英语 中的 backed 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 backed 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 backed 的说明。

英语 中的backed 表示背后有人支持的, 背部有...的, 后背 hòu bèi, 背面,反面 bèi miàn,fǎn miàn, (某物的)后部, 回来 huí lái, 倒退 dào tuì, 使后退 shǐ hòu tuì, 后面的 hòu miàn de, 在一段距离之外的 zài yí duàn jù lí zhī wài de, 后面的 hòu miàn de, 过期的 guò qī de, 拖欠的 tuō qiàn de, 向后的 xiàng hòu de, 返 fǎn, (身体某部分的)背面 shēn tǐ mǒu bù fèn de bèi miàn, 后面,后部 hòu miàn,hòu bù, (衣服的)背部 yī fú de bèi bù, (椅子等的)背部 yǐ zi děng de bèi bù, 支持 zhī chí, 下赌注于, 构成…的背景 gòu chéng de bèi jǐng, 为…伴奏 wèi bàn zòu, 作…的底板(衬里) zuò de dǐ bǎn chèn lǐ, 拥护 yōng hù, 资产担保的, 堵塞了,堵了, 高背的, 军方支持的, 鞍形的,鞍状的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 backed 的含义


adjective (supported, endorsed)

The Inquisition was backed by the Church.


adjective (as suffix (with a back covering of [sth])

The man spoke into a leather-backed cellphone.

后背 hòu bèi

noun (body: spine)

He hurt his back playing tennis.

背面,反面 bèi miàn,fǎn miàn

noun (reverse side)

Please read the text on the back of the paper.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 书的封底上印了作者简介。


noun (rear)

I can sit in the back of the car and you can sit in the front.

回来 huí lái

adverb (returning)

After the picnic, they walked back to the car and drove home.

倒退 dào tuì

intransitive verb (move backward)

He backed into the parking space.

使后退 shǐ hòu tuì

transitive verb (move in reverse)

He backed the car down the driveway ... right into a lamppost.

后面的 hòu miàn de

adjective (last, final)

The back pages of the magazine are devoted to advertisements.

在一段距离之外的 zài yí duàn jù lí zhī wài de

adjective (remote)

They're going to camp out in the back woods.

后面的 hòu miàn de

adjective (at the rear)

How many passengers will fit on your back seat?

过期的 guò qī de

adjective (of the past)

I would like to buy a back copy of the magazine.

拖欠的 tuō qiàn de

adjective (in arrears)

She received back pay to make up for the accounting error.

向后的 xiàng hòu de

adjective (going back)

His back pass led to the goal that won the match.

返 fǎn

adverb (in return)

She gave back the book.

(身体某部分的)背面 shēn tǐ mǒu bù fèn de bèi miàn

noun (reverse side: body part)

She wrote his telephone number on the back of her hand.

后面,后部 hòu miàn,hòu bù

noun (rear) (与 front 相对)

We hired a van and put the boxes in the back.

(衣服的)背部 yī fú de bèi bù

noun (part of [sth] covering the back)

The company's logo will appear on the shirt back.

(椅子等的)背部 yǐ zi děng de bèi bù

noun (reverse side: chair)

He placed his hands on the back of the chair.

支持 zhī chí

transitive verb (support [sth])

You should back your argument with facts.


transitive verb (wager on)

Which horse should we back?

构成…的背景 gòu chéng de bèi jǐng

transitive verb (form background of)

The field is backed by a row of trees.

为…伴奏 wèi bàn zòu

transitive verb (informal (music: accompany)

They're going to back Bob Dylan on his next tour.

作…的底板(衬里) zuò de dǐ bǎn chèn lǐ

transitive verb (mount)

She backed the photo with grey card.

拥护 yōng hù

transitive verb (support [sb]) (指人)

I back this candidate for mayor.


adjective (finance: type of security)


adjective (pipe, etc.: blocked) (管子等)

The plumbing was backed up because of excess hair in the drain.


adjective (chair, etc.: have a high back) (椅子等)


adjective (supported by the armed forces)


adjective (curved)

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backed 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。