What does atendido in Spanish mean?

What is the meaning of the word atendido in Spanish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use atendido in Spanish.

The word atendido in Spanish means look after, pay attention, look after, attend to, attend to customers, assist customers, listen to reason, attend to the public, deal with the public, serve the public, take good care of, be courteous, assist kindly, assist cordially, answer the phone, attend in Spanish, meet demands, answer calls, take orders, assist by, attend to by, handle your request, carry out your tasks, carry out your duties, take care of a payment, settle a payment, go to a medical appointment, handle a request, answer a phone call, take a phone call, see a visitor. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word atendido

look after

verbo transitivo (acoger)

(phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable: Verb with adverb(s) or preposition(s), having special meaning, not divisible--for example,"go with" [=combine nicely]: "Those red shoes don't go with my dress." NOT [S]"Those red shoes don't go my dress with."[/S])
Los vecinos nos atendieron muy bien cuando fuimos a su casa.
Our neighbours looked after us very nicely when we went to their house.

pay attention

verbo intransitivo (prestar atención)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
Muchos niños no atienden en clase.
A lot of kids don't pay attention in class.

look after

verbo transitivo (cuidar)

(phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable: Verb with adverb(s) or preposition(s), having special meaning, not divisible--for example,"go with" [=combine nicely]: "Those red shoes don't go with my dress." NOT [S]"Those red shoes don't go my dress with."[/S])
Una enfermera atendió a su marido durante toda su enfermedad.
A nurse looked after her husband throughout his illness.

attend to

verbo transitivo (tema, asunto: tratar)

Debemos ser eficientes en la reunión; hay muchos puntos que atender.
We should be very efficient at the meeting; there are many items to attend to.

attend to customers, assist customers

locución verbal (ocuparse de la clientela)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
Los vendedores deben atender a los clientes antes que al teléfono.
Sales personnel must attend to customers before phone calls.

listen to reason

locución verbal (ser razonable)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
No atiende a razones, está ciego de rabia ahora mismo.

attend to the public, deal with the public, serve the public

locución verbal (asistir al público)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
Cuando trabajé como vendedor en una tienda de zapatos, atendía al público y organizaba las estanterías.
When I worked as a salesperson in a shoe shop, I dealt with the public and organized the shelves.

take good care of

(dar un buen servicio)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
Me atendieron bien en el restaurante.
I was well taken care of at the restaurant.

be courteous

(ser cortés)

Carlos atiende bien en las reuniones sociales.
Carlos is courteous at social gatherings.

assist kindly, assist cordially

locución verbal (atender con afecto)

El camarero nos atendió con calidez.
The waiter assisted us kindly.

answer the phone

locución verbal (contestar llamadas)

Martín, por favor, atiende el teléfono.
Please answer the phone, Martin.

attend in Spanish

locución verbal (asistir usando el español)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
La recepcionista nos atendió en español.
The receptionist attended us assistance in Spanish.

meet demands

locución verbal (hacer caso a las demandas)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
Tenemos que atender las exigencias de nuestros clientes.
We have to meet the demands of our clients.

answer calls

locución verbal (contestar el teléfono)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
María atiende llamadas para su jefe.
Maria answers calls for her boss.

take orders

locución verbal (tomar encargos)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
La empresa tiene una línea especial para atender pedidos.
The company has a special phone line to take orders.

assist by, attend to by


Atiende por el nombre de Juan, aunque casi todos los llaman por el apellido.

handle your request

locución verbal (acceder a una demanda)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

carry out your tasks, carry out your duties

locución verbal (realizar tareas encomendadas)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
Pedro atendió sus funciones y el jefe lo felicitó.
Pedro carried out his duties and the boss congratulated him.

take care of a payment, settle a payment

locución verbal (pagar una factura)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
José atendió un pago atrasado y saldó su deuda.
José took care of a late payment and settled his debt.

go to a medical appointment

locución verbal (asistir la consulta de alguien) (doctor)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
El representante atendió una consulta del cliente.

handle a request

locución verbal (atender una solicitud)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
La empresa atendió una demanda de un cliente.
The company handled a request from a customer.

answer a phone call, take a phone call

locución verbal (contestar al teléfono)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
María atendió una llamada para su hermano.
Maria took a phone call for her brother.

see a visitor

locución verbal (atender a un visitante)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
La familia atendió una visita de parientes lejanos.
ⓘEsta oración no es una traducción de la original. I don't see visitors in the morning.

Let's learn Spanish

So now that you know more about the meaning of atendido in Spanish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Spanish.

Do you know about Spanish

Spanish (español), also known as Castilla, is a language of the Iberian-Romance group of the Romance languages, and the 4th most common language in the world according to Some sources, while others list it as a 2nd or 3rd most common language. It is the mother tongue of about 352 million people, and is spoken by 417 million people when adding its speakers as a language. sub (estimated in 1999). Spanish and Portuguese have very similar grammar and vocabulary; The number of similar vocabulary of these two languages is up to 89%. Spanish is the primary language of 20 countries around the world. It is estimated that the total number of speakers of Spanish is between 470 and 500 million, making it the second most widely spoken language in the world by number of native speakers.