英语 中的 shopping 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 shopping 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 shopping 的说明。

英语 中的shopping 表示买东西 mǎi dōng xī, 购物 gòu wù, 买来的东西, 购物设施 gòu wù shè shī, 商店 shāng diàn, 作坊 zuò fāng, 购物 gòu wù, 买东西 mǎi dōng xī, 手工课 shǒu gōng kè, 从...购买, 编辑,修改 biān jí ,xiū gǎi, 告发 gào fā, 货比三家 huò bǐ sān jiā, 采购食品杂货, 购物 gòu wù, 去买东西 qù mǎi dōng xī, 去购物 qù gòu wù, 购物车 gòu wù chē, 购买食品杂货 gòu mǎi shí pǐn zá huò, 购买的食品杂货 gòu mǎi de shí pǐn zá huò, 购物中心 gòu wù zhōng xīn, 手提购物袋, 塑料袋 sù liào dài, 购物篮, 购物篮, 购物车 gòu wù chē, 购物中心 gòu wù zhōng xīn, 购物清单, 大型购物中心、, 购物中心 gòu wù zhōng xīn, 步行商业区,步行购物区, 血拼, 购物出行, 逛商店看橱窗 guàng shāng diàn kàn chú chuāng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 shopping 的含义

买东西 mǎi dōng xī

noun (chore: buying provisions)

He went to the supermarket to do the shopping.

购物 gòu wù

noun (activity: buying things)

I love shopping - especially for clothes.


noun (items purchased)

Mother just came home with two huge bags of shopping.

购物设施 gòu wù shè shī

noun (facilities for shopping)

The shopping is very nice at that mall.

商店 shāng diàn

noun (mainly UK (store: retail outlet)

The shop specialised in hiking equipment.

作坊 zuò fāng

noun (US (workshop)

He keeps a shop in the basement with all his tools.

购物 gòu wù

intransitive verb (buy things)

My wife can shop all day long.

买东西 mǎi dōng xī

noun (informal (act of shopping)

There is nothing like a good shop to cheer oneself up.

手工课 shǒu gōng kè

noun (US (school: tools, wood)

He made a wooden boat in shop class.


transitive verb (US, informal (buy things from)

We shop traditional Indian for our vegetables.

编辑,修改 biān jí ,xiū gǎi

transitive verb (informal (digitally alter a photo) (用PHOTOSHOP软件)

The photo that appeared in the paper had been shopped.

告发 gào fā

transitive verb (UK, slang (inform on) (俚语)

The thief was caught when his girlfriend shopped him to the police.

货比三家 huò bǐ sān jiā

noun (comparing prices)

A little comparison shopping can save you thousands on the price of a new car.


expression (do the grocery buying for a family, etc.)

购物 gòu wù

verbal expression (buy groceries)

去买东西 qù mǎi dōng xī

verbal expression (chore: shop for provisions)

We've completely run out of sugar – I'll have to go shopping this afternoon.

去购物 qù gòu wù

verbal expression (activity: make purchases)

After her exam, Mary went shopping and bought a new dress for the prom.

购物车 gòu wù chē

noun (shopping trolley)

购买食品杂货 gòu mǎi shí pǐn zá huò

noun (purchasing food items)

I have to do the grocery shopping today.

购买的食品杂货 gòu mǎi de shí pǐn zá huò

noun (purchased food items)

购物中心 gòu wù zhōng xīn

noun (shopping center)

We're going to look for new shoes at the mall.


noun (tote used for shopping) (指可多次使用的、一般是布料制成的)

塑料袋 sù liào dài

noun (plastic carrier)


noun (receptacle for purchases)


noun (figurative (internet: items selected to buy) (网购)

购物车 gòu wù chē

noun (internet: items selected to buy) (网上)

购物中心 gòu wù zhōng xīn

noun (retail complex)

They're going to build a new shopping center on that plot of land.


noun (items to be bought)

Denise always makes a shopping list before she goes to the supermarket.


noun (covered retail center)

I visited ten different stores at the shopping mall.

购物中心 gòu wù zhōng xīn

noun (mall)

His house is only a mile away from the shopping plaza.


noun (UK (pedestrian area with shops)


noun (frenzied, indulgent buying)


noun (visit to the shops)

The sisters went on a shopping trip to buy clothes for the upcoming party.

逛商店看橱窗 guàng shāng diàn kàn chú chuāng

noun (figurative, informal (browsing store displays)

I can't afford to buy anything at the moment, so I'm just window shopping.

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shopping 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。