英语 中的 hook 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 hook 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 hook 的说明。

英语 中的hook 表示钩 gōu, 用钩子钩住 yòng gōu zi gōu zhù, 鱼钩 yú gōu, 用钩钓鱼, 吸引某人涉足, 使计让...做..., 曲线球 qū xiàn qiú, 钩拳 gōu quán, 弯钩 wān gōu, 勾引技巧 gōu yǐn jì qiǎo, 编织针 biān zhī zhēn, 副歌 fù gē, 拐 guǎi, 投曲线球 tóu qū xiàn qiú, 偷窃 tōu qiè, 给…套上保险带, 用钩钩住, 连接 lián jiē, 接入 jiē rù, 连接 lián jiē, 将…连接到, 结识 jié shí, 勾搭上,勾搭上床, 跟…结交 gēn jié jiāo, 联系上 lián xì shàng, 与...过夜, 撑篙,钩杆, 钮扣钩,钮钩, 不择手段, 钩针 gōu zhēn, 鱼钩 yú gōu, 鱼钩 yú gōu, 长鹰钩鼻的, 完全地 wán quán de, 随意性行为, 连接 lián jiē, 联盟 lián méng, 放过某人, 没事的 méi shì de, 逃过惩罚, 断开的, 落入圈套, 拖钩 tuō gōu。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 hook 的含义

钩 gōu

noun (for hanging [sth] on wall)

Mike hung his coat on the hook as he stepped into the house.

用钩子钩住 yòng gōu zi gōu zhù

(US (attach, link up)

鱼钩 yú gōu

noun (for fishing)

Fred had a huge fish on his hook as soon as he threw the line in.


transitive verb (fishing: catch)

Tina hooked a few fish this morning.


(US, figurative, informal (persuade)

I didn't intend to go out drinking but my buddies hooked me into it.


(US, figurative, informal (persuade to do)

Max hooked his friend into driving him to the airport.

曲线球 qū xiàn qiú

noun (ball movement)

The player used a hook to get around the defender.

钩拳 gōu quán

noun (hit with fist)

Hank has a strong right hook, you'll want to avoid that.

弯钩 wān gōu

noun (on letter "J") (字母弯曲之处)

The letter had a hook at the end.

勾引技巧 gōu yǐn jì qiǎo

noun (informal (trick to cause interest)

The salesman had a good hook, but couldn't close any deals. The con men caught a lot of people on their hook.

编织针 biān zhī zhēn

noun (tool used in crochet)

Crochet lace is made with a very small hook.

副歌 fù gē

noun (musical phrase) (歌曲)

拐 guǎi

intransitive verb (road: move in a hook) (拐弯)

The road hooks around the hill and then hits an intersection.

投曲线球 tóu qū xiàn qiú

transitive verb (ball movement: curve)

The player hooked the ball around the goalie into the goal.

偷窃 tōu qiè

transitive verb (steal)

The burglar hooked some of the jewelry before the police arrived.


(attach to harness, etc.)

The climbing instructor hooked me in and I started up the cliff.


(put a hook into [sth])

连接 lián jiē

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (computing: connect to) (计算机科学)

I'm trying to hook into the local area network.

接入 jiē rù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (US, informal, figurative (access)

If we could find a way to hook into the club's records, we could find out who was responsible.

连接 lián jiē

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (connect, attach)

The nurse hooked the patient up to a machine to monitor his heart rate.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (connect, attach)

I had to hire an expert to hook up my computer to the office network.

结识 jié shí

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, slang (form a connection)

My wife and I first hooked up when we were in high school.


phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, slang (engage in sexual activity)

I wouldn't say Charlie and I are dating, but we have hooked up a few times.

跟…结交 gēn jié jiāo

(slang, figurative (become friends)

联系上 lián xì shàng

(slang, figurative (make contact)


(slang, figurative (engage in sexual activity with)


noun (pole with a hook)


noun (metal tool for fastening buttons)


adverb (figurative (by any means necessary)

钩针 gōu zhēn

noun (tool used in crochet)

Aluminum crochet hooks are sturdier than bamboo ones.

鱼钩 yú gōu

noun (device: for catching fish)

I always enjoyed fishing, but I hated having to stick the live bait on the fish hook.

鱼钩 yú gōu

noun (metal hook for catching fish)


adjective (with curved nose)

完全地 wán quán de

expression (figurative, informal (completely)

"Did your mother fall for your excuse?" "Yes! Hook, line and sinker!"


noun (informal, figurative (casual sexual encounter)

Hookups are common among college students.

连接 lián jiē

noun (connection, link)

The cable man installed a new hookup in my bedroom so I can watch TV while I'm in bed.

联盟 lián méng

noun (informal, figurative (alliance)

A cross-party hookup seems the best way to resolve this problem.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (free from punishment)

I'm surprised he let you off the hook that easily, given the trouble you've caused.

没事的 méi shì de

adjective (figurative, informal (freed from blame)

William isn't off the hook until he can prove it was his brother who stole the money.


adjective (figurative, informal (freed from punishment)

You're not off the hook yet.


adjective (telephone: unable to receive calls)

I've been trying to get hold of Audrey all day, but I keep getting the engaged tone. She can't have been on the phone this long; it must be off the hook.


expression (figurative (caught, ensnared)

The saleswoman knew the customer was on the hook as soon as she told him about the discount. // Robert is a real smooth-talker and he's certainly got Angela on the hook.

拖钩 tuō gōu

noun (curved device used to pull a vehicle)

Bob attached the tow hook to the front end of his car to pull it onto the tow truck.

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hook 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。