 dǐ bù

noun (bottom)

She looked up from the foot of the stairs.

脚步 jiǎo bù

noun (tread, step)

With each foot he took he was drawing nearer the edge.

步兵 bù bīng

noun (infantry)

He led a regiment of foot in the Civil War.

(桌、椅等家具)腿的下部 zhuō yǐ děng jiā jù tuǐ de xià bù

noun (chair, table leg: end)

The table's front legs both ended in a scrolled foot.

脚 jiǎo

noun (end opposite the head)

The blankets always ended up at the foot of the bed.

残渣 cán zhā

noun (sediment, dregs)

走 zǒu

transitive verb (walk)

The car has broken down, so we'll have to foot it.

登上 dēng shàng

transitive verb (walk on, tread)

On opening night, several actors will foot the stage for the first time.

付钱, 支付

transitive verb (informal (pay: a bill)

The father of the bride will foot the bill for the wedding.

足癣 zú xuǎn

noun (fungal infection)

I wear sandals in the shower at the gym so I won't pick up athlete's foot.


noun (part of foot at base of big toe)

He stood on the balls of his feet, ready to move.

手脚被捆绑的 shǒu jiǎo bèi kǔn bǎng de

expression (with hands and feet tied)

The kidnappers left him bound hand and foot in the trunk of the car.


verbal expression (have hands and feet tied together)

The criminal was bound hand and foot so he couldn't escape.


verbal expression (figurative (inescapably obligated) (比喻)

Every child is bound hand and foot by their parents' rules.

立方英尺 lì fāng yīng chǐ

noun (written, invariable, initialism (cubic foot) (书面首字母缩略)

畸形足 jī xíng zú

noun (congenital deformity of the foot)

Persons with a clubfoot appear to be walking on their ankles.


plural noun (figurative (wrinkles at outer corner of eye)

She thought the crow's feet at her eyes were the first sign that she was getting old.

立方英尺 lì fāng yīng chǐ

noun (measure of volume: one foot cubed) (容积、体积测量单位)

A cubic foot container will hold about 7½ gallons of water.

扁平足 biǎn píng zú

noun (foot condition: low arches)

扁平足 biǎn píng zú

noun (foot with low arches)

水手 shuǐ shǒu

noun (dated, slang (sailor)


noun (Chinese foot-wrapping)

脚病医生 jiǎo bìng yī shēng

noun (podiatrist)

I went to the foot doctor to have my bunions removed.

脚踏打气泵 jiǎo tà dǎ qì bèng

noun (foot-operated pumping device)

We inflated the dinghy with a foot pump.

竞走(比赛) jìng zǒu bǐ sài

noun (running competition)

The three-legged race was always my favorite foot race.

步兵 bù bīng

noun (infantry soldier, ground soldier)

It's still the poor foot soldier who has to do all the dirty work in armed conflicts.

普通员工 pǔ tōng yuán gōng

noun (ordinary worker)

The real foot soldiers of this company are on the factory floor assembling the products.

付帐 fù zhàng

intransitive verb (pay the costs)

The Insurance company refused my claim, so I had to foot the bill for repairs myself.

人流,步行交通 rén liú

noun (pedestrians)

Be careful driving on this street; there is a lot of foot traffic because the university is nearby.


noun (basin, bowl for washing feet)


noun (swimming pool: basin for cleaning feet) (游泳馆)

(由走路过多引起的)脚酸的 yóu zǒu lù guò duō yǐn qǐ de jiǎo suān de

adjective (tired from walking)

从头到脚 cóng tóu dào jiǎo

expression (all over your body)

It was raining so hard that I was soon drenched from head to foot.


verbal expression (figurative (have a good start)


verbal expression (figurative (have a bad start)


verbal expression (figurative (succeed at an initial step)

幸运兔腿 xìng yùn tù tuǐ

noun (paw of a rabbit kept as a lucky charm)

I always carry my lucky rabbit's foot when I sit an exam.

步行 bù xíng

adverb (walking)

It sometimes takes longer to drive than to get to work on foot.

全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù

verbal expression (figurative (do your best)

I'm not really much good at it but I'll put my best foot forward.


verbal expression (figurative (make good impression)

Put your best foot forward at the job interview.

加速 jiā sù

verbal expression (informal (accelerate, drive faster)

If you put your foot down, we can get through the lights before they turn red.

坚持 jiān chí

verbal expression (informal, figurative (insist on [sth])

I had to put my foot down and tell him I wouldn't lie for him again.

说错话 shuō cuò huà

verbal expression (UK, informal, figurative (make an embarrassing blunder)

说错话 shuō cuò huà

verbal expression (figurative (make spoken blunder)

访问,到访 fǎng wèn,dào fǎng

verbal expression (enter)

Liam has never set foot in England. Peter is so rude. I'll never set foot in his house again!


noun (often pl (imperial measure: one foot squared)

The room is only twenty-two square feet; that's not a lot of room for furniture!


noun (foot disease caused by cold and damp)

在脚下 zài jiǎo xià

adverb (on the ground, under one's feet)

Sharon liked the sound of snow crunching underfoot.


noun (bird, frog: toes joined)

(脚趾间有薄膜连接的)蹼足 jiǎo zhǐ jiān yǒu bó mó lián jiē de pǔ zú

noun (person: conjoined toes)


transitive verb (make [sb] lose balance) (比赛)

The tennis player hit a shot across the court that wrong-footed his opponent.


transitive verb (figurative (make [sb] appear wrong)

The author wrong-footed critics when his book became a surprise bestseller.

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foot 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。