Wat betekent ways in Engels?

Wat is de betekenis van het woord ways in Engels? Het artikel legt de volledige betekenis uit, de uitspraak samen met tweetalige voorbeelden en instructies voor het gebruik van ways in Engels.

Het woord ways in Engels betekent manieren, our ways will part, manier, aanpak, richting, weg, kant, weg, weg, route, eigenschap, gewoonte, weg, straat, weg, doorgang, plaats, ruimte, opzicht, punt, weg, humeur, gewoonte, middel, mode, pad, afstand, stukken, delen, road, way, manner, way, manner, mode, fashion, way, manner, mode, fashion, way, way, channel, route, way, way, route, way, in progress, under way, in another way, work one's way through, look the other way, look the other way, pave the way, find the way, in such a way, single ticket, single, Wow! No way!, stand in the way, in every respect, in every way, in a way, entrance, way in, life, way of life, way of doing, Milky Way, under no circumstances, on the way, on the way, along the way, on the way to, in one way or another, that way, as you wish, on the way, on the way to, in his own way, answer, yield, go all the way, go all in, go to any length, by the way, by the way, get out of the way, Out of the way!, way out, priority, right of way, precedence, give way, so, like this, this way, like that, that way, in such a way, middelen, manieren. Raadpleeg de onderstaande details voor meer informatie.

Luister naar uitspraak

Betekenis van het woord ways


adverb (informal, as suffix (to form adverbs)

For example: longways

our ways will part

(personen: uit elkaar gaan)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")


(manner, how)

How did he do it? In what way?


(preferred method)

This is the way to do it.

richting, weg, kant


Which way did you go to get here?


(street name) (in straatnamen)

The street I live on is called Artren Way.

weg, route


There is a way through the mountains ten kilometres south of here.

eigenschap, gewoonte


His ways are odd and eccentric.

weg, straat


We went by the old Roman way.

weg, doorgang


Follow the way through the woods.

plaats, ruimte


Please make way so we can get through.

opzicht, punt


In some ways I agree with you.



The way to Boston is a major highway.


(condition, mood)

He is in a bad way today.



He has a way of always losing his keys.



The way to accelerate the project is to add staff.


(mode, style)

The modern way uses brighter colours.


(experience) (figuurlijk)

That is the worst thing that ever came my way.



Chicago is a long way from here.

stukken, delen

(divisions, parts)

We divided the dessert three ways.


(strook grond voor verkeer)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

way, manner


(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

way, manner, mode, fashion

(manier, wijze)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

way, manner, mode, fashion

(zie: wijs)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)


(bepaalde afstand)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

way, channel

(manier, middel)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)



(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)


(De markt is die kant op. (richting)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
The market is that way.


(afstand, tocht)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

route, way

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

in progress, under way


(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

in another way

(op een andere manier)

(expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own.")

work one's way through

(doorgang maken)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

look the other way

(iemand ontwijken)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

look the other way

(iets opzettelijk negeren)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

pave the way

(letterlijk (de weg vrijmaken zodat men door kan)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

find the way

(route achterhalen)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

in such a way


(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

single ticket, single

(enkel heenreis) (UK)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

Wow! No way!

(informeel (uitroep v. verbazing) (informal)

(interjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!")

stand in the way

(hinderen, belemmeren)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

in every respect, in every way

(geheel en al, volledig)

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

in a way

(vanuit een bepaald standpunt)

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

entrance, way in


(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

life, way of life


(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

way of doing

(handelswijze, gedraging)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

Milky Way


(proper noun: Names a unique person, place, thing, group, or idea--for example, "John," "Africa," "Manchester United." Always capitalized.)

under no circumstances

(in geen geval)

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

on the way

(op de weg)

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

on the way, along the way

(reeds vertrokken)

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

on the way to

(op weg naar)

(preposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours.")

in one way or another

(op enigerlei wijze)

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

that way

(zo, aldus)

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

as you wish

(zoals u zelf wenst)

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

on the way

(op pad)

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

on the way to

(onderweg naar)

in his own way

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")


(uitweg, oplossing)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)


(bezwijken, zwichten)

(intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived.")

go all the way, go all in

(figuurlijk (zich volledig inspannen)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

go to any length

(zich volledig inspannen)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

by the way


(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

by the way

(figuurlijk (trouwens, overigens)

(interjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!")

get out of the way

(aan de kant gaan)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

Out of the way!

(aan de kant!)

(interjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!")

way out

(redding, uitkomst) (figurative)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

priority, right of way, precedence


(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

give way

(uit de weg gaan)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

so, like this, this way, like that, that way

(op die manier)

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

in such a way

(dusdanig, in die mate)

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

middelen, manieren

plural noun (methods)

The boss didn't approve of the ways and means I'd used.

Laten we Engels leren

Dus nu je meer weet over de betekenis van ways in Engels, kun je leren hoe je ze kunt gebruiken aan de hand van geselecteerde voorbeelden en hoe je lees ze. En vergeet niet om de verwante woorden die we voorstellen te leren. Onze website wordt voortdurend bijgewerkt met nieuwe woorden en nieuwe voorbeelden, zodat u de betekenissen van andere woorden die u niet kent, kunt opzoeken in Engels.

Ken je iets van Engels

Het Engels is afkomstig van Germaanse stammen die naar Engeland zijn geëmigreerd en is over een periode van meer dan 1400 jaar geëvolueerd. Engels is de derde meest gesproken taal ter wereld, na Chinees en Spaans. Het is de meest geleerde tweede taal en de officiële taal van bijna 60 soevereine landen. Deze taal heeft een groter aantal sprekers als tweede en vreemde taal dan moedertaalsprekers. Engels is ook de co-officiële taal van de Verenigde Naties, van de Europese Unie en van vele andere internationale en regionale organisaties. Tegenwoordig kunnen Engelstaligen over de hele wereld relatief gemakkelijk communiceren.