What does scena in Italian mean?

What is the meaning of the word scena in Italian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use scena in Italian.

The word scena in Italian means set, scene, setting, scenery, scene, scenery, stage scenery, action, scene, scene, scene, tantrum, while the curtains are open, go on stage, scenery assistant, plot twist, dramatic turn of events, stage costume, stage manager, come onto the stage, be on stage, be due on stage, make a scene, make a scene, pretend, be silent, set-up, sham, enact, stage, enact, act, re-enact, score, just for show, withdraw from the scene, draw attention onto yourself, grab the spotlight, take the thunder away from else, crime scene, best scene, say nothing, disappear. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word scena

set, scene, setting, scenery

sostantivo femminile (parte del palcoscenico)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Dai posti in galleria la scena risultava poco visibile e per questo il costo del biglietto era molto più basso.
It was difficult to see the set from the balcony which is why the tickets were very cheap.

scene, scenery, stage scenery

sostantivo femminile (allestimento teatrale)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
In questa rivisitazione dello spettacolo in chiave moderna la scena è molto spoglia e i costumi poco sfarzosi.
In this modern adaptation of the show the stage scenery is very basic and the costumes fairly plain.

action, scene

sostantivo femminile (teatro: svolgimento)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Mentre lo spettacolo andava in scena dei ladri si sono intrufolati nei camerini e hanno rubato tutte le cose di valore.
As the scene was being acted out some thieves entered the changing rooms and stole everything of value.


sostantivo femminile (opera: parte)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Nell'ultima scena si scopre chi è l'assassino.
The battle takes place in Act I, Scene II of the play.

scene, tantrum

sostantivo femminile (figurato, peggiorativo (sfogo emotivo)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Mi sono stufato delle tue continue scene!
I am sick of him always causing a scene!

while the curtains are open


(expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own.")

go on stage

scenery assistant


(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

plot twist

sostantivo maschile (cinema, teatro: avvenimento)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
A metà del film c'è un colpo di scena che cambia radicalmente le sorti dei protagonisti.

dramatic turn of events

sostantivo maschile (cambiamento, mutamento improvviso)

(expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own.")
Non sono abituata a tutti questi colpi di scena in famiglia.
I'm not used to all these dramatic turns of events in the family.

stage costume

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

stage manager

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

come onto the stage

be on stage, be due on stage

make a scene

make a scene, pretend

be silent

set-up, sham

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Vorresti dirmi che la tua proposta di matrimonio era tutta una messa in scena?
Are you telling me that your marriage proposal was all a sham?

enact, stage

verbo transitivo o transitivo pronominale (teatro, etc.: inscenare)

enact, act, re-enact

verbo transitivo o transitivo pronominale (figurato: simulare)



(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

just for show

(expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own.")

withdraw from the scene

draw attention onto yourself, grab the spotlight, take the thunder away from else

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

crime scene

best scene


say nothing


Let's learn Italian

So now that you know more about the meaning of scena in Italian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Italian.

Do you know about Italian

Italian (italiano) is a Romance language and is spoken by about 70 million people, most of whom live in Italy. Italian uses the Latin alphabet. The letters J, K, W, X and Y do not exist in the standard Italian alphabet, but they still appear in loanwords from Italian. Italian is the second most widely spoken in the European Union with 67 million speakers (15% of the EU population) and it is spoken as a second language by 13.4 million EU citizens (3%). Italian is the principal working language of the Holy See, serving as the lingua franca in the Roman Catholic hierarchy. An important event that helped to the spread of Italian was Napoleon's conquest and occupation of Italy in the early 19th century. This conquest spurred the unification of Italy several decades later and pushed the language of the Italian language. Italian became a language used not only among secretaries, aristocrats and the Italian courts, but also by the bourgeoisie.