英语 中的 basket 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 basket 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 basket 的说明。

英语 中的basket 表示篮子 lán zi, 购物筐, 购物篮, 球篮 qiú lán, 吊篮, 进篮得分 jìn lán dé fēn, 一组 yì zǔ, 篮球框,球篮 qiú lán, 杂种 zá zhǒng, 吊篮, 四肢不全的人 sì zhī bù quán de rén, 毫无希望,几乎完蛋 háo wú xī wàng, 编筐人 biān kuāng rén, 方平组织, 洗衣篮,洗衣筐 xǐ yī lán, 摩西篮 mó xī lán, 野餐篮, 孤注一掷 gū zhù yí zhì, 针线筐 zhēn xiàn kuāng, 购物篮, 购物篮, 购物车 gòu wù chē, 吐司煎蛋, 废纸篓 fèi zhǐ lǒu, 废纸篓 fèi zhǐ lǒu, 柳条筐 liǔ tiáo kuāng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 basket 的含义

篮子 lán zi

noun (woven container)

The indigenous people of this region used to weave baskets out of grasses.


noun (UK (handheld shopping container)

Yvonne didn't need much from the supermarket, so she just took a basket at the entrance, rather than a trolley.


noun (UK (internet cart: items selected to buy) (在线购物时)

Click on an item to add it to your basket.

球篮 qiú lán

noun (mesh of a basketball hoop)

The basket made a pleasant whooshing sound as the ball went through.


noun (on hot air balloon) (热气球)

The eager passengers boarded the basket of the hot air balloon and waited for lift-off.

进篮得分 jìn lán dé fēn

noun (basketball: score)

Ashley shot seven baskets during a single game!

一组 yì zǔ

noun (group of related things)

Smart investors seem to be buying baskets of commodities these days.

篮球框,球篮 qiú lán

noun (basketball hoop) (篮球)

Hanging on the basket is not allowed during games.

杂种 zá zhǒng

noun (pejorative, informal, euphemism (bastard) (粗话)


noun ([sth] resembling woven container)

四肢不全的人 sì zhī bù quán de rén

noun (pejorative, slang (crazy or very anxious person)

Some people dismissed Jack as a basket case.

毫无希望,几乎完蛋 háo wú xī wàng

noun (pejorative, slang (company, nation: failing) (指企业或国家因为经济拮据)

The country was the basket case of Europe.

编筐人 biān kuāng rén

noun ([sb] who makes baskets by hand)


noun (weaving)

洗衣篮,洗衣筐 xǐ yī lán

noun (container for clothes and linen)

The laundry basket is overflowing; it's time to wash some clothes!

摩西篮 mó xī lán

noun (mainly UK (wicker bed for a baby) (柳条编的婴儿篮)

Her mother decorated the Moses basket with lace before the baby was born.


noun (woven container for carrying food outdoors)

Picnic baskets have flaps woven into them to keep bugs out of the food inside.

孤注一掷 gū zhù yí zhì

verbal expression (proverb (rely on a single plan)

If you put all your eggs in one basket you risk losing them all.

针线筐 zhēn xiàn kuāng

noun (box for sewing accessories)

She kept her thread and needles in her sewing basket.


noun (receptacle for purchases)


noun (figurative (internet: items selected to buy) (网购)

购物车 gòu wù chē

noun (internet: items selected to buy) (网上)


noun (US (egg cooked in bread)

废纸篓 fèi zhǐ lǒu

noun (rubbish bin)

Irene screwed up a piece of paper and threw it in the wastebasket.

废纸篓 fèi zhǐ lǒu

noun (indoor receptacle for trash)

She threw the unneeded files into the wastepaper basket.

柳条筐 liǔ tiáo kuāng

noun (receptacle woven from willow branches)

I carry my vegetables home from the market in a wicker basket.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。