英语 中的 worse 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 worse 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 worse 的说明。

英语 中的worse 表示更糟地, 更差地, 更坏的 gèng huài de, 比…差,比…还糟, 比…更艰巨,比…更繁重, 比…技术差,比…生涩, 更差的东西, 差的,坏的,次的,劣质的 chà de ,huài de ,cì de ,liè zhì de, 有害的 yǒu hài de, 坏的 huài de, 不准确的 bù zhǔn què de, 差的 chà de, 让人难受的 ràng rén nán shòu de, 不合格的,有缺陷的,有问题的 bù hé gé de,yǒu quē xiàn de ,yǒu wèn tí de, 行为不得体的,举止不文明的,坏的 huài de, 严重的 yán zhòng de, 不充足的 bù chōng zú de, 技艺不佳的 jì yì bù jiā de, 不擅长,…做不好, 有病的 yǒu bìng de, 腐坏的 fǔ huài de, 不愉快的 bù yú kuài de, 恶劣的 è liè de, 难闻的 nán wén de, 不美的 bù měi de, 淫秽的 yín huì de, 假的 jiǎ de, 非常棒,好极了 fēi cháng bàng,hǎo jí le, 不好的,差的 bù hǎo de ,chà de, 极其,非常,很 jí qí ,fēi cháng,hěn, 很, 非常, 坏事 huài shì, 坏人,恶人 huài rén,è rén, 有害地 yǒu hài de, 拙劣地 zhuō liè de, 严重地 yán zhòng de, 极度 jí dù, 不良地 bù liáng de, 残忍地 cán rěn de, 遗憾地 yí hàn de, 有病的,不舒服的 yǒu bìng de ,bù shū fú de, 有害的 yǒu hài de, 坏的 huài de, 不可以 bù kě yǐ, 不礼貌地 bù lǐ mào de, 不 bù, 不适合地, 坏的 huài de, 不幸 bú xìng, 难题 nán tí, 不管是好是坏 bù guǎn shì hǎo shì huài, 变坏 biàn huài, 恶化 è huà, 每况愈下 měi kuàng yù xià, 越来越坏 yuè lái yuè huài, 变得更糟 biàn de gèng zāo, 使恶化 shǐ è huà, 恶化,变糟 è huà ,biàn zāo, 经济状况更糟糕, 更不幸, 更糟的是, 更糟的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 worse 的含义

更糟地, 更差地

adverb (comparative: badly)

Look what a mess I've made of it; you can't possibly do worse!

更坏的 gèng huài de

adjective (comparative: bad)

Yesterday's food was bad, but today's is worse.


(not as well as)

You can't possibly sing worse than me.


(more onerous in comparison)

This project is worse than the last one.


(more unskillful in comparison)

That player is worse than me.


noun ([sth] more unpleasant)

Things were bad, but he had survived worse.

差的,坏的,次的,劣质的 chà de ,huài de ,cì de ,liè zhì de

adjective (poor quality) (质量、服务)

The television reception was bad.

有害的 yǒu hài de

adjective (harmful)

Smoking is bad for you.

坏的 huài de

adjective (evil, wicked)

In films, the bad guy usually loses.

不准确的 bù zhǔn què de

adjective (incorrect, inadequate)

Your pronunciation is bad - you need to practice.

差的 chà de

adjective (unfavorable)

The critic wrote a bad review of the performance.

让人难受的 ràng rén nán shòu de

adjective (upsetting)

I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.

不合格的,有缺陷的,有问题的 bù hé gé de,yǒu quē xiàn de ,yǒu wèn tí de

adjective (defective) (产品等)

The faulty one was part of a bad batch.

行为不得体的,举止不文明的,坏的 huài de

adjective (badly behaved)

My uncle is so bad - always making rude jokes! He was a bad child, and was always misbehaving.

严重的 yán zhòng de

adjective (severe)

Take these painkillers if the pain becomes too bad.

不充足的 bù chōng zú de

adjective (inadequate) (光线)

His eyes got worse as he regularly read in bad lighting.

技艺不佳的 jì yì bù jiā de

adjective (unskilled)

He was a bad workman, and whatever he mended soon broke again.


verbal expression (unskilled at [sth])

Why is Britain so bad at tennis?

有病的 yǒu bìng de

adjective (informal (diseased)

He has a bad heart.

腐坏的 fǔ huài de

adjective (informal (rotten)

I think these apples are bad. They have been there for a month.

不愉快的 bù yú kuài de

adjective (acrimonious)

There was bad feeling between them.

恶劣的 è liè de

adjective (weather: inclement) (天气)

The west coast is renowned for its bad weather.

难闻的 nán wén de

adjective (offensive)

There was a bad smell from the bin.

不美的 bù měi de

adjective (blemished)

She had smallpox as a child and has a bad complexion because of it.

淫秽的 yín huì de

adjective (language: obscene)

The comic's routine was full of bad language.

假的 jiǎ de

adjective (counterfeit)

US: He had been paid with a bad check.

非常棒,好极了 fēi cháng bàng,hǎo jí le

adjective (slang, dated (excellent) (俚语)

Oh man, that is so bad! I really like it!

不好的,差的 bù hǎo de ,chà de

adjective (dishonorable)

He was sacked and given a bad reference.

极其,非常,很 jí qí ,fēi cháng,hěn

adverb (informal (badly: severely) (非正式用语)

He's in love and he's got it bad.

很, 非常

adverb (informal (badly: a lot)

I need a haircut real bad but the hairdresser is shut.

坏事 huài shì

noun (that which is bad)

We must take the bad with the good.

坏人,恶人 huài rén,è rén

plural noun (evil people)

Hell is reserved for the truly bad.

有害地 yǒu hài de

adverb (unfavourably)

I'm sorry things have turned out badly for you.

拙劣地 zhuō liè de

adverb (without skill, poorly)

I play the piano very badly.

严重地 yán zhòng de

adverb (severely)

Two passengers were badly hurt in the crash.

极度 jí dù

adverb (very much)

I want so badly to see you again!

不良地 bù liáng de

adverb (in naughty way)

The children behave badly when they're overtired.

残忍地 cán rěn de

adverb (in a cruel way)

The inmates at the Thai prison were treated badly.

遗憾地 yí hàn de

adverb (informal (bad: with regret)

Ray felt badly about the accident he had caused.

有病的,不舒服的 yǒu bìng de ,bù shū fú de

adjective (person: sick)

Dan was so ill that he needed to go to the hospital.

有害的 yǒu hài de

adjective (effects: harmful)

The medication has a label on it that warns of ill effects.

坏的 huài de

adjective (evil, inauspicious)

The weird hail storm in the middle of summer was interpreted as an ill omen by the superstitious townspeople.

不可以 bù kě yǐ

adverb (with difficulty, barely)

After the market crash the business could ill afford bad publicity.

不礼貌地 bù lǐ mào de

adverb (rudely, unkindly)

Sean tended to speak ill of his neighbors.

不 bù

adverb (not)

Karen ill deserves such a promotion.


adverb (badly)

The old man always wore ill fitting clothes. We were ill informed by the insurance company.

坏的 huài de

adjective (bad, poor)

The city had an ill reputation, but it was actually very nice.

不幸 bú xìng

noun (literary (misfortune)

He wished every ill upon his enemy.

难题 nán tí

plural noun (figurative (widespread problem)

The young people hope to bring an end to the ills of hunger and poverty.

不管是好是坏 bù guǎn shì hǎo shì huài

adverb (whatever the consequences)

I will be your wife for better or for worse.

变坏 biàn huài


The weather gradually got worse over the course of the day.

恶化 è huà

(illness: become more severe) (病情)

The patient's condition is getting worse.

每况愈下 měi kuàng yù xià

verbal expression (continue to deteriorate)

If we keep using fossil fuels, global warming will get worse and worse.

越来越坏 yuè lái yuè huài

verbal expression (informal (worsen)

Since I bought that self-help book my life's gone from bad to worse.

变得更糟 biàn de gèng zāo

(deteriorate, worsen)

Your cough will grow worse if you don't give up smoking.

使恶化 shǐ è huà


I told him that scratching at the rash would only make it worse.

恶化,变糟 è huà ,biàn zāo

verbal expression (deteriorate)

His condition remained stable for three days, then suddenly he took a turn for the worse.


adjective (informal (poorer)

Most people are worse off now than they were before the stock market crashed.


adjective (informal (less fortunate)

Those people are no worse off than we are.


adverb (even more unfortunately)


adjective (even more unfortunate)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。