英语 中的 baby 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 baby 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 baby 的说明。

英语 中的baby 表示婴儿 yīng ér, 幼崽,幼畜 yòu zǎi,yòu chù, 最小的孩子 zuì xiǎo de hái zi, 爱人 ài rén, 宝贝儿 bǎo bèi er, 小的,小型的 xiǎo de ,xiǎo xíng de, 孩子气的人 hái zi qì de rén, 宝贝 bǎo bèi, 婴儿的 yīng ér de, 像照顾婴儿般照料, 像对待婴儿一样对待, 婴儿浴盆,婴儿浴缸, 婴儿泡泡浴, 幼鸟 yòu niǎo, 淡蓝色 dàn lán sè, 淡蓝色的 dàn lán sè de, 藍眼睛, 产后抑郁, 婴儿潮, 婴儿潮时期, 婴儿潮一代, 男婴, 孕傻, 最小的弟弟, 婴儿车 yīng ér chē, 婴儿背袋, 婴儿服 yīng ér fú, 玉米笋,笋玉米, 洋娃娃 yáng wá wa, 娃娃脸 wá wa liǎn, 长着娃娃脸的人, 婴儿食物, 女婴 nǚ yīng, 小型卧式钢琴 xiǎo xíng wò shì gāng qín, 小型卧式钢琴 xiǎo xíng wò shì gāng qín, 婴儿监护器,婴儿监控设备, 婴儿爽身粉, 婴儿洗礼,婴儿受洗仪式 yīng ér xǐ lǐ,yīng ér shòu xǐ yí shì, 小妹妹 xiǎo mèi mèi, 跬步, 儿语, 大人模仿小孩子说的话, 乳牙 rǔ yá, 出生体重, 婴儿湿巾, 娃娃脸的, 洋娃娃 yáng wá wa, 对婴儿安全的, 使…对婴儿安全, 给...做保姆, 为…做保姆 wèi zuò bǎo mǔ, 帮人照顾小孩的人 bāng rén zhào gù xiǎo hái de rén, 婴儿潮时期出生的人 yīng ér cháo shí qī chū shēng de rén, 健壮的婴孩 jiàn zhuàng de yīng hái, 健康的女婴, 儿童推车 ér tóng tuī chē, 婴猴, 爱哭的人,软弱容易哭的人 ài kū de rén,ruǎn ruò róng yì kū de rén, 爱哭的人 ài kū de rén, 接生 jiē shēng, 奶瓶 nǎi píng, 生孩子 shēng hái zi, 要孩子, 娃娃胶糖 wá wá jiāo táng, 小脚趾 xiǎo jiǎo zhǐ, 早产儿 zǎo chǎn er, 婴儿摇晃综合征,摇婴症, 试管婴儿 shì guǎn yīng ér。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 baby 的含义

婴儿 yīng ér

noun (infant child)

The baby was born on Tuesday.

幼崽,幼畜 yòu zǎi,yòu chù

noun (newborn animal) (动物)

The cow suckled her baby.

最小的孩子 zuì xiǎo de hái zi

noun (youngest child)

With three older brothers, he was the baby of the family.

爱人 ài rén

noun (informal (sweetheart, partner)

After the dance, my baby and I walked along the sand.

宝贝儿 bǎo bèi er

noun (slang, potentially offensive (attractive woman) (用以称呼年轻漂亮的女人)

What's your name, baby?

小的,小型的 xiǎo de ,xiǎo xíng de

adjective (figurative, informal (small) (非正式用语)

He had a sore ankle and could only take baby steps.

孩子气的人 hái zi qì de rén

noun (figurative, pejorative (childish person)

Stop crying! Don't be such a baby!

宝贝 bǎo bèi

noun (figurative, slang (beloved creation) (通常指个人的创作)

I built this car myself - it's my baby!

婴儿的 yīng ér de

noun as adjective (for a baby)

The woman was buying baby clothes.


transitive verb (treat gently)

She went to the spa, where the staff would pamper and baby her.


transitive verb (disapproving (treat like a child)

I wish my parents would stop babying me.


noun (small bathtub for baby)

Babies must never be left alone in a baby bath.


noun (bubblebath for babies)

幼鸟 yòu niǎo

noun (very young bird)

淡蓝色 dàn lán sè

noun (pale blue colour)

She painted the nursery a gorgeous baby blue.

淡蓝色的 dàn lán sè de

adjective (pale blue in colour)


plural noun (informal, figurative (blue eyes)

Sinatra was famous for his baby blues.


plural noun (informal, UK (postnatal sadness)


noun (period of increase in births)


noun (post-World War II) (二战后)


noun (often capitalized, often plural, informal (person born 1946-1964) (出生在1946至1965年之间的人)


noun (male infant)


noun (humorous, informal (forgetfulness in new mother)


noun (youngest male sibling)

婴儿车 yīng ér chē

noun (pram)

Old-fashioned baby carriages are beautiful, but they're not very practical.


noun (wearable device)

婴儿服 yīng ér fú

plural noun (garments for infants)

He will soon grow out of his baby clothes.


noun (miniature ears of maize)

洋娃娃 yáng wá wa

noun (doll resembling a baby)

娃娃脸 wá wa liǎn

noun (child-like facial features)

She has such a baby face, you'd never guess she was in her thirties.


noun (informal ([sb] with a child-like face)

Without that beard, you can clearly see that he's a baby face.


(mashed food)

女婴 nǚ yīng

noun (female infant)

After seven grandsons, she was happy to have a baby girl in the family.

小型卧式钢琴 xiǎo xíng wò shì gāng qín

noun (informal, abbreviation (baby grand piano)

She played waltzes on the baby grand in the parlor.

小型卧式钢琴 xiǎo xíng wò shì gāng qín

noun (small three-legged piano)

There was a baby grand piano in the living room.


noun (baby safety device)


noun (talc for babies)

Baby powder is a good remedy for diaper rash.

婴儿洗礼,婴儿受洗仪式 yīng ér xǐ lǐ,yīng ér shòu xǐ yí shì

noun (US (gift-giving party for unborn baby) (在孩子出生前所举办的特殊聚会,人们往往在此赠送礼物)

Jana had to leave the baby shower early to go to the hospital.

小妹妹 xiǎo mèi mèi

noun (youngest female sibling)

I was ten when my baby sister was born.


noun (figurative (small step)


noun (infantile speech)

Linguists study baby talk to discover how we acquire language.


noun (adult imitation)

We never used baby talk when talking to our children.

乳牙 rǔ yá

noun (milk tooth)

My husband is 58, but he still has one baby tooth where a permanent tooth never grew. Children start to lose their baby teeth at about age six.


noun (extra weight after pregnancy)


noun (often plural (moist tissue for cleaning a baby)


adjective (child-like, cute face)

洋娃娃 yáng wá wa

noun (informal (term of endearment for a woman)


adjective (safe for babies)


transitive verb (make safe for babies)


intransitive verb (watch over [sb] else's child)

When I was a teenager, I used to babysit to make some money. Paul and I are going out to dinner tonight, so we've asked the children's auntie to babysit.

为…做保姆 wèi zuò bǎo mǔ

transitive verb (watch over: [sb] else's child)

I asked my mother to babysit Tom for me so that I could work an extra shift.

帮人照顾小孩的人 bāng rén zhào gù xiǎo hái de rén

noun (childminder)

Our usual babysitter isn't available tomorrow night, unfortunately.

婴儿潮时期出生的人 yīng ér cháo shí qī chū shēng de rén

noun (often capitalized, informal, abbreviation (baby boomer)

My parents are boomers, both born in 1950.

健壮的婴孩 jiàn zhuàng de yīng hái

noun (informal, figurative (healthy newborn male) (非正式用语,比喻)

Congratulations! You've just given birth to a bouncing baby boy.


noun (informal, figurative (healthy newborn female)

儿童推车 ér tóng tuī chē

noun (child's pushchair)

Sarah and Ian took their newborn out for a stroll in a buggy.


noun (African mammal) (分布于非洲)

爱哭的人,软弱容易哭的人 ài kū de rén,ruǎn ruò róng yì kū de rén

noun (informal ([sb] who weeps easily) (非正式用语)

Jackie can't go one day without sobbing; she's such a crybaby!

爱哭的人 ài kū de rén

intransitive verb (US, informal (weep easily, feel self-pity)

Stop crybabying and tidy your room.

接生 jiē shēng

verbal expression (assist a woman to give birth)

奶瓶 nǎi píng

noun (infant's feeding receptacle)

Nina is breast-fed, so her baby bottle is always filled with water.

生孩子 shēng hái zi

verbal expression (give birth)

The Apollo Hospital is the safest and best place to have a baby.


verbal expression (become parents)

My good friend told me that he and his wife plan to have a baby soon.

娃娃胶糖 wá wá jiāo táng

noun (UK, ® (soft gelatine sweet)

We munched our way through an entire bag of Jelly Babies.

小脚趾 xiǎo jiǎo zhǐ

noun (US, informal (smallest toe)

早产儿 zǎo chǎn er

noun (baby born early)

A premature baby born before 24 weeks is unlikely to survive.


noun (brain damage to an infant caused by shaking)

试管婴儿 shì guǎn yīng ér

noun (informal (person: conceived in-vitro)

Test-tube babies are common these days.

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baby 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。