英语 中的 alight 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 alight 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 alight 的说明。

英语 中的alight 表示燃烧的,着火了的 rán shāo de ,zháo huǒ le de, 下车 xià chē, 飞落 fēi luò, 光亮 guāng liàng, 光 guāng, 灯 dēng, 轻的 qīng de, 微弱的 wēi ruò de, 简单的 jiǎn dān de, 轻的,浅的,淡的 qīng de ,qiǎn de ,dàn de, 照亮 zhào liàng, 点燃 diǎn rán, 易消化的 yì xiāo huà de, 低卡路里的 dī kǎ lù lǐ de, 度数低的,酒精含量低的 dù shù dī de,jiǔ jīng hán liàng dī de, 瘦的,轻的 shòu de ,qīng de, 轻薄的,轻便的 qīng bó de ,qīng biàn de, 少量的 shǎo liàng de, (接触时)用力小的 jiē chù shí yòng lì xiǎo de, 轻松的,随意的,不那么严肃的 qīng sōng de ,suí yì de ,bú nà me yán sù de, 消遣性的 xiāo qiǎn xìng de, 沙质的,疏松的,含沙多的 shā zhì de,shū sōng de,hán shā duō de, 轻快的,轻盈的 qīng kuài de ,qīng yíng de, 轻松愉快的 qīng sōng yú kuài de, 轻型的 qīng xíng de, 微弱的,轻微的 wēi ruò de ,qīng wēi de, 轻装地, 轻轻地 qīng qīng de, 灯泡 dēng pào, 白天 bái tiān, 红绿灯 hóng lǜ dēng, 路灯 lù dēng, (车辆的)前灯 chē liàng de qián dēng, 灯塔 dēng tǎ, (蜡烛等的)光亮 là zhú děng de guāng liàng, 观点,立场,态度,视角,方面 guān diǎn,lì chǎng ,tài dù ,shì jiǎo ,fāng miàn, 名人 míng rén, 眼里隐约闪现的微光 yǎn lǐ yǐn yuē shǎn xiàn de wēi guāng, 亮部,亮色,光影效果 liàng bù,liàng sè, 小的窗户 xiǎo de chuāng hù, 打火机 dǎ huǒ jī, 动物肺片, 灯 dēng, 燃烧起来 rán shāo qǐ lái, 着火 zháo huǒ, 点燃 diǎn rán。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 alight 的含义

燃烧的,着火了的 rán shāo de ,zháo huǒ le de

adjective (on fire, ablaze)

The house was fully alight by the time we reached it.

下车 xià chē

intransitive verb (person: get out of vehicle) (人)

Passengers alighting at the next station must move to the front carriage. Lady Audrey alighted from her coach.

飞落 fēi luò

intransitive verb (bird: land) (鸟儿)

A flock of starlings alighted on the telephone wire.

光亮 guāng liàng

noun (general: not darkness)

These particular plants grow better in the light than in the dark.

光 guāng

noun (illumination)

Could we have some light in the room? It's too dark.

灯 dēng

noun (lamp)

We have three lights in this room.

轻的 qīng de

adjective (not heavy in weight)

Give me the heavy bag, and you can carry the light one.

微弱的 wēi ruò de

adjective (faint)

You could only see a light outline of the mountains.

简单的 jiǎn dān de

adjective (easy, gentle)

Take a little light exercise - nothing too strenuous.

轻的,浅的,淡的 qīng de ,qiǎn de ,dàn de

adjective (color: pale) (色彩、色调)

Have you seen my light blue shirt?

照亮 zhào liàng

transitive verb (illuminate)

He finally found the lamp to light the room. The mayor flipped the switch to light the Christmas tree.

点燃 diǎn rán

transitive verb (ignite)

I will light the petrol to set off the fire.

易消化的 yì xiāo huà de

adjective (food: easy to digest)

While her husband ordered a steak, she ordered something lighter.

低卡路里的 dī kǎ lù lǐ de

adjective (food: has few calories)

This light mayonnaise doesn't have much flavour.

度数低的,酒精含量低的 dù shù dī de,jiǔ jīng hán liàng dī de

adjective (drink: low alcohol) (酒)

Some people prefer light beer to very alcoholic beverages.

瘦的,轻的 shòu de ,qīng de

adjective ([sb]: not heavily built)

She is very strong for someone so light!

轻薄的,轻便的 qīng bó de ,qīng biàn de

adjective (clothing: for warm weather) (衣服)

You can wear a light jacket. It isn't too cold outside.

少量的 shǎo liàng de

adjective (figurative (low volume)

There was only light trading in the commodities markets due to the holiday.

(接触时)用力小的 jiē chù shí yòng lì xiǎo de

adjective (low pressure)

The masseur had a very light touch.

轻松的,随意的,不那么严肃的 qīng sōng de ,suí yì de ,bú nà me yán sù de

adjective (figurative (not profound) (谈话等)

We just engaged in light conversation, nothing serious.

消遣性的 xiāo qiǎn xìng de

adjective (figurative (trivial)

Sam reassured me that it was a light matter and nothing to worry about.

沙质的,疏松的,含沙多的 shā zhì de,shū sōng de,hán shā duō de

adjective (soil: sandy) (土壤)

Carrots are best grown in a light soil, rather than heavy clay.

轻快的,轻盈的 qīng kuài de ,qīng yíng de

adjective (delicate) (舞步等)

The dancer executed some light and dainty steps.

轻松愉快的 qīng sōng yú kuài de

adjective (figurative (carefree)

The girls liked him for his light and carefree attitude towards life.

轻型的 qīng xíng de

adjective (of low weight capacity)

He has a licence to fly light aircraft.

微弱的,轻微的 wēi ruò de ,qīng wēi de

adjective (breeze: gentle) (风)

It will be mainly sunny, with a light breeze.


adverb (without burdens)

She traveled light, carrying only a small case.

轻轻地 qīng qīng de

adverb (poetic (lightly)

She walked so light that she barely left a footprint.

灯泡 dēng pào

noun (light bulb)

The light has burned out in the kitchen. Can you replace it?

白天 bái tiān

noun (daylight)

You had better go to the shop while there is still light.

红绿灯 hóng lǜ dēng

noun (traffic light)

The traffic stopped when the light turned red.

路灯 lù dēng

noun (street lamp)

They installed lights on the street to make it safer to walk at night.

(车辆的)前灯 chē liàng de qián dēng

noun (car: headlight)

When it got dark, he turned the car's lights on.

灯塔 dēng tǎ

noun (lighthouse)

The sailors were most relieved when they saw the Sambro Island Light in the distance.

(蜡烛等的)光亮 là zhú děng de guāng liàng

noun (flame)

He could see her face in the light of the candle.

观点,立场,态度,视角,方面 guān diǎn,lì chǎng ,tài dù ,shì jiǎo ,fāng miàn

noun (figurative (viewpoint) (比喻)

He always saw things in a negative light.

名人 míng rén

noun (luminary)

She is a leading light in the art world.

眼里隐约闪现的微光 yǎn lǐ yǐn yuē shǎn xiàn de wēi guāng

noun (gleam)

She saw the light in his eyes and knew he had a good idea.

亮部,亮色,光影效果 liàng bù,liàng sè

noun (art: effect) (绘画)

Look at the light on the woman's face in this painting.

小的窗户 xiǎo de chuāng hù

noun (small window)

Don't open the big window, just the corner light.

打火机 dǎ huǒ jī

noun (fire to light a cigarette, etc.)

Hey, do you have a light?


plural noun (animal lungs as food) (用作食物的)

Cook the lights for an hour in the stock.

灯 dēng

plural noun (decorative) (装饰的)

We put the tinsel and lights on the Christmas tree.

燃烧起来 rán shāo qǐ lái

intransitive verb (take fire)

He threw on a match and the bonfire lighted.

着火 zháo huǒ

verbal expression (ignite)

Gasoline can catch fire very easily. If you knock that candle onto the rug, it will catch on fire.

点燃 diǎn rán


The rioters set a police car alight.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。