Wat betekent us in Engels?

Wat is de betekenis van het woord us in Engels? Het artikel legt de volledige betekenis uit, de uitspraak samen met tweetalige voorbeelden en instructies voor het gebruik van us in Engels.

Het woord us in Engels betekent ons, onszelf, me, mij, America, US, between the two of us, between the two of us, between the two of us, Dat ligt als een molensteen op zijn hart, Dat hangt als een molensteen om zijn nek, kwart voor, in omtrek, , accommodatie, logies, voorzien van, paracetamol, erkenning, adverteren, reclame vertonen, reclame maken, bekend maken, verkondigen, geadverteerd, nawerking, daarna, naderhand, achteraf, luchthaven, aluminium, aluminium, aluminiumfolie, amoeben-, amoebeachtig, amoebe, amoeba, amfitheater, amfitheater, analyseren, bestuderen, onderzoeken, vuurbok, haardbok, anemie, bloedarmoede, anemisch, zwak, krachteloos, slap, anesthesie, verdoving, anesthesie, anesthesist, anesthesioloog, narcotiseur, anesthesiologie, verdovingsmiddel, verdovend, anesthetisch, anaesthesie, verdoving, narcose, verdoven, anestheseren, verdoven, anestheseren, maar goed, in ieder geval, hoe dan ook, goed, oké, overal behalve hier, appendectomie, pergola, archeologisch, archeoloog, archeologie, hartstocht, pantser, pantservoertuig, pantserplaat, gepantserd, gepantserd, wapensmid, wapenmeester, wapenhandelaar, wapenleverancier, pantser, schild, wapenmagazijn, kunstvoorwerp, artefact, artefact, artefact, kunstmatige aroma's, atelier, artistiek, kunstzinnig, artistiek, kunstzinnig, artistiekerig, grauw, sport-, gym-, avocado, bijl, inkrimpen, korten, ontslaan, van de buis halen, babyflesje, kinderwagen, vrijgezellenfeest, vrijgezellenfeest, ongedekte cheque, poedersuiker, bankbiljet, kroegentocht, herenkapper, herenkapsalon, barbershop, prikkeldraad, prikkeldraad, bark, strijdbijl, feeks, helleveeg, biet, bieten-, vuurrood, knalrood, namens iemand/iets, gedrag, gedrag, gedrag, gedragsmanagement, gedrags-, behaviorisme, behaviorist. Raadpleeg de onderstaande details voor meer informatie.

Luister naar uitspraak

Betekenis van het woord us

ons, onszelf

pronoun (we: indirect object)

He is going to give us thirty dollars for doing the job.

me, mij

pronoun (colloquial (objective case of I)

Give us a hand with this, will you? I can't lift it on my own.


(Verenigde Staten) (informal: USA)

(proper noun: Names a unique person, place, thing, group, or idea--for example, "John," "Africa," "Manchester United." Always capitalized.)


(afkorting: Verenigde Staten) (United States)

between the two of us

(tussen ons gezegd)

(expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own.")

between the two of us

(in vertrouwen gezegd)

(expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own.")

between the two of us

(in vertrouwen gezegd)

(expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own.")

Dat ligt als een molensteen op zijn hart, Dat hangt als een molensteen om zijn nek

expression (figurative (burden: mental or emotional) (figuurlijk)

kwart voor

expression (15 minutes before the hour)

I'll meet you at a quarter till one... in the afternoon, of course.

in omtrek

adverb (mainly UK (in circumference)

The lake is approximately three miles about.

adjective (forgetful)

He's so absentminded that he forgot his own birthday!


noun (hotel room)

What's the accommodation like at the resort?


noun (lodging)

What kind of accommodation is available in the mountains?

voorzien van

(equip or furnish)


noun (drug used for pain relief)


noun (recognition, response)

Last time I saw her she didn't even give me an acknowledgment. Bridget received an award in acknowledgement of her work.

adverteren, reclame vertonen

intransitive verb (promote)

If you want to attract customers, social media is a great way to advertise.

reclame maken

transitive verb (product: promote)

Companies often use celebrities to advertise their products.

bekend maken, verkondigen

transitive verb (fact: make known)

Vera did not advertise the fact that she was ill, so her death came as a shock to everyone.


adjective (brought to public notice, promoted)

The advertised sale brought many shoppers to the mall.


noun (often pl (consequence)


adverb (after that)

Let's eat and go to a movie afterwards.

naderhand, achteraf

adverb (after the fact)

You can't board the flight then change your mind about it afterwards.


noun (type of airport)


noun (lightweight metal) (metaal)

Aluminum is used to make kitchen foil because it can withstand heat.


noun as adjective (made of aluminum)

Aluminum cans are recyclable.


noun (silver paper)

We wrapped up our food with aluminum foil.


adjective (relating to an amoeba) (in samenstellingen)


adjective (ameba-like)

amoebe, amoeba

noun (single-celled life form) (dierkunde)

An amoeba reproduces by splitting into two.


noun (open-air arena)

Many plays were performed in this ancient Roman amphitheater.


noun (indoor auditorium)

analyseren, bestuderen

transitive verb (study closely)

The students have to analyse a passage from Shakespeare for their exam.


transitive verb (investigate)

Investigators tried to analyze the cause of the accident.

vuurbok, haardbok

noun (log rest in a fireplace) (standaard in open haard)

anemie, bloedarmoede

noun (lack of red blood cells) (medisch)

Ellen was feeling tired and dizzy, so she went to the doctor, who told her she was suffering from anemia.


adjective (suffering from anaemia) (met bloedarmoede)

zwak, krachteloos, slap

adjective (figurative (feeble)


noun ([sth] that numbs feeling)

The right side of Lauren's face was completely numbed by the anesthesia administered by her dentist.

verdoving, anesthesie

noun ([sth] that induces unconsciousness)

I awoke from the anaesthesia feeling confused.

anesthesist, anesthesioloog, narcotiseur

noun ([sb] who administers anaesthetic) (medisch specialist)


noun (medicine: giving anaesthetics) (medisch)


noun (drug: numbs pain)

In the middle ages, surgery was performed without an anesthetic.

verdovend, anesthetisch

adjective (numbing pain)

Oil of cloves has an anesthetic effect when applied to the gums.

anaesthesie, verdoving, narcose

noun (giving of an anaesthetic)

verdoven, anestheseren

transitive verb (patient: put to sleep)

The operation required that she be anaesthetized.

verdoven, anestheseren

transitive verb (body part: make numb)

This injection will anaesthetize the area around the tooth.

maar goed, in ieder geval, hoe dan ook

adverb (informal (resuming previous topic) (spreektaal)

Anyway, we eventually found a place to eat.

goed, oké

adverb (signalling change of topic) (spreektaal)

Anyway, I have to leave now.

overal behalve hier

noun (any other place)

I'd rather be anywhere else right now.


noun (surgery to remove appendix) (medisch)


noun (structure that supports plants)

There were lime trees growing over the arbor.


adjective (relating to archeology)

The archeological dig has unearthed a number of treasures from the Roman era.


noun (person who studies historical ruins)

A team of archeologists uncovered the ruins of a Mayan city.


noun (study of historical ruins)

Archeology is a slow process but it is far from boring.


noun (intensity)

Frank is a passionate speaker on this topic; I admire his ardor.


noun (hard combat gear)

In the Middle Ages, knights wore armor when they competed in jousting tournaments.


noun (reinforcement on military vehicle)

A local factory manufactures armor for military vehicles.


noun (metal protection)


adjective (wearing metal suit)


adjective (protected by armour)

The military sent in tanks and armored troops.


noun (person who makes weapons)


noun (military official: issues arms) (leger)

Returning soldiers give their assigned weapons back to the unit armorer.

wapenhandelaar, wapenleverancier

noun (supplier of weapons)

She was detained because she was thought to be the armourer for the gang.

pantser, schild

noun (of plants, insects) (dieren)


noun (UK (arsenal, weapons store)

kunstvoorwerp, artefact

noun (man-made object)


noun (very old item)


noun (science: spurious result) (onjuiste weergave of uitkomst)

kunstmatige aroma's

plural noun (synthetic taste ingredients)

The drink is made exclusively from whole fruit and contains no artificial flavourings.


noun (workshop of an artist) (van kunstenaar)

One half of the barn has been converted into an artist's studio. That potter whose work you loved finally opened his art studio to the public.

artistiek, kunstzinnig

adjective (informal (person: artistic, creative)

My girlfriend is very artsy and is always working on a painting or drawing.

artistiek, kunstzinnig

adjective (pejorative, informal (pretentiously arts-loving)

The movie was good, but a little too artsy for my taste.


adjective (pejorative, informal (fond of crafts) (pejoratief, informeel)


noun (color) (kleur)

sport-, gym-

adjective (relating to sports) (in samenstellingen)

I keep my athletics kit in my car.


noun (fruit)

Karl loves to eat avocados with salt and a little lime juice.


noun (chopping instrument)

That oak's far too big to cut down with an ax.

inkrimpen, korten

transitive verb (figurative, informal (reduce, cut, eliminate)

Next year's budget will have to be axed severely.


transitive verb (figurative, informal (fire from a job)

The company plans to ax a dozen employees next month.

van de buis halen

transitive verb (often passive, figurative (TV show, etc.: cancel)

The TV channel axed the show due to poor viewing figures.


noun (infant's feeding receptacle)


noun (pram)

Old-fashioned baby carriages are beautiful, but they're not very practical.


noun (party for a husband-to-be)

Bachelor parties tend to be wild and crazy. // We're going to a nightclub for Simon's stag do.


noun (party for a wife-to-be)

ongedekte cheque

noun (cheque: insufficient funds)

We have had too many clients write bad checks, so now we only accept cash.


noun (fine powdered sugar)

I always give my mince pies a sprinkling of caster sugar on top.


noun (paper money)

The teller counted out the banknotes and handed them to me.


noun (informal (barhop: visit to a series of bars) (informeel)

To celebrate Evan's birthday, his mates took him on a pub crawl.

herenkapper, herenkapsalon

noun (men's hairdressing salon)

A spinning red, white, and blue pole denotes a barbershop.


noun (singing group: four men's voices) (anglicisme, muziek)

Martin sings bass in a barbershop quartet.


noun (spiked wire)

The farmer has put up barbed wire round his field to deter trespassers.


noun as adjective (made of spiked wire)

The prisoners were held inside a barbwire enclosure.


noun (small sailing ship)


noun (hacking weapon)

feeks, helleveeg

noun (figurative, pejorative, slang (nagging woman) (pejoratief)


noun (root vegetable)

The steak comes with a side of roasted beets. The beetroot in the market didn't look very fresh.


noun as adjective (containing beetroot) (in samenstellingen)

I added a swirl of cream to the beetroot soup.

vuurrood, knalrood

adjective (UK (reddish purple in colour)

She turned completely beetroot every time I looked at her.

namens iemand/iets

preposition (in place of [sb])

I'm phoning on behalf of my daughter, who has lost her voice. The millionaire sent somebody to bid on the painting on his behalf.


noun (person: conduct)

His behaviour seems to be worse when visitors come.
Zijn gedrag lijkt erger te worden als er bezoek is.


noun (animal: habits)

The dog's behavior is a combination of instinct and conditioning.
Het gedrag van de hond is een combinatie van instinct en conditionering.


noun (system or machine: functioning)

The car is old and its behaviour is unpredictable.
De auto is oud en het gedrag ervan is onvoorspelbaar.


noun (discipline)

"Time out" is a technique used in behavior management.


adjective (of behavior) (in samenstellingen)

Peter began to develop behavioral problems at age 7.


noun (psychology)


noun (proponent of behaviourism)

Laten we Engels leren

Dus nu je meer weet over de betekenis van us in Engels, kun je leren hoe je ze kunt gebruiken aan de hand van geselecteerde voorbeelden en hoe je lees ze. En vergeet niet om de verwante woorden die we voorstellen te leren. Onze website wordt voortdurend bijgewerkt met nieuwe woorden en nieuwe voorbeelden, zodat u de betekenissen van andere woorden die u niet kent, kunt opzoeken in Engels.

Ken je iets van Engels

Het Engels is afkomstig van Germaanse stammen die naar Engeland zijn geëmigreerd en is over een periode van meer dan 1400 jaar geëvolueerd. Engels is de derde meest gesproken taal ter wereld, na Chinees en Spaans. Het is de meest geleerde tweede taal en de officiële taal van bijna 60 soevereine landen. Deze taal heeft een groter aantal sprekers als tweede en vreemde taal dan moedertaalsprekers. Engels is ook de co-officiële taal van de Verenigde Naties, van de Europese Unie en van vele andere internationale en regionale organisaties. Tegenwoordig kunnen Engelstaligen over de hele wereld relatief gemakkelijk communiceren.