英语 中的 boxing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 boxing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 boxing 的说明。

英语 中的boxing 表示拳击 quán jī, 拳击的 quán jī de, 箱子,盒子,匣子 xiāng zi ,hé zi ,xiá zi, 一盒(的量) yì hé de liàng, (剧院)包厢 jù yuàn bāo xiāng, (体育场内的)专席 tǐ yù chǎng nèi de zhuān xí, 陪审席,审判席 péi shěn xí,shěn pàn xí, 邮箱 yóu xiāng, (用于接收信件的)信插 yòng yú jiē shōu xìn jiàn de xìn chā, 投币式自动点唱机 tóu bì shì zì dòng diǎn chàng jī, 变速箱 biàn sù xiāng, 电视机 diàn shì jī, 棺材 guān cái, (表格上的)方框 biǎo gé shàng de fāng kuàng, 区 qū, 下体护身 xià tǐ hù shēn, 困境 kùn jìng, 耳光 ěr guāng, 拳击 quán jī, 与…进行拳击比赛 yǔ … jìn xíng quán jī bǐ sài, 反复击打 fǎn fù jī dǎ, 把…装入盒中, 把…关起来 bǎ … guān qǐ lái, 节礼日 jié lǐ rì, 拳击手套 quán jī shǒu tào, 拳击比赛 quán jī bǐ sài, 拳击比赛场 quán jī bǐ sài chǎng, 踢拳, 太极拳。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 boxing 的含义

拳击 quán jī

noun (sport: fist fighting) (体育运动)

We watched some boxing on TV last night.

拳击的 quán jī de

noun as adjective (sport: used in boxing)

Boys are not allowed to practise without boxing gloves.

箱子,盒子,匣子 xiāng zi ,hé zi ,xiá zi

noun (container) (容器)

Duane opened the box with his knife.

一盒(的量) yì hé de liàng

noun (boxful)

He ate the entire box of chocolates.

(剧院)包厢 jù yuàn bāo xiāng

noun (theatre: private stall)

Abe greatly enjoyed his box at the theatre.

(体育场内的)专席 tǐ yù chǎng nèi de zhuān xí

noun (stadium: reserved area)

We will sit in the company's box at the football game.

陪审席,审判席 péi shěn xí,shěn pàn xí

noun (courtroom: jurors' enclosure) (法庭)

The jurors sat in the box, listening carefully.

邮箱 yóu xiāng

noun (box for sending mail)

Mail is collected from this box every afternoon.

(用于接收信件的)信插 yòng yú jiē shōu xìn jiàn de xìn chā

noun (slot for receiving mail)

The drop box is located in the office door.

投币式自动点唱机 tóu bì shì zì dòng diǎn chàng jī

noun (US, informal, dated, abbreviation (jukebox)

Put some good music on the box and let's dance!

变速箱 biàn sù xiāng

noun (US, abbreviation (automotive: gearbox) (汽车)

My car's box is very stiff, and keeps getting stuck in 4th gear.

电视机 diàn shì jī

noun (UK, slang (TV) (俚语)

There's nothing good on the box tonight.

棺材 guān cái

noun (informal (coffin)

Many unfortunate soldiers came home in a box.

(表格上的)方框 biǎo gé shàng de fāng kuàng

noun (space on a form)

Tick the appropriate box on the form.

区 qū

noun (baseball) (棒球)

Casey stepped into the batter's box.

下体护身 xià tǐ hù shēn

noun (UK (sports protector) (体育运动)

Cricketers should always wear a box and kneepads for protection.

困境 kùn jìng

noun (US, figurative, informal (predicament)

I've worked myself into a box and now I'm stuck.

耳光 ěr guāng

noun (UK, informal (slap)

The shopkeeper's box to his ears taught the shoplifter a lesson.

拳击 quán jī

intransitive verb (sport: be a boxer)

Sean and his brother like to box.

与…进行拳击比赛 yǔ … jìn xíng quán jī bǐ sài

transitive verb (sport) (体育)

Frazier boxed Ali for the heavyweight title.

反复击打 fǎn fù jī dǎ

transitive verb (punch repeatedly)

Tanner boxed the punching bag with all his strength.


transitive verb (put in a box)

I boxed my grandmother's present and posted it to her.

把…关起来 bǎ … guān qǐ lái

transitive verb (enclose)

We need to box in the goat if we don't want it to escape.

节礼日 jié lǐ rì

noun (UK (26th December) (每年十二月二十六日)

Nowadays, many people go to the sales on Boxing Day.

拳击手套 quán jī shǒu tào

noun (usually plural (padded mitten worn by boxers)

He was suspended for life when officials found steel strips in his boxing gloves.

拳击比赛 quán jī bǐ sài

noun (sport: boxing contest)

Watching a boxing match on TV is a poor substitute for seeing it in person.

拳击比赛场 quán jī bǐ sài chǎng

noun (sport: fighting arena)

The two men faced off in the boxing ring, gloves held up and at the ready.


noun (sport: martial art)

Let's go to kickboxing class at my gym today. Mixed martial arts competitions often include kick-boxing.


noun (boxing practise alone)

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boxing 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。