英语 中的 agreement 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 agreement 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 agreement 的说明。

英语 中的agreement 表示协定 xié dìng, 协议 xié yì, 一致,呼应 yí zhì,hū yìng, 根据协议 gēn jù xié yì, 原则上的共识 yuán zé shàng de gòng shí, 具有约束力的协议 jù yǒu yuē shù lì de xié yì, (劳资间的) 集体协议 láo zī jiān de jí tǐ xié yì, 劳资谈判合同, 集体劳动合同 jí tǐ láo dòng hé tóng, 达成协议,达成一致 dá chéng xié yì,dá chéng yí zhì, 与…达成协议 yǔ dá chéng xié yì, 与…达成一致 yǔ dá chéng yí zhì, 托管协议, 一致同意 yí zhì tóng yì, 君子协定 jūn zǐ xié dìng, 君子协定 jūn zǐ xié dìng, 意见一致的 yì jiàn yí zhì de, 与…(意见)一致 yǔ yì jiàn yí zhì, 符合… fú hé, 同意… tóng yì, 非正式协定 fēi zhèng shì xié dìng, 合法协议 hé fǎ xié yì, 许可协议,许可证协议, 相互协定 xiāng hù xié dìng, 无约束力的协议, 辩诉交易, 购买协议,购买合同, 达成协议 dá chéng xié yì, 服务水平协议, 租赁合约 zū lìn hé yuē, 一致同意 yí zhì tóng yì, 完全赞同 wán quán zàn tóng, 贸易协议 mào yì xié yì, 口头协议 kǒu tóu xié yì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 agreement 的含义

协定 xié dìng

noun (accord)

We need everyone's agreement before we go ahead.

协议 xié yì

noun (treaty)

The arms' control agreement was negotiated thirty years ago.

一致,呼应 yí zhì,hū yìng

noun (grammar: concordance) (语法)

Remember, the noun and adjective need to be in agreement.

根据协议 gēn jù xié yì

expression (by the terms of the agreement)

According to the agreement, the buyer will purchase all the product that the seller can produce.

原则上的共识 yuán zé shàng de gòng shí

noun (accept an idea in theory)

具有约束力的协议 jù yǒu yuē shù lì de xié yì

noun (legal or official contract)

Sign your name on the line, and we'll have a binding agreement.

(劳资间的) 集体协议 láo zī jiān de jí tǐ xié yì

noun (employer-union contract)

The new collective agreement gave union members increased medical benefits.


noun (contract of working conditions)

集体劳动合同 jí tǐ láo dòng hé tóng

noun (UK (employer, union contract)

Union members have voted to go on strike because their employer refuses to honor the collective labour agreement that they signed last month.

达成协议,达成一致 dá chéng xié yì,dá chéng yí zhì

verbal expression (decide mutually) (计划等)

The two men came to an agreement over the price of the secondhand car.

与…达成协议 yǔ dá chéng xié yì

verbal expression (resolve a dispute)

It was a long hard battle but we finally came to an agreement with each other.

与…达成一致 yǔ dá chéng yí zhì

verbal expression (agree to terms)

I came to an agreement with my ex-wife that I would watch the kids on the weekends.


noun (contract: hold money for [sb] else) (合同)

一致同意 yí zhì tóng yì

noun (opinion of most people)

Scientists are in general agreement that the Big Bang took place about 17 billion years ago.

君子协定 jūn zǐ xié dìng

noun (unwritten rule or agreement)

The two friends had a gentleman's agreement not to talk about politics.

君子协定 jūn zǐ xié dìng

noun (law: based on trust, not contract)

意见一致的 yì jiàn yí zhì de

adjective (of the same opinion)

Unusually, the committee were all in agreement on this issue.

与…(意见)一致 yǔ yì jiàn yí zhì

preposition (of the same opinion as)

I am in agreement with John on most matters.

符合… fú hé

preposition (according or conforming to)

This policy is in agreement with the mandate of the organization.

同意… tóng yì

preposition (in favour of)

I'm not in agreement with the law that forbids smoking in airports.

非正式协定 fēi zhèng shì xié dìng

noun (unwritten contract)

合法协议 hé fǎ xié yì

noun (contract)

If you rent a flat you need to get a legal agreement with your landlord.


noun (contract giving permission for [sth])

相互协定 xiāng hù xié dìng

noun (acceptance of one another's terms)

The dispute was settled out of court by mutual agreement.


noun (contract: cannot be enforced)


noun (law: deal with judge)


noun (contract to buy goods)

达成协议 dá chéng xié yì

verbal expression (come to a mutual decision)

After seven months of negotiations the union and management have finally reached agreement.


noun (contract defining scope of [sth] to be provided)

租赁合约 zū lìn hé yuē

noun (property rental contract)

Your tenancy agreement stipulates who is responsible for which bills.

一致同意 yí zhì tóng yì

noun (consent or permission)

完全赞同 wán quán zàn tóng

noun (accord)

Make sure you're in total agreement before spending $6000 on this vacation.

贸易协议 mào yì xié yì

noun (commercial treaty between nations)

The UK and the USA are working on a new trade agreement.

口头协议 kǒu tóu xié yì

noun (unwritten contract, understanding)

Before signing the contract, we had to reach a verbal agreement.

让我们学习 英语

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agreement 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。