Hvað þýðir around the world í Enska?

Hver er merking orðsins around the world í Enska? Greinin útskýrir alla merkingu, framburð ásamt tvítyngdum dæmum og leiðbeiningum um hvernig á að nota around the world í Enska.

Orðið around the world í Enska þýðir í kringum, í kringum, utan um, um, í kringum, um, í kringum, í hringi, um það bil, um það bil, vera til, hérna, allt í kring, allt um kring, að ummáli, í grenndinni, í hverfinu, á sveimi, krókótta leið, í hringi, yfir, á , í, um, utan um, um það bil, um það bil, um, vera um, um, út um allt, um allt, vera að fara að gera, við, að ummáli, í gangi, við, í kringum, í kringum, vera á ferðinni, brambolta, djöflast, rumska, skipta um skoðun, skipta um skoðun, ganga í garð, fíflast, fíflast, halda framhjá, sofa hjá, leika með, þvælist, komast um, komast hjá, fréttast, komast til, finna tíma til, hanga í kringum, bíða, umgangast, hanga, liggja, stríða, halda framhjá, valda óþægindum, hreyfa sig, flytja, hlaupa um, á hlaupum, bera saman, reyna að selja, vera áfram, snúa við blaðinu, afgreiða, fyrir alla, á allan hátt, allt í kringum, koma, komast hjá, leita í kringum sig, kanna, skoða sig um, leiðbeina, sýna, snúa við, snýst, rölta um, ganga í kringum. Til að fá frekari upplýsingar, vinsamlegast skoðaðu upplýsingarnar hér að neðan.

Hlustaðu á framburð

Merking orðsins around the world

í kringum

preposition (surrounding)

They put a fence around the swimming pool.
Þau settu girðingu í kringum sundlaugina.

í kringum

preposition (in a circle about [sth])

They sat around the table wondering what to do next.
Þau sátu í kringum borðið veltandi fyrir sér hvað þau ættu að gera næst.

utan um

preposition (encircling)

Put the belt around your waist and then fasten it.


preposition (all over, from place to place)

She travels around the country for her job.
Hún ferðast um landið í starfi sínu.

í kringum

preposition (in all directions)

There were roads leading off all around the house.


preposition (scattered through)

(forsetning: Smáorð sem stendur á undan nafnlið og stýrir falli á honum; lýsir sambandi í tíma eða rúmi.)
Books were spread all around the room.

í kringum

preposition (time: approximately)

I'll see you around three o'clock.
Við sjáumst í kringum þrjú leytið.

í hringi

adverb (in a ring, circle)

The dog ran around and around trying to catch its tail.

um það bil

preposition (size, amount: approximately)

It's around three inches tall and an inch wide.
ⓘÞessi setning er ekki þýðing á upprunalegu setningunni. Hæð mannsins var um það bil tveir metrar.

um það bil

preposition (quantity: approximately)

It takes around 60 gallons of water to grow one avocado.
Það þarf um það bil 60 gallon af vatni til að rækta einn avókadó.

vera til

adjective (informal (in existence)

Plastic chairs have been around for thirty years.
Plaststólar hafa verið til í þrjátíu ár.


adjective (informal (present, nearby)

(atviksorð: Smáorð sem lýsir oft lýsingarorði eða sagnorði, en orðflokkurinn er mjög margbreytilegur.)
Is she around? I want to ask her something.
Er hún við? Mig langar að spyrja hana að einu.

allt í kring, allt um kring

adverb (on every side)

It's a beautiful house with trees all around.
Þetta er fallegt hús með tré allt í kring.

að ummáli

adverb (in circumference)

The vase is ten centimetres around.
Vasinn er tíu sentimetra að ummáli.

í grenndinni, í hverfinu

adverb (surrounding a place)

There are lots of shops around.
Það eru fullt af búðum í grendinni.

á sveimi

adverb (used in compounds (in circulation)

There are rumours going around.
Það eru orðrómar á sveimi.

krókótta leið

adverb (with roundabout direction)

The road goes around to the orchard.

í hringi

adverb (in a circuit)

The crowd watched with excitement as the cars raced around.


adverb (over: to a certain place)

She came around to my house. I drove round to the office to pick up some files.

á , í

preposition (in, near)

(forsetning: Smáorð sem stendur á undan nafnlið og stýrir falli á honum; lýsir sambandi í tíma eða rúmi.)
Is James around the office somewhere?
Er James einhvers staðar á skrifstofunni?


preposition (to various parts of)

(forsetning: Smáorð sem stendur á undan nafnlið og stýrir falli á honum; lýsir sambandi í tíma eða rúmi.)
We should go around town and put posters up.
Við ættum að fara um bæinn og setja upp plaköt.

utan um

preposition (centred on)

The course is organized around important historical events.

um það bil

preposition (quantity: approximately)

There were about fifteen people in our tour group.
Það voru um það bil fimmtán manns í leiðsagnarhópnum okkar.

um það bil

preposition (time: close to, more or less)

I heard a crash at about ten o'clock last night.
ⓘÞessi setning er ekki þýðing á upprunalegu setningunni. Klukkan var um það bil sjö þegar Marta fór á fætur.


preposition (on the subject of)

(forsetning: Smáorð sem stendur á undan nafnlið og stýrir falli á honum; lýsir sambandi í tíma eða rúmi.)
I went to the library to look for a book about insects.
Ég fór á bókasafnið til að leita að bók um skordýr.

vera um

verbal expression (be on the subject of)

My presentation is about the effects of alcohol. This book is about a king who loses his crown.
Kynningin mín er um áhrif áfengis. Þessi bók er um kóng sem missir kórónuna sína.


preposition (of, concerning)

(forsetning: Smáorð sem stendur á undan nafnlið og stýrir falli á honum; lýsir sambandi í tíma eða rúmi.)
What do you think about the president's speech?
Hvað finnst þér um ræðu forsetans?

út um allt

adverb (mainly UK (all around)

She was sitting at her desk, books lying all about.
Hún sat við borðið, bækur út um allt.

um allt

adverb (mainly UK (from one spot to another)

He was dancing about, waving his lottery ticket in the air.
Hann var dansandi um allt, veifandi lottó miðanum sínum í loftinu.

vera að fara að gera

verbal expression (on the point of doing)

I was just about to step into the bath when the doorbell rang.
ⓘÞessi setning er ekki þýðing á upprunalegu setningunni. Hún var að fara að kalla á börnin þegar þau komu.


adverb (in the opposing direction)

(atviksorð: Smáorð sem lýsir oft lýsingarorði eða sagnorði, en orðflokkurinn er mjög margbreytilegur.)
He whirled about and saw that his girlfriend was behind him.

að ummáli

adverb (in circumference)

The lake is approximately three miles about.
Vatnið er um það bil þrjár mílur að ummáli.

í gangi

adverb (prevalent)

There are lots of cases of the measles about.
Það er fullt af mislingasmitum í gangi.


preposition (of the nature of [sth])

(forsetning: Smáorð sem stendur á undan nafnlið og stýrir falli á honum; lýsir sambandi í tíma eða rúmi.)
There's something about his voice that makes me nervous.
Það er eitthvað við rödd hans sem gerir mig taugaóstyrka.

í kringum

preposition (surrounding)

There were shots all about us.

í kringum

preposition (mainly UK (near to)

There are lots of trees about the house and garden.
Það eru fullt af trjám í kringum húsið og garðinn.

vera á ferðinni

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (be present, in the vicinity)

Not many people are about today.
Það er ekki margt fólk á ferðinni í dag.

brambolta, djöflast

phrasal verb, intransitive (move about clumsily)

The baby woke up in the middle of the night, crying, because Joe was banging around in the kitchen.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (recover consciousness)

The patient came around soon after his operation.

skipta um skoðun

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (be persuaded)

My parents aren't keen on my new boyfriend, but they'll come round when they get to know him.

skipta um skoðun

(revise your opinion)

Steve eventually came round to my opinion.

ganga í garð

phrasal verb, intransitive (date, event: occur again)

Jill always feels sad when the anniversary of her husband's death comes around.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (act in silly way)

The teacher told Bobby to stop fooling around in class.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (not be productive)

The boss doesn't like people fooling around when they should be working.

halda framhjá

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (have casual sex)

Helen suspects that her husband has been fooling around.

sofa hjá

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (slang (have casual sex)

He had fooled around with every girl in town before he met Helen.

leika með

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (amuse yourself)

Ben spent the afternoon fooling around with his new camera.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (travel)

I certainly get around in my job. This year, I've travelled to Korea, Australia and South Africa.

komast um

phrasal verb, intransitive (move about)

His arthritis makes it difficult for him to get around.

komast hjá

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (circumvent)

You can't get around the problem by pretending it doesn't exist.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (circulate)

When word got around that she was baking cookies, all the children appeared at her door.

komast til

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (find time)

Bill eventually got round to the washing-up.

finna tíma til

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (find time)

One of these days, I will get around to making the trip to Paris.

hanga í kringum

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (loiter)

It's annoying when youths hang around at the bus stop intimidating customers.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (wait, be kept waiting)

I hung around for 30 minutes but Steve didn't show up.


(informal (socialize with [sb])

Since Harvey started hanging around with a group of older boys, he is always getting in trouble.


phrasal verb, intransitive ([sb]: lounge idly)

You said you would mow the lawn, but all you've done today is lie around the house. The teenager chose to lie around for most of the day.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal ([sth]: remain unused)

We have many old books that just lie around the attic waiting to be read.


(slang (tease)

Why are you so upset? We were just messing around with you.

halda framhjá

(slang (have an affair)

Helen caught her husband messing around with another woman.

valda óþægindum

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (slang (treat disrespectfully)

I'm sorry to mess you around, but I need to change the date of our meeting.

hreyfa sig

phrasal verb, intransitive (be mobile, active)

The doctor said I have to move around in order to maintain my weight. He's always moving around; he never stays long in one place.


phrasal verb, intransitive (relocate frequently)

Diplomats frequently move around from one country to another.

hlaupa um

phrasal verb, intransitive (move around quickly)

We wanted a garden where the children could run around and play.

á hlaupum

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (go about things hurriedly)

Sheila has three young children, so she spends all day running around.

bera saman

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (compare prices)

It's a good idea to shop around before you buy a new car.

reyna að selja

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US, informal (attempt to sell)

She's in New York, shopping her new novel around.

vera áfram

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (stay)

If you stick around after the closing credits, you will catch the movie's extra scene.

snúa við blaðinu

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (transform, reform)

My sister has turned her life around.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (provide or do [sth])

The factory turns orders around within a week. The translator turned the project around in three days.

fyrir alla

adverb (informal (for everyone)

Joe called for drinks all around to celebrate his good news.

á allan hátt

adverb (in all aspects)

This is a better solution all round.

allt í kringum

preposition (surrounding)

David looked all around him, but Eleanor was nowhere to be seen.


(visit [sb])

If you come round later, we can do our homework together.

komast hjá

verbal expression (avoid doing)

The politician got around answering the question by changing the subject. The businessman got around paying his taxes by using a loophole in the law.

leita í kringum sig

(seek [sth] in surrounding area)

I've been looking around everywhere, but I can't find my reading glasses.



Safety inspectors will be looking around the factory today.

skoða sig um


Sarah spent the afternoon looking around the local shops.


(guide round a new place)

Sally was asked to show her new classmate around.


(guide round a new place)

The real estate broker showed the couple around the apartment.

snúa við

(move to face away)

If you turn around, you'll see a beautiful sunset.


(spin, rotate, revolve)

The record turns around at 33 rpm.

rölta um

(stroll about, go about on foot)

I didn't have a place to go. I was just walking around.

ganga í kringum

(stroll outside [sth])

You'll have to walk around the mountain to get to the other side.

Við skulum læra Enska

Þannig að nú þegar þú veist meira um merkingu around the world í Enska geturðu lært hvernig á að nota þau með völdum dæmum og hvernig á að lestu þau. Og mundu að læra tengd orð sem við mælum með. Vefsíðan okkar er stöðugt að uppfæra með nýjum orðum og nýjum dæmum svo þú getir flett upp merkingu annarra orða sem þú þekkir ekki í Enska.

Veistu um Enska

Enska kemur frá germönskum ættbálkum sem fluttu til Englands og hefur þróast á meira en 1.400 ára tímabili. Enska er þriðja mest talaða tungumál í heimi, á eftir kínversku og spænsku. Það er mest lærða annað tungumálið og opinbert tungumál næstum 60 fullvalda ríkja. Þetta tungumál hefur fleiri málara sem annað og erlent tungumál en móðurmál. Enska er einnig sameiginlegt tungumál Sameinuðu þjóðanna, Evrópusambandsins og margra annarra alþjóðlegra tungumála og svæðisbundin samtök. Nú á dögum geta enskumælandi um allan heim átt samskipti með tiltölulega auðveldum hætti.