英语 中的 would 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 would 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 would 的说明。

英语 中的would 表示就,该 jiù,gāi, 请,麻烦…做… qǐng,má fán zuò, 要,将会 jiāng huì, 以前总是,以前时常, 老是,总是 lǎo shì,zǒng shì, 将, 遗嘱 yí zhǔ, 决心 jué xīn, 意志 yì zhì, 愿望 yuàn wàng, 意愿 yì yuàn, 心意 xīn yì, 愿意,愿 yuàn yì,yuàn, 一定,必须,得 yí dìng,bì xū, 可能(不会) kě néng bú huì, 可能 kě néng, 肯定会,一定会 kěn dìng huì,yí dìng huì, 总是 zǒng shì, 能,可以 néng ,kě yǐ, 一定 yí dìng, 希望促成...做某事, 希望做 xī wàng zuò, 决心做某事, 凭意志的力量驱使 píng yì zhì de lì liàng qū shǐ, 将…遗赠给 jiāng yí zèng gěi, 碰巧,幸而,幸运的是 pèng qiǎo,xìng ér,xìng yùn de shì, 不巧地, 宁可做某事, 我想要, 我想要… wǒ xiǎng yào, 让...的棺材板快压不住了, 谁能想得到呢? shuí néng xiǎng dé dào ne ?, 宁可 nìng kě, 想 xiǎng, 想要 xiǎng yào, 宁可要,宁愿 nìng kě yào,nìng yuàn, 宁可要 nìng kě yào, 最好不 zuì hǎo bù, 想要成为的, 本来会。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 would 的含义

就,该 jiù,gāi

auxiliary verb (in conditional sentences) (用于虚拟语气)

I would buy a car if I had enough money. It would have been nice to see Steve before he left. It would be great to take a holiday, if only I could afford it!

请,麻烦…做… qǐng,má fán zuò

auxiliary verb (used to show politeness) (表示客气的请求)

Would you please pass the salt?

要,将会 jiāng huì

auxiliary verb (will: in reported speech) (will的过去式和过去分词)

Yesterday he said that he would go to the library.


auxiliary verb (repeated action in past)

We would take walks by the river.

老是,总是 lǎo shì,zǒng shì

auxiliary verb (typical of [sb]) (表示习惯性动作)

I'm not surprised; he would fly to another country on a whim.

auxiliary verb (future: prediction or schedule)

I will cook dinner tomorrow. Her birthday will be on a Sunday next year.

遗嘱 yí zhǔ

noun (law: testament)

Her father left her the house in his will.

决心 jué xīn

noun (determination)

She accomplished the task through sheer will.

意志 yì zhì

noun (faculty of conscious decisions)

The power of the will often exceeds logic.

愿望 yuàn wàng

noun (wish)

She went against her father's will and married the musician.

意愿 yì yuàn

noun (volition)

My grandmother says that what happens is God's will.

心意 xīn yì

noun (with qualifying adjective (disposition)

I bear him no ill will, in spite of what he has done.

愿意,愿 yuàn yì,yuàn

auxiliary verb (be willing or disposed to) (表示意愿)

The elderly will sacrifice for their grandchildren if they have to.

一定,必须,得 yí dìng,bì xū

auxiliary verb (be required or expected to) (表示要求、期望)

You will present yourself to the commanding officer immediately.

可能(不会) kě néng bú huì

auxiliary verb (may be expected to)

She will not have given up hope, as he was only reported missing this morning.

可能 kě néng

auxiliary verb (may be supposed to)

This will be the place, at least if I have understood the directions.

肯定会,一定会 kěn dìng huì,yí dìng huì

auxiliary verb (be sure to) (表示强调)

Most people talk about helping others, but will take good care of themselves first.

总是 zǒng shì

auxiliary verb (habitual action)

They will forget to wash at least some of the pots.

能,可以 néng ,kě yǐ

auxiliary verb (negative (ability) (常与否定连用)

The lock will not open.

一定 yí dìng

auxiliary verb (be determined to)

"From our very first date I've wanted to marry her, and I will", he thought.


verbal expression (try to influence with thoughts)

He willed the plant to survive, but it withered in the drought.

希望做 xī wàng zuò

transitive verb (literary (wish, want)

Do what you will! I'm leaving in five minutes.


transitive verb (bring willpower to bear on)

If the runner wills it enough, he could break the record.

凭意志的力量驱使 píng yì zhì de lì liàng qū shǐ

transitive verb (make happen by wishing)

It doesn't just happen. You need to will it to happen.

将…遗赠给 jiāng yí zèng gěi

transitive verb (bequeath)

She didn't will anything to her family, and left her estate to charity.

碰巧,幸而,幸运的是 pèng qiǎo,xìng ér,xìng yùn de shì

adverb (idiom (fortunately) (习语)

As luck would have it, the bus was late too, so I managed to catch it after all.


adverb (idiom, ironic (unfortunately)

As luck would have it, the strike started the day I was due to fly out on holiday.


verbal expression (archaic (would prefer to)


expression (polite (with object: I want) (一种礼貌的表达方式)

I would like the coq au vin, please.

我想要… wǒ xiǎng yào

expression (polite (I want) (一种礼貌的表达方式)

I would like you to be more involved in the community website.


verbal expression (figurative (would offend: dead person) (比喻)

谁能想得到呢? shuí néng xiǎng dé dào ne ?

interjection (expressing surprise)

Wow, that's really interesting – who would've thought?

宁可 nìng kě

auxiliary verb (would rather)

想 xiǎng

verbal expression (polite form of want)

My husband and I would like to thank you for all your help.

想要 xiǎng yào

verbal expression (used to request or accept [sth])

I would love a cup of coffee, thank you.

宁可要,宁愿 nìng kě yào,nìng yuàn

verbal expression (would prefer)

I would rather you simply told the truth, instead of seeking to excuse yourself.

宁可要 nìng kě yào

verbal expression (would prefer to)

I would rather go out.

最好不 zuì hǎo bù

verbal expression (prefer not to)

I'd rather not go to Spain again this year for our holidays. They would rather not have to make anyone redundant.


adjective (wishing, aspiring to be)

There are many would-be novelists who never finish a piece of writing.


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (would have)

It would've been nice if you had told me you were going to be late.

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would 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。