What does cosecha in Spanish mean?

What is the meaning of the word cosecha in Spanish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use cosecha in Spanish.

The word cosecha in Spanish means harvest, picking, gathering, harvesting, harvest, harvest season, season for harvesting, crop, bounty, reward, creation, invention, pick, harvest, put together, win, gain, earn, homegrown. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word cosecha


nombre femenino (cultivo: conjunto de frutos)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
La cosecha de manzanas fue abundante gracias a las lluvias.
We had a wonderful apple harvest thanks to the rain.

picking, gathering, harvesting

nombre femenino (recolección, siega)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Los jornaleros que se encargan de la cosecha del tomate trabajan doce horas diarias.
ⓘEsta oración no es una traducción de la original. Harvesting strawberries is crippling on the back.

harvest, harvest season, season for harvesting

nombre femenino (época de recolección)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
En el mes de agosto comienza la cosecha de maíz.
The season for harvesting corn starts in August.

crop, bounty, reward

nombre femenino (figurado (conjunto de cosas inmateriales)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Su arduo trabajo le ha proporcionado una cosecha de éxitos.
His hard work has earned him a crop of successes.

creation, invention

nombre femenino (coloquial (ingenio, creación, invención)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Su frase favorita es de su cosecha y también le gusta inventar chistes.
ⓘEsta oración no es una traducción de la original. Is this a word of your own creation? I've never come across it before.


verbo transitivo (recoger, cultivar) (fruit, cotton)

(transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat.")
Durante la vendimia cosechamos 10 toneladas de uvas.
We picked 10 tons of grapes during the harvest.


verbo intransitivo (hacer la cosecha)

(intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived.")
Debemos cosechar antes de que empiece la temporada de frío.
We should harvest before the cold season begins.

put together

verbo transitivo (resultado: obtener)

(phrasal verb, transitive, separable: Verb with adverb(s) or preposition(s), having special meaning, divisible--for example, "call off" [=cancel], "call the game off," "call off the game.")
El equipo venía cosechando una serie de victorias como visitante.
The team had put together a winning streak of victories as visitors.

win, gain, earn

verbo transitivo (ganar, atraer)

(transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat.")
El talentoso grupo musical cosechó la simpatía de la audiencia en muchos países.
The talented musical group won (or: gained) the sympathy of audiences in many countries.


locución adjetiva (casero)

(adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house.")
Los tomates son de cosecha propia.
The tomatoes are our own.

Let's learn Spanish

So now that you know more about the meaning of cosecha in Spanish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Spanish.

Do you know about Spanish

Spanish (español), also known as Castilla, is a language of the Iberian-Romance group of the Romance languages, and the 4th most common language in the world according to Some sources, while others list it as a 2nd or 3rd most common language. It is the mother tongue of about 352 million people, and is spoken by 417 million people when adding its speakers as a language. sub (estimated in 1999). Spanish and Portuguese have very similar grammar and vocabulary; The number of similar vocabulary of these two languages is up to 89%. Spanish is the primary language of 20 countries around the world. It is estimated that the total number of speakers of Spanish is between 470 and 500 million, making it the second most widely spoken language in the world by number of native speakers.