Hvað þýðir backing í Enska?

Hver er merking orðsins backing í Enska? Greinin útskýrir alla merkingu, framburð ásamt tvítyngdum dæmum og leiðbeiningum um hvernig á að nota backing í Enska.

Orðið backing í Enska þýðir bak, baksíða, aftur í, aftur, bakka, bakka, loka-, aftur-, gamall, til baka, bak, skott, bak, bak, styðja við, veðja á, með í bakgrunni, spila undir hjá, styðja, hörfa, gefa sig, draga sig í hlé, hætta við, bakka út úr, hætta við, hressast, fljótur að ná sér, koma aftur með, endurvekja, endurvekja, endurvekja, endurkoma, tilsvar, skera niður, minnka, hörfa, hörfa, treysta á, endurgjöf, hefur áhrif á, fara aftur, fá til baka, fara aftur, snúa til baka, líta til baka, líta aftur á, draga sig til baka, fresta, setja aftur, endursenda, slaka á, gera ekkert, stíga tilbaka, taka til baka, ná aftur, skila, rífa kjaft, rekja aftur, snúa við, fram og til baka, snúa aftur, hörfa, draga frá, dragast aftur úr, endurgjöf, fara aftur til, borga til baka, draga frá, kosta, fresta, fresta, baka til, halla sér, rekja aftur til, snúa baki við, fyrir löngu, langt fyrir aftan. Til að fá frekari upplýsingar, vinsamlegast skoðaðu upplýsingarnar hér að neðan.

Hlustaðu á framburð

Merking orðsins backing


noun (body: spine)

He hurt his back playing tennis.


noun (reverse side)

Please read the text on the back of the paper.

aftur í

noun (rear)

I can sit in the back of the car and you can sit in the front.


adverb (returning)

After the picnic, they walked back to the car and drove home.


intransitive verb (move backward)

He backed into the parking space.


transitive verb (move in reverse)

He backed the car down the driveway ... right into a lamppost.


adjective (last, final)

The back pages of the magazine are devoted to advertisements.


adjective (at the rear)

How many passengers will fit on your back seat?


adjective (of the past)

I would like to buy a back copy of the magazine.

til baka

adverb (in return)

She gave back the book.


noun (reverse side: body part)

She wrote his telephone number on the back of her hand.


noun (rear)

We hired a van and put the boxes in the back.


noun (part of [sth] covering the back)

The company's logo will appear on the shirt back.


noun (reverse side: chair)

He placed his hands on the back of the chair.

styðja við

transitive verb (support [sth])

You should back your argument with facts.

veðja á

transitive verb (wager on)

Which horse should we back?

með í bakgrunni

transitive verb (form background of)

The field is backed by a row of trees.

spila undir hjá

transitive verb (informal (music: accompany)

They're going to back Bob Dylan on his next tour.


transitive verb (support [sb])

I back this candidate for mayor.


phrasal verb, intransitive (retreat)

Back away from the cookies and no one gets hurt. He nodded vaguely, continuing to dodge and back away.

gefa sig

phrasal verb, intransitive (give in, yield)

Despite the evidence, he refused to back down.

draga sig í hlé

phrasal verb, intransitive (withdraw, retreat)

The guys backed off when they saw the police coming.

hætta við

phrasal verb, intransitive (withdraw involvement)

At the last minute, the investors backed out.

bakka út úr

(promise: break)

The couple buying our house backed out of the purchase at the last minute.

hætta við

(withdraw from)

Sue backed out of helping us paint the house.


phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (person: recover quickly)

He was dangerously ill at one point but he bounced back quickly.

fljótur að ná sér

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (show resilience)

The company will bounce back from financial instability because its products are in demand.

koma aftur með

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (return with [sth])

Do you want me to bring back some snacks from the store?


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (reintroduce [sth])

The murderer's lenient sentence led to calls to bring back hanging.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (make [sth] popular again)

Designers in Paris have decided to bring back mini-skirts.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (past, memories: revive)

Listening to that song brings back happier days.


phrasal verb, intransitive (return to success)

In 2013, the pop singer came back with a best-selling album.


(informal (retort)

James wanted to come back with a witty retort, but couldn't think of one.

skera niður

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (reduce: spending)

We've been spending too much. We need to cut back.


(informal (reduce: to economize)

Now that I am unemployed we are going to have to cut back on our spending.


phrasal verb, intransitive (flinch)

She drew back sharply when the dog barked at her.


phrasal verb, intransitive (withdraw, retreat)

The general ordered his troops to fall back.

treysta á

(informal, figurative (resort to, rely on)

Whenever I am in trouble, I know that I can always fall back on my friends and family.


(report back to)

Jamie always feeds back to his line manager in a timely manner.

hefur áhrif á

(affect in turn)

The results of the student survey feed back into future teaching practices.

fara aftur

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (return)

I visited my Aunt in Greece last year and I can't wait to get back!

fá til baka

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (have [sth] returned)

I took my watch to be repaired and I'll get it back on Tuesday.

fara aftur

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (resume)

I'd love to talk more but I have to get back to my work now.

snúa til baka

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (return)

It would be nice to get back to my hometown one day.

líta til baka

phrasal verb, intransitive (look behind)

"Don't look back. Whatever's chasing you might be gaining on you." - Satchel Paige

líta aftur á

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (reminisce)

When I look back on all the times we shared, I wish for those days again.

draga sig til baka

phrasal verb, intransitive (retreat, flinch)

The child pulled back as the nurse tried to inject him.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (postpone)

Dan has gone to Houston on urgent business, so we will have to put back our meeting until next Tuesday.

setja aftur

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (replace, tidy away)

When you've finished the book, please put it back on the shelf.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (return: an item)

If mail-order clothes do not fit, you can usually send them back to the supplier.

slaka á

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (relax, rest)

You just sit back and let me do the cooking.

gera ekkert

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (do nothing, be idle)

I refuse to sit back and let this happen.

stíga tilbaka

phrasal verb, intransitive (retreat, move backwards)

Everybody step back, let's give him some space!

taka til baka

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (retract [sth])

I wish I could take back what I said in anger. You can never really take back an insult once you've made it.

ná aftur

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (reclaim [sth])

In the upcoming tennis championships, Roger hopes to take back the title he lost last year.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (return bought item)

Simon's new watch turned out to be faulty, so he took it back for a refund.

rífa kjaft

phrasal verb, intransitive (respond, retort)

Don't talk back to your parents!

rekja aftur

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (often passive (identify origin, originator)

I have only been able to trace my family tree back five generations.

snúa við

phrasal verb, intransitive (retrace one's route)

The mountain climber was exhausted, but he refused to turn back.

fram og til baka

adverb (move: to and fro)

The little girl rocked back and forth on the swing.

snúa aftur

verbal expression (return in order to do [sth])

Ava left home at 18, but came back ten years later to care for her mother.


verbal expression (retreat)

He ordered his troops to draw back from the border.

draga frá

(pull away, apart)

When I drew back the curtains, sunlight flooded in.

dragast aftur úr

(fail to keep up)

The runner fell back after the fourteenth mile of the marathon, when her legs grew tired.


verbal expression (relay [sth] back to)

Karen appreciates her staff feeding back intormation to her on a regular basis.

fara aftur til

(return to previous location)

I will move back home when my exams finish.

borga til baka

verbal expression (return money borrowed from [sb])

I paid him back for the drinks he had bought us.

draga frá

(draw aside: curtain, cover)

Doris pulled the curtain back and peered out of the window.


(cost: a certain sum)

This repair work is likely to set me back more than £500.


(schedule for later)

The boss set the meeting back to give people more time to complete their reports.


(delay by a given time)

We can set the appointment back a few days if you can't make it tomorrow.

baka til

(positioned further back, recessed)

When you look at the garden you'll see that the birch tree's set back against the fence.

halla sér

(lean backwards in your seat)

Joey sat back in his sunlounger and closed his eyes.

rekja aftur til

verbal expression (often passive (identify origin, owner)

The origins of Halloween can be traced back to the Celts.

snúa baki við

transitive verb (abandon, reject)

Shame on you for turning your back on your friends after such a small disagreement.

fyrir löngu

adverb (informal (a long time ago)

Julie started playing guitar way back in the sixties.

langt fyrir aftan

adverb (informal (very much behind)

Because he was driving so fast, he left his parents way back on the interstate.

Við skulum læra Enska

Þannig að nú þegar þú veist meira um merkingu backing í Enska geturðu lært hvernig á að nota þau með völdum dæmum og hvernig á að lestu þau. Og mundu að læra tengd orð sem við mælum með. Vefsíðan okkar er stöðugt að uppfæra með nýjum orðum og nýjum dæmum svo þú getir flett upp merkingu annarra orða sem þú þekkir ekki í Enska.

Veistu um Enska

Enska kemur frá germönskum ættbálkum sem fluttu til Englands og hefur þróast á meira en 1.400 ára tímabili. Enska er þriðja mest talaða tungumál í heimi, á eftir kínversku og spænsku. Það er mest lærða annað tungumálið og opinbert tungumál næstum 60 fullvalda ríkja. Þetta tungumál hefur fleiri málara sem annað og erlent tungumál en móðurmál. Enska er einnig sameiginlegt tungumál Sameinuðu þjóðanna, Evrópusambandsins og margra annarra alþjóðlegra tungumála og svæðisbundin samtök. Nú á dögum geta enskumælandi um allan heim átt samskipti með tiltölulega auðveldum hætti.