英语 中的 beaten 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 beaten 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 beaten 的说明。

英语 中的beaten 表示捶平的, 被打败的,被击败的 bèi dǎ bài de, 疲惫的 pí bèi de, 打匀的,搅匀的, 打 dá dǎ, 反复击打 fǎn fù jī dǎ, 击败 jī bài, 快速搅拌(蛋液等),打(蛋) kuài sù jiǎo bàn dàn yè děng,dǎ ( dàn ), 拍打(翅膀),扇动(翅膀) pāi dǎ chì bǎng, 节奏 jié zòu, 好过, 比…好,比…强, 筋疲力尽的 jīn pí lì jìn de, 披头士的 pī tóu shì de, 强节奏,重音节奏 qiáng jié zòu,zhòng yīn jié zòu, 击打 jī dǎ, (心脏的)跳动 xīn zàng de tiào dòng, 巡逻,执勤 xún luó,zhí qín, 跳动,搏动 tiào dòng,bó dòng, 振动,扑扇,拍打 zhèn dòng,pū shàn,pāi dǎ, 抢风行驶, 比…提前到达 bǐ tí qián dào dá, 有节奏地敲打, 反复敲打,捶打 fǎn fù qiāo dǎ,chuí dǎ, 领先…到达, 打匀的蛋 dǎ yún de dàn, 熟路 shóu lù / shú lù, 破烂的 pò làn de, 挨打,挨揍 āi dǎ,āi zòu, 在偏僻处 zài piān pì chù, 自然损耗(剥蚀)的 zì rán sǔn hào bō shí de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 beaten 的含义


adjective (formed by blows)

The Roman exhibit included a beaten bronze bowl.

被打败的,被击败的 bèi dǎ bài de

adjective (defeated, outdone)

The beaten team boarded the bus glumly for the journey home.

疲惫的 pí bèi de

adjective (figurative (exhausted, discouraged)

Life's challenges had left Chloe feeling beaten and pessimistic.


adjective (food: whipped or pounded) (鸡蛋等)

Add the beaten butter and sugar to the bowl and stir.

打 dá dǎ

transitive verb (strike, pound)

He beat the desk with his fist to try to get his point across.

反复击打 fǎn fù jī dǎ

transitive verb (hit [sb] repeatedly)

The judge sentenced Willis to five years in jail for beating his victim with a baseball bat.

击败 jī bài

transitive verb (defeat)

The championship team are confident they can beat the challengers.

快速搅拌(蛋液等),打(蛋) kuài sù jiǎo bàn dàn yè děng,dǎ ( dàn )

transitive verb (eggs: whisk) (蛋)

Before you scramble eggs, you have to beat them.

拍打(翅膀),扇动(翅膀) pāi dǎ chì bǎng

transitive verb (wings: flap)

A hummingbird beats its wings many times a second.

节奏 jié zòu

noun (rhythm)

The dancers moved to the beat of the music.


transitive verb (slang (be preferable)

Nothing beats a chocolate cake fresh from the oven.


transitive verb (slang (be preferable)

Playing in a band as a professional musician beats doing a boring office job. Sitting here in the coffee shop with you sure beats working!

筋疲力尽的 jīn pí lì jìn de

adjective (US, informal, colloquial (exhausted)

After a long day at work, Keith's father is beat when he comes home.

披头士的 pī tóu shì de

adjective (historical (beatnik)

Kerouac is the most famous of the Beat poets.

强节奏,重音节奏 qiáng jié zòu,zhòng yīn jié zòu

noun (musical note) (音乐)

You must remember to play harder on the accented beats.

击打 jī dǎ

noun (stroke, blow)

The beat of the workers' hammers gave Sue a headache.

(心脏的)跳动 xīn zàng de tiào dòng

noun (heartbeat)

In her excitement, Fran could feel the beat of her heart.

巡逻,执勤 xún luó,zhí qín

noun (police officer's round) (警察在辖区)

Officer Smith pounded the beat all day long.

跳动,搏动 tiào dòng,bó dòng

intransitive verb (heart: throb) (心脏)

The doctor listened to see if the man's heart was beating.

振动,扑扇,拍打 zhèn dòng,pū shàn,pāi dǎ

intransitive verb (wings: flap) (翅膀)

The eagle's wings did not beat as it glided through the air.


intransitive verb (nautical: tack)

There was a headwind so the sailors had to beat along the coast.

比…提前到达 bǐ tí qián dào dá

transitive verb (informal (arrive before)

I bet we will beat you! We drive much faster.


transitive verb (tap out: a rhythm)

The drummer beat the rhythm on the bass drum.

反复敲打,捶打 fǎn fù qiāo dǎ,chuí dǎ

transitive verb (metal: flatten) (金属)

The craftsman beat the piece of metal until it was very thin.


transitive verb (arrive before)

Thompson beat the other runners to the finish line.

打匀的蛋 dǎ yún de dàn

noun (eggs: whisked)

Brushing beaten egg over the bread dough produces a lovely golden glaze.

熟路 shóu lù / shú lù

noun (well-trodden path or route)

If we wander off the beaten track, we'll probably get lost.

破烂的 pò làn de

adjective (informal (car, etc.: battered from use)

挨打,挨揍 āi dǎ,āi zòu

verbal expression (informal (be physically assaulted) (非正式用语)

From his black eye and bloody nose, everyone knew he'd gotten beaten up in the fight.

在偏僻处 zài piān pì chù

expression (away from tourist routes)

We prefer to eat with the locals in small restaurants off the beaten track.

自然损耗(剥蚀)的 zì rán sǔn hào bō shí de

adjective (damaged by the elements)

The old sailor's weatherbeaten face was covered in wrinkles.

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beaten 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。