What does sarar in Portuguese mean?

What is the meaning of the word sarar in Portuguese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use sarar in Portuguese.

The word sarar in Portuguese means heal, , heal, heal, recuperar-se, sarar, melhorar, sarar, sarar, sarar, curar, sarar, sarar, curar-se. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word sarar


(recuperar saúde, curar-se)

(intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived.")


(fechar-se, cicatrizar-se)

(intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived.")


verbo transitivo (curar)

(transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat.")


verbal expression (recover from illness or injury) (da doença ou ferimento)

(verbo pronominal/reflexivo: Verbos que precisam do pronome "se". Ex. "ferir-se", "queixar-se", etc.)
Sinto saber que você está doente. Esperamos que você se recupere logo.
I'm sorry to hear you're ill – let's hope you get well soon.


intransitive verb (injury: get better) (coloquial)

O seu osso quebrado vai levar umas seis semanas para sarar.
Your broken bone should take about six weeks to heal.



(verbo transitivo: Verbos que possuem complemento, direto ou indireto. Ex. "oferecer ajuda", "gostar de música", etc.)
Que pena que você está doente. Espero que você melhore logo.
I'm sorry you are sick and I hope you get better soon.


phrasal verb, intransitive (wound: be mended)


transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (injury: get better) (ferimento)

It is true that with time a broken heart will heal itself.

sarar, curar

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (recover from) (recuperar-se de)

(verbo transitivo: Verbos que possuem complemento, direto ou indireto. Ex. "oferecer ajuda", "gostar de música", etc.)
Espero que você se recupere de sua gripe em breve. Na primavera ele sarou do vírus que o atormentou durante quase todo o inverno.
I hope you get over your flu really quickly. By spring he had got over the virus which troubled him for much of the winter.


intransitive verb (injury, body part: heal)

Richard had to wait for his leg to mend before he could play sports again.


transitive verb (heal of an illness)

(verbo transitivo: Verbos que possuem complemento, direto ou indireto. Ex. "oferecer ajuda", "gostar de música", etc.)
ⓘEsta frase não é uma tradução da frase em inglês O médico conseguiu curar o paciente com tuberculose.
How long did it take to cure you of that disease?


intransitive verb (heal)

(verbo pronominal/reflexivo: Verbos que precisam do pronome "se". Ex. "ferir-se", "queixar-se", etc.)
That cut on your arm has cured nicely.

Let's learn Portuguese

So now that you know more about the meaning of sarar in Portuguese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Portuguese.

Do you know about Portuguese

Portuguese (português) is a Roman language native to the Iberian peninsula of Europe. It is the only official language of Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde. Portuguese has between 215 and 220 million native speakers and 50 million second language speakers, for a total of about 270 million. Portuguese is often listed as the sixth most spoken language in the world, third in Europe. In 1997, a comprehensive academic study ranked Portuguese as one of the 10 most influential languages in the world. According to UNESCO statistics, Portuguese and Spanish are the fastest growing European languages after English.