英语 中的 back 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 back 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 back 的说明。

英语 中的back 表示后背 hòu bèi, 背面,反面 bèi miàn,fǎn miàn, (某物的)后部, 回来 huí lái, 倒退 dào tuì, 使后退 shǐ hòu tuì, 后面的 hòu miàn de, 在一段距离之外的 zài yí duàn jù lí zhī wài de, 后面的 hòu miàn de, 过期的 guò qī de, 拖欠的 tuō qiàn de, 向后的 xiàng hòu de, 返 fǎn, (身体某部分的)背面 shēn tǐ mǒu bù fèn de bèi miàn, 后面,后部 hòu miàn,hòu bù, (衣服的)背部 yī fú de bèi bù, (椅子等的)背部 yǐ zi děng de bèi bù, 支持 zhī chí, 下赌注于, 构成…的背景 gòu chéng de bèi jǐng, 为…伴奏 wèi bàn zòu, 作…的底板(衬里) zuò de dǐ bǎn chèn lǐ, 拥护 yōng hù, 还嘴 huán zuǐ, 对…顶嘴 duì dǐng zuǐ, 回答,应答 huí dá ,yìng dá, 让…回来, 邀请…到家里, 后退 hòu tuì, 放弃 fàng qì, 退后 tuì hòu, 退出 tuì chū, 违背 wéi bèi, 退出 tuì chū, 倒车撞倒, 备份 bèi fèn, 证实 zhèng shí, 支持 zhī chí, 倒, 倒车 dào chē, 积聚 jī jù, 回来 huí lái, 后腰拱起处, 向后弓起背, 早在, 可追溯到, 反问 fǎn wèn, 在后面 zài hòu miàn, 来回地 lái huí de, 来回的, 对话 duì huà, 普通议员席,后座议员席 pǔ tōng yì yuán xí,hòu zuò yì yuán xí, 普通议员的,后座议员的 pǔ tōng yì yuán de,hòu zuò yì yuán de, 书护封的封底 shū hù fēng de fēng dǐ, 后门 hòu mén, 后面 hòu miàn, 后端 hòu duān, 在故乡, 回家 huí jiā, 恢复状态,恢复运作, 重回工作岗位,回来工作, 过去,以前 guò qù,yǐ qián, 重新开始工作, 倒退进入, 倒车入, 倒退撞上, 倒车时撞上..., 过刊, 后卫线, 后场线, 乐队演出所需要的各种设备, 心里不自觉地, 后勤办公室 hòu qín bàn gōng shì, (因无现货)有待日后交付的货物 yīn wú xiàn huò yǒu dài rì hòu jiāo fù de huò wù, 封底 fēng dǐ, 最后一版, 拖欠工资,欠薪, 回压 huí yā, 乡间小道 xiāng jiān xiǎo dào, 背部按摩, 后座 hòu zuò, 下午班, 上下午班的人, 非终点直道 fēi zhōng diǎn zhí dào, 那时 nà shí, 背靠背 bèi kào bèi, 连续不断的 lián xù bú duàn de, 倒穿, 完全地 wán quán de, 恢复正常 huī fù zhèng cháng, 返校季, 返校的 fǎn xiào de, 重头来过,重起炉灶 chóng qǐ lú zào, 当…时 dāng shí, 后院 hòu yuàn, 后院 hòu yuàn, 身边, 后院的, 把…搁置一边,搁置 gē zhì, 订货, 连排式的, 艰巨的,辛苦的,艰辛的 jiān jù de ,xīn kǔ de,jiān xīn de, 边远地区 biān yuǎn dì qū, 偏远地区的, 后空翻, 向后蹬踏板, 反悔,出尔反尔 fǎn huǐ,chū ěr fǎn ěr, 后屋 hòu wū, 密室,秘密工作室 mì shì,mì mì gōng zuò shì, 痒痒挠, 位于后座的,在后座的 wèi yú hòu zuò de,zài hòu zuò de, 次要的 cì yào de, 对司机指手画脚的乘客, 采用卑鄙手段的陷害, 出卖人的, 背景故事, 偏僻街道, 小巷的, 不正当的,偷偷摸摸的 bú zhèng dāng de ,tōu tōu mō mō de, 顶嘴 dǐng zuǐ, 跟…顶嘴 gēn dǐng zuǐ, 后援 hòu yuán, 备用品。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 back 的含义

后背 hòu bèi

noun (body: spine)

He hurt his back playing tennis.

背面,反面 bèi miàn,fǎn miàn

noun (reverse side)

Please read the text on the back of the paper.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 书的封底上印了作者简介。


noun (rear)

I can sit in the back of the car and you can sit in the front.

回来 huí lái

adverb (returning)

After the picnic, they walked back to the car and drove home.

倒退 dào tuì

intransitive verb (move backward)

He backed into the parking space.

使后退 shǐ hòu tuì

transitive verb (move in reverse)

He backed the car down the driveway ... right into a lamppost.

后面的 hòu miàn de

adjective (last, final)

The back pages of the magazine are devoted to advertisements.

在一段距离之外的 zài yí duàn jù lí zhī wài de

adjective (remote)

They're going to camp out in the back woods.

后面的 hòu miàn de

adjective (at the rear)

How many passengers will fit on your back seat?

过期的 guò qī de

adjective (of the past)

I would like to buy a back copy of the magazine.

拖欠的 tuō qiàn de

adjective (in arrears)

She received back pay to make up for the accounting error.

向后的 xiàng hòu de

adjective (going back)

His back pass led to the goal that won the match.

返 fǎn

adverb (in return)

She gave back the book.

(身体某部分的)背面 shēn tǐ mǒu bù fèn de bèi miàn

noun (reverse side: body part)

She wrote his telephone number on the back of her hand.

后面,后部 hòu miàn,hòu bù

noun (rear) (与 front 相对)

We hired a van and put the boxes in the back.

(衣服的)背部 yī fú de bèi bù

noun (part of [sth] covering the back)

The company's logo will appear on the shirt back.

(椅子等的)背部 yǐ zi děng de bèi bù

noun (reverse side: chair)

He placed his hands on the back of the chair.

支持 zhī chí

transitive verb (support [sth])

You should back your argument with facts.


transitive verb (wager on)

Which horse should we back?

构成…的背景 gòu chéng de bèi jǐng

transitive verb (form background of)

The field is backed by a row of trees.

为…伴奏 wèi bàn zòu

transitive verb (informal (music: accompany)

They're going to back Bob Dylan on his next tour.

作…的底板(衬里) zuò de dǐ bǎn chèn lǐ

transitive verb (mount)

She backed the photo with grey card.

拥护 yōng hù

transitive verb (support [sb]) (指人)

I back this candidate for mayor.

还嘴 huán zuǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (reply impudently)

Take your hands out of your pockets and don't answer back, young man!

对…顶嘴 duì dǐng zuǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (reply impudently)

If she gets bossy, answer her back.

回答,应答 huí dá ,yìng dá

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (respond)

I left a message for him but he hasn't answered me back.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (invite [sb] to return)

The panel asked the candidate back for a second interview.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK (invite back to home)

后退 hòu tuì

phrasal verb, intransitive (retreat)

Back away from the cookies and no one gets hurt. He nodded vaguely, continuing to dodge and back away.

放弃 fàng qì

phrasal verb, intransitive (give in, yield)

Despite the evidence, he refused to back down.

退后 tuì hòu

phrasal verb, intransitive (withdraw, retreat)

The guys backed off when they saw the police coming.

退出 tuì chū

phrasal verb, intransitive (withdraw involvement)

At the last minute, the investors backed out.

违背 wéi bèi

(promise: break) (承诺)

The couple buying our house backed out of the purchase at the last minute.

退出 tuì chū

(withdraw from)

Sue backed out of helping us paint the house.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (vehicle: run over in reverse)

Oh no! I think I just backed over my son's bike.

备份 bèi fèn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (computing: make copies)

It is advisable to back up all the files on your computer regularly, in case of breakdown.

证实 zhèng shí

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (support) (某人的说法,某人的话)

Go ahead and tell the boss just what happened; I'll back you up on it.

支持 zhī chí

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (confirm: fact, argument)

The accused man insisted that his wife would back up his story and give him an alibi.

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (vehicle: reverse) (车辆: 倒退行驶)

It's difficult to back up a truck when a trailer is attached.

倒车 dào chē

phrasal verb, intransitive (move in reverse)

A loud beeping alerts other road users when the lorry is backing up.

积聚 jī jù

phrasal verb, intransitive (water: accumulate) (水)

Water has backed up into the toilet and the flush won't work.

回来 huí lái

expression (returning)

How long does it take to get to Maryland and back?


noun (curve of lower back)

In this yoga pose, tuck your right arm behind the arch of your back.


verbal expression (stretch over backwards)

Please arch your back and take a deep breath.


preposition (long ago)

As far back as Cleopatra's time, sugaring has been used as a hair removal technique.


preposition (from a point in the past)

These cave paintings are believed to date as far back as 17,000 years.

反问 fǎn wèn

(pose question in return)

Audrey asked me a question, but I wasn't sure what she meant, so I asked her a question back.

在后面 zài hòu miàn

adverb (in, towards the rear)

We went to the cinema and sat at the back.

来回地 lái huí de

adverb (move: to and fro)

The little girl rocked back and forth on the swing.


adjective (movement: to and fro)

It is relaxing to sit on the beach and watch the back-and-forth motion of the waves.

对话 duì huà

noun (informal (conversation)

Rebecca could hear the back and forth of a conversation outside her window.

普通议员席,后座议员席 pǔ tōng yì yuán xí,hòu zuò yì yuán xí

noun (UK (Parliament: junior members) (国会)

普通议员的,后座议员的 pǔ tōng yì yuán de,hòu zuò yì yuán de

noun as adjective (UK (Parliament: junior) (国会)

书护封的封底 shū hù fēng de fēng dǐ

noun (book: rear outer part)

The back cover had a brief description of the story.

后门 hòu mén

noun (building: rear door)

In this house the back door opens directly into the kitchen.

后面 hòu miàn

noun (rear part)

He cruelly likened her appearance to the back end of a bus!

后端 hòu duān

noun (software: data access layer)


adverb (informal (in your town or country of origin)

Doris missed her life back home in Australia.

回家 huí jiā

adverb (to your house again)

Steve drove us back home after the party.


adjective (informal (functioning or performing again)

The doctor said I will be back in action in a few days, as soon as the scarring heals.


adjective (figurative, informal (at work again)

After being away so long, we are all happy to see her back in action.

过去,以前 guò qù,yǐ qián

expression (introduces reminiscence)


adverb (figurative, informal (at work again)

It felt good to be back in the saddle after three months of sick leave.


(enter by reversing)

Jeff looked into the rear-view mirror as he backed into the parking space.


(vehicle: reverse into)

My wife always has trouble backing the car into the driveway.


(hit by reversing)

He wasn't paying attention and backed into the bollard.


(vehicle: hit while reversing)

Matt accidentally backed his car into a lamppost.


noun (magazine, etc.: earlier issue)


noun (sport: defensive players)

The back line stopped the other team from scoring.


noun (sport: line on field)

The ball crossed the back line before the player could reach it.


noun (equipment: amplification)

The backline was at the back of the stage, ready for the musicians.


expression (in background thought processes)

后勤办公室 hòu qín bàn gōng shì

noun (administrative department)

All the staff from the back office are going to the pub – do you want to come?

(因无现货)有待日后交付的货物 yīn wú xiàn huò yǒu dài rì hòu jiāo fù de huò wù

noun (order for [sth] out of stock)

If your item is not in stock, the company will place a back order for you.

封底 fēng dǐ

noun (often plural (final page of a publication)


noun as adjective (sometimes figurative (fit for newspaper's last pages)


noun (law: wages for previous work) (法律)

回压 huí yā

noun (force going against flow)

An obstruction in the water pipe was causing back pressure.

乡间小道 xiāng jiān xiǎo dào

noun (not a main route)

They got lost somewhere in the back roads of Devon.


noun (massage)

后座 hòu zuò

noun (seat at back of a vehicle)

Children under 12 should sit in the back seat of a vehicle.


noun (work period: afternoon, evening)


plural noun (afternoon, evening workers)

非终点直道 fēi zhōng diǎn zhí dào

noun (part of a racecourse, track)

那时 nà shí

adverb (in those days)

Back then most people didn't even have cell phones.

背靠背 bèi kào bèi

adverb (with backs together)

Stand back to back so I can see who is taller.

连续不断的 lián xù bú duàn de

adjective (figurative (consecutive)

The team was able to win back-to-back games for the first time in a month.


adverb (clothing: wrong way around) (衣服)

完全地 wán quán de

adverb (figurative (completely, thoroughly)

I've read this book so many times that I know it back to front.

恢复正常 huī fù zhèng cháng

adverb (reverting to usual state)

In television, at the end of an episode usually everything goes back to normal.


expression (return to school after vacation)

The sign above the supermarket shelf laden with books and stationery read "Back to school".

返校的 fǎn xiào de

adjective (relating to return to school)

We like to buy our children's clothes at back-to-school sales, when the prices are low.

重头来过,重起炉灶 chóng qǐ lú zào

adverb (figurative, informal (starting over) (失败后)

当…时 dāng shí

adverb (at a time in the past when)

Back when I was a boy, there was no such thing as Nintendo Wii.

后院 hòu yuàn

noun (rear garden)

They sit in the backyard and read all summer.

后院 hòu yuàn

noun (UK (rear paved area)


noun (figurative (own vicinity)


noun as adjective (US (in rear garden)

把…搁置一边,搁置 gē zhì

transitive verb (US, informal (give low priority to, delay)


transitive verb (order [sth] out of stock) (期货)


adjective (UK (houses: terraced)

艰巨的,辛苦的,艰辛的 jiān jù de ,xīn kǔ de,jiān xīn de

adjective (figurative (work: strenuous, arduous) (比喻)

Frank did back-breaking work on the farm for over 50 years.

边远地区 biān yuǎn dì qū

noun (remote or undeveloped area)


noun as adjective (relating to a remote area)


noun (backwards somersault)


intransitive verb (pedal backwards) (自行车等)

反悔,出尔反尔 fǎn huǐ,chū ěr fǎn ěr

intransitive verb (figurative, informal (go against [sth] previously said) (比喻)

后屋 hòu wū

noun (private area to rear of a building)

密室,秘密工作室 mì shì,mì mì gōng zuò shì

noun (figurative (private area)


noun (tool for scratching back)

位于后座的,在后座的 wèi yú hòu zuò de,zài hòu zuò de

noun as adjective (in the seat at back of a vehicle)

This car is fitted with three backseat seatbelts.

次要的 cì yào de

noun as adjective (US, figurative (secondary, subordinate)


noun (figurative, pejorative, informal (meddling passenger)


noun (figurative, informal (betrayal)


adjective (figurative, informal ([sb]: disloyal)


noun (fiction: character's background)


noun (often plural (street off main road)


noun as adjective (street: off main road)

不正当的,偷偷摸摸的 bú zhèng dāng de ,tōu tōu mō mō de

noun as adjective (figurative (clandestine or illegal)

顶嘴 dǐng zuǐ

intransitive verb (make insolent retort)

跟…顶嘴 gēn dǐng zuǐ

transitive verb (make insolent retorts to [sb])

Don't you dare backtalk me, young lady!

后援 hòu yuán

noun (support)

When the policeman realized he couldn't handle the situation alone, he called for backup.


noun (duplicate copy)

This is a backup; the original copy is in the filing cabinet.

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back 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。