Wat betekent about in Engels?

Wat is de betekenis van het woord about in Engels? Het artikel legt de volledige betekenis uit, de uitspraak samen met tweetalige voorbeelden en instructies voor het gebruik van about in Engels.

Het woord about in Engels betekent ongeveer, over, rond, van, heersend, her en der, in het rond, rechtsomkeert, in het rond, in omtrek, aan, rondom, bij, in het rond, rond, om, rondom, eromheen, door, om, rond, rondom, rond, rond, in, door, om, rond, ongeveer, in omtrek, in de buurt, de ronde doen, rond gaan, om, rond, langs, bestaan, rond, om, op, in, door, klungelen, bepraten, bespreken, opscheppen over, zorgen voor, de clown uithangen, gebeuren, geschieden, overstag gaan, klagen over, huilen over, huilen over, doorzeuren, doordrammen, lummelen, niksen, stoeien met, prutsen met, rommelen met, klooien met, iets te weten komen over iets, iets te weten komen over iemand, flippen, doordraaien, aankloten, aanrommelen, overal komen, rondgaan, iets aanpakken, heersen, over iets doorgaan, over iets doorgaan, rondhangen, met iemand omgaan, onophoudelijk over iets praten, over iets horen, rondhangen, rondhangen, lummelen, klooien, aanprutsen, rondscharrelen, klieren, klooien, lummelen, druk rondrennen, bekijken, overdenken, zorgen voor iets, beginnen, aanvangen, aanvallen, op het punt staan, worstelen met, alles over, overal, informeren bij, ergens omheen draaien, klagen over, zeuren over, zeiken over, opscheppen over, pochen over, op de hoogte brengen, op de hoogte stellen, onwetend, stom, dom, idioot, een opmerking maken over iets,, fantaseren over, dagdromen over, geërgerd, geïrriteerd, enthousiasmeren, ophemelen, loven, prijzen, fabuleren over, fantaseren over, dagdromen over, zich slecht voelen over iets, opgewonden zijn over iets, zich vaag uitdrukken, uitzien naar, uitkijken naar, opgewonden raken over, mopperen over, klagen over, zeuren over, Wacht even!, veel te zeggen hebben over, het één en ander te vertellen hebben over, niet zeker zijn, heroverwegen, aarzelend, terughoudend, wat dacht je van, onzeker, geobsedeerd door, gefixeerd op, boven de werkelijkheid verheffen, informeren naar, intellectualiseren, ondervragen, verhoren, uithoren, zaniken over, mekkeren over, iets leren kennen, , gek op, weg van, dol op, kwaad over, boos over, blij, koud laten, niets te zeggen over, niets om over naar huis te schrijven, smoorverliefd op, gek op, weg van, dol op, verzot op, in beslag genomen worden, druk bezig, rondparaderen, orakelen, oreren, plagen met, plagen met, zich iets romantisch voorstellen, baggeren, blubberen, praten over, spreken over, discussiëren over, iemand iets bijbrengen, onderrichten, denken aan. Raadpleeg de onderstaande details voor meer informatie.

Luister naar uitspraak

Betekenis van het woord about


adverb (approximately)

There were about fifteen people in our tour group.


preposition (on the subject of)

I went to the library to look for a book about insects.


preposition (time: approximately)

I heard a crash at about ten o'clock last night.


preposition (of, concerning)

What do you think about the president's speech?


adjective (prevalent) (ziekten)

There are lots of cases of the measles about.

her en der, in het rond

adverb (all around)

She was sitting at her desk, books lying all about.


adverb (esp UK (in the opposing direction)

You need to turn about and go back the way you've come.

in het rond

adverb (from one spot to another)

He was dancing about, waving his lottery ticket in the air.

in omtrek

adverb (mainly UK (in circumference)

The lake is approximately three miles about.


preposition (of the nature of [sth])

There's something about his voice that makes me nervous.


preposition (surrounding)

There were shots all about us.


preposition (mainly UK (near to)

There are lots of trees about the house and garden.

in het rond

(in all directions)

Look around and note down everything you can see.

rond, om

(in a circle about [sth])

They sat around the table wondering what to do next.

rondom, eromheen

(on every side)

It's a beautiful house with trees all around.


(all over, from place to place)

She travels around the country for her job.



Put the belt around your waist and then fasten it.

rond, rondom

(in all directions)

There were roads leading off all around the house.


(time: approximately) (om ongeveer)

I'll see you around three o'clock.


(in a ring, circle)

The dog ran around and around trying to catch its tail.

in, door

(scattered through) (verspreid zijn)

Books were spread all around the room.

om, rond

(with a circular course)

The earth turns around on its axis.


(size, amount: approximately)

It's around three inches tall and an inch wide.

in omtrek

(in circumference)

The vase is ten centimetres around.

in de buurt

(surrounding a place)

There are lots of shops around.

de ronde doen, rond gaan

(in circulation) (figuurlijk)

There are rumours going around.


(with roundabout direction) (draaien)

The road goes around to the orchard.


(in a circuit)

The crowd watched with excitement as the cars raced around.


(over: to a certain place)

She came around to my house. I drove round to the office to pick up some files.


(in existance)

Plastic chairs have been around for thirty years.

rond, om

(on the edge)

They put a fence around the swimming pool.

op, in

(in, near) (aanwezig zijn)

Is James around the office somewhere?


(to various parts of)

We should go around town and put posters up.


phrasal verb, intransitive (move about clumsily) (informeel)

The baby woke up in the middle of the night, crying, because Joe was banging around in the kitchen.

bepraten, bespreken

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (discuss casually)

opscheppen over

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (brag or speak arrogantly about)

zorgen voor

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (cause)

He promised that he would bring about change.

de clown uithangen

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (play the fool, behave in a silly way) (informeel)

One can never take him seriously; he's always clowning around.

gebeuren, geschieden

phrasal verb, intransitive (happen)

Dave's idea to start his own business came about after he lost his job.

overstag gaan

phrasal verb, intransitive (nautical: tack) (scheepvaart)

The yacht came about.

klagen over

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be critical of, express unhappiness about)

She never stops complaining about her lazy, useless husband.

huilen over

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (mourn, lament) (figuurlijk)

Spilled milk is nothing to cry about.

huilen over

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (literal (shed tears for) (letterlijk)

What on earth are you crying about?

doorzeuren, doordrammen

phrasal verb, intransitive (talk boringly)

I slipped out the back of the hall while she was droning on.

lummelen, niksen

phrasal verb, intransitive (vulgar, slang (spend time foolishly) (informeel)

stoeien met

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (waste time doing [sth] trivial) (informeel, figuurlijk)

He began to fiddle around doing crossword puzzles, but soon noticed his English was improving.

prutsen met

(informal (play absent-mindedly with) (informeel)

She fiddled around with the things on her desk while I was talking.

rommelen met, klooien met

(informal (alter or adjust unhelpfully) (informeel)

He loved to fiddle about with old cars, but never actually fixed them up.

iets te weten komen over iets

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (learn)

I read his biography to find out about his life.

iets te weten komen over iemand

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (learn)

flippen, doordraaien

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (get angry) (informeel)

When I tell my parents I'm quitting school, they are going to freak out.
Wanneer ik mijn ouders vertel dat ik stop met school gaan ze flippen.

aankloten, aanrommelen

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang, vulgar, offensive (waste time) (informeel)

Stop f***ing about and get on with your homework!
Stop met aankloten en doe verder met je huiswerk!

overal komen

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (travel frequently or widely)

Paris yesterday, Sydney next week; you really get about, don't you!


phrasal verb, intransitive (move from place to place)

He goes about from place to place, taking casual jobs wherever he can get them.
Hij gaat rond van plaats naar plaats en neemt ongedwongen banen aan waar hij ze maar kan krijgen.

iets aanpakken

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (approach, tackle: a task)

Isn't it time you went about fixing the broken table? How am I to go about painting the ceiling when I have no ladder?
Wordt het geen tijd dat je de kapotte tafel gaat aanpakken? Hoe moet ik het plafond schilderen als ik geen ladder heb?


phrasal verb, intransitive (illness: be transmitted) (ziekte)

There's a nasty strain of flu going around.

over iets doorgaan

(UK, informal (talk incessantly about)

The teacher went on about the topic he had chosen regardless of the fact that many students were asleep.

over iets doorgaan

(UK, informal (talk unintelligibly about)

When my sister goes on about programming, I can't understand a word she is saying.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (loiter)

It's annoying when youths hang around at the bus stop intimidating customers.
Het is vervelend wanneer jongeren bij de bushalte rondhangen en klanten intimideren.

met iemand omgaan

(informal (socialize with [sb])

Since Harvey started hanging around with a group of older boys, he is always getting in trouble.

onophoudelijk over iets praten

(informal (talk incessantly about [sth])

over iets horen

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (learn latest news)

Did you hear about the earthquake in Japan?


phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (wait nearby)

rondhangen, lummelen

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK, informal (sit idly) (informeel)

I can't loaf about, watching television; I have to go to work. The lazy student loafed about instead of doing his homework.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (be frivolous) (informeel)

Stop messing around and let's discuss this seriously.

aanprutsen, rondscharrelen

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (be unproductive) (informeel)

My husband is messing around in the garage - I've no idea what he's doing in there.

klieren, klooien, lummelen

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK, slang (behave in a frivolous way) (informeel)

Stop mucking about and get to work.

druk rondrennen

phrasal verb, intransitive (go about things hurriedly)

James was rushing around, trying to get everything organized for the party.

bekijken, overdenken

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (consider)

I might sign up for that class; I haven't decided. I'll see about it.

zorgen voor iets

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (attend to, deal with)

Our guests will be here soon, so I'd better see about getting some food prepared.

beginnen, aanvangen

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (start: doing)

Julius set about arranging his collection of butterflies.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (attack: [sb])

op het punt staan

verbal expression (on the point of)

I was just about to step into the bath when the doorbell rang.
Ik stond net op het punt om het bad in te stappen toen de deurbel ging.

worstelen met

(struggle with decision) (figuurlijk)

I was very unsure about whether or not to give up my job and I agonised over the decision for weeks.

alles over

adjective (on the topic of)

I want to hear all about your trip.


adverb (UK (all around a certain area)

The pickpocket looked all about to make sure nobody was watching.

informeren bij

transitive verb (request information about)

He asked his father about jobs in the factory.

ergens omheen draaien

verbal expression (figurative (avoid getting to the point)

Stop beating around the bush and give me the real reason!

klagen over, zeuren over

(mainly US, slang (complain)

He's always beefing about work.

zeiken over

(vulgar, slang (complain about [sth]) (slang)

The employees stood at the coffee machine and bitched about their pay.

opscheppen over, pochen over

(talk boastfully)

He is always bragging about his wealth.

op de hoogte brengen, op de hoogte stellen

(give a summary talk)


adjective (informal (uninformed, not knowing [sth])

I'm clueless as to what to do next.

stom, dom, idioot

adjective (informal (hopeless, incapable) (informeel)

It's no use expecting him to help - he's completely clueless.

een opmerking maken over iets,

(make remarks)

Audrey commented about the newspaper article.

fantaseren over, dagdromen over

(fantasize about)

I frequently daydream about living in a warmer climate.

geërgerd, geïrriteerd

(dissatisfied with, disapproving of)

The king was displeased with his advisor's decision to dismiss several members of the court.


intransitive verb (show enthusiasm)

ophemelen, loven, prijzen

(speak in praise of)

Brent eulogized at length about the benefits of a vegan diet.

fabuleren over

(archaic (lie, invent stories about)

The old man frequently fabled about his past.

fantaseren over, dagdromen over

(imagine, daydream about [sth])

As a child, I fantasized about living in a boarding school.

zich slecht voelen over iets

(feel guilty)

opgewonden zijn over iets

(figurative, informal (enthusiastic about [sth])

After an hour's practice on the tennis court, Isabel felt fired up for the tournament.

zich vaag uitdrukken

(be unspecific)

Sam would only generalize about the situation; he gave no specific details.

uitzien naar, uitkijken naar

verbal expression (colloquial (look forward) (figuurlijk)

The children are getting excited about tomorrow's trip to the zoo.

opgewonden raken over

verbal expression (informal (be enthused)

The research team got excited about their latest discovery.

mopperen over, klagen over, zeuren over

(informal (complain about)

Jackson is always grousing about his wife nagging him.

Wacht even!

interjection (UK, slang (stop, wait a moment)

Hang about, do you mean to say you knew about that the whole time and just didn't tell me?!

veel te zeggen hebben over, het één en ander te vertellen hebben over

verbal expression (openly share one's opinions on)

As a working mother she has a lot to say about childcare facilities and unpaid, unscheduled overtime.
Als werkende moeder heeft ze veel te zeggen over kinderopvang en onbetaald en ongepland overwerk.

niet zeker zijn

(not be certain)

Dave had doubts about his ability to complete the work on time.


verbal expression (reconsider)

aarzelend, terughoudend

expression (person: reluctant)

Sarah is hesitant about going on the trip.

wat dacht je van

(informal (introducing a suggestion)

How about going to the cinema tonight?
Wat dacht je van naar de bioscoop gaan vanavond?


expression (informal, figurative (neurotic)

Don't get hung up about your appearance - you look fine!
Word niet onzeker over je uiterlijk - je ziet er goed uit!

geobsedeerd door, gefixeerd op

preposition (slang, figurative (preoccupied)

boven de werkelijkheid verheffen

(conceive [sth] in ideal form)

Ruth idealizes about living in rural Italy, but I suspect the reality will be very different.

informeren naar

(ask for information on)

I'm phoning to enquire about the second-hand bicycle you advertised.


(analyze [sth] using intellect)

ondervragen, verhoren

transitive verb (question, examine)

Police interrogated the suspects for an hour before releasing them.


(question on [sth])

My wife interrogated me about my whereabouts after I didn't come home last night.

zaniken over, mekkeren over

(informal (complain about [sth]) (informeel)

Colin is always kvetching about his job.

iets leren kennen

(become informed about)

How did you learn about our company? The kids have been learning about the Middle Ages in their history class.

verbal expression (subject: stop talking about)

Matt was late home on Friday night and his wife still hasn't let up about it.

gek op, weg van, dol op

(informal (passionate about) (informeel)

I'm mad about that singer; I own all his CDs and I'm president of his fan club.

kwaad over, boos over

(informal (angry about)

His jaws are clenched. He must be mad about something.


adjective (UK, regional, slang (extremely pleased)

I'm made up about my new car!

koud laten

verbal expression (figurative, informal (not care, be unconcerned) (figuurlijk, informeel)

niets te zeggen over

preposition (no information or opinion about)

When the reporter asked about his alleged affair, he answered "I have nothing to say about that."

niets om over naar huis te schrijven

expression (figurative, informal (unremarkable) (figuurlijk, informeel)

I enjoyed his last film, but this new one is nothing to write home about.

smoorverliefd op

adjective (slang (passionately in love with: [sb]) (informeel)

Wow, Romeo certainly was nuts about Juliet! I don't know what she sees in him, but she's nuts about him.

gek op, weg van, dol op, verzot op

adjective (slang (activity, thing: like intensely) (informeel)

I do like peanut butter, but it is chocolate that I'm nuts about!

in beslag genomen worden

(be overly preoccupied with sthg) (gedachten)

She's constantly obsessing about her weight.

druk bezig

adverb (busy, active outside the home)

He's always out and about these days - I hardly ever see him at home.


(display ostentatiously)

orakelen, oreren

(talk pompously about) (figuurlijk)

The lecturer pontificated on the meaning of life.

plagen met

verbal expression (US, slang (tease about [sth])

plagen met

verbal expression (US, slang (tease for doing [sth])

zich iets romantisch voorstellen

(have unrealistic ideas about [sth])

A lot of people romanticize about living a simple, self-sufficient life in the countryside, without realizing how much hard work it is.


(splash through: mud, water)

The children were sloshing around in puddles.


(water: splash about)

I can feel water sloshing around inside my boots.

praten over, spreken over, discussiëren over


We talked about the film we had just seen.

iemand iets bijbrengen, onderrichten

(give knowledge of)

The clinic teaches people about health issues.

denken aan

intransitive verb (be preoccupied with)

He was saddened, and thought about her situation all the time.

Laten we Engels leren

Dus nu je meer weet over de betekenis van about in Engels, kun je leren hoe je ze kunt gebruiken aan de hand van geselecteerde voorbeelden en hoe je lees ze. En vergeet niet om de verwante woorden die we voorstellen te leren. Onze website wordt voortdurend bijgewerkt met nieuwe woorden en nieuwe voorbeelden, zodat u de betekenissen van andere woorden die u niet kent, kunt opzoeken in Engels.

Verwante woorden van about

Ken je iets van Engels

Het Engels is afkomstig van Germaanse stammen die naar Engeland zijn geëmigreerd en is over een periode van meer dan 1400 jaar geëvolueerd. Engels is de derde meest gesproken taal ter wereld, na Chinees en Spaans. Het is de meest geleerde tweede taal en de officiële taal van bijna 60 soevereine landen. Deze taal heeft een groter aantal sprekers als tweede en vreemde taal dan moedertaalsprekers. Engels is ook de co-officiële taal van de Verenigde Naties, van de Europese Unie en van vele andere internationale en regionale organisaties. Tegenwoordig kunnen Engelstaligen over de hele wereld relatief gemakkelijk communiceren.