英语 中的 bread 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bread 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bread 的说明。

英语 中的bread 表示面包 miàn bāo, 钱,票子,钞票 qián,chāo piào, 在…上撒面包屑,在…上涂抹面包屑 zài shàng sǎ miàn bāo xiè, 食物,粮食 shí wù,liáng shí, 香蕉面包, 黄油面包 huáng yóu miàn bāo, 生计 shēng jì, 基本的 jī běn de, 面包盒 miàn bāo hé, 养家糊口的人, 面包粉 miàn bāo fěn, 切面包刀 qiē miàn bāo dāo, 等待分配救济的队伍, 面包机 miàn bāo jī, 粮食 liáng shí, 精神食粮 jīng shén shí liáng, 面包布丁 miàn bāo bù dīng, 小面包 xiǎo miàn bāo, 面包棍,长棍面包, 切面包板 qiē miàn bāo bǎn, 等待救济食物的队伍 děng dài jiù jì shí wù de duì wǔ, 进餐 jìn cān, 共餐 gòng cān, 黑面包 hēi miàn bāo, 波士顿黑面包, 不计回报地做好事, 玉米粉面包 yù mǐ fěn miàn bāo, 法棍面包, 蒜蓉面包 suàn róng miàn bāo, 一条面包 yì tiáo miàn bāo, 坚果面包 jiān guǒ miàn bāo, 坚果面包 jiān guǒ miàn bāo, 挣扎在生活线上, 皮塔饼, 葡萄干面包 pú táo gān miàn bāo, 黑面包 hēi miàn bāo, 面包片 miàn bāo piàn, 切片面包, 苏打面包, 发面面包, 新奇的好事, 全麦面包, 白面包 bái miàn bāo, 白人中产阶级的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bread 的含义

面包 miàn bāo

noun (uncountable (type of food) (食物,不可数)

You can't make a sandwich without bread.

钱,票子,钞票 qián,chāo piào

noun (slang, figurative, uncountable (money)

A good musician can make a lot of bread.

在…上撒面包屑,在…上涂抹面包屑 zài shàng sǎ miàn bāo xiè

transitive verb (cover with breadcrumbs)

Sally breaded the salmon with herbs and spices.

食物,粮食 shí wù,liáng shí

noun (figurative, uncountable (food in general)

They are so poor that they can afford neither clothes nor bread.


noun (loaf cake)

黄油面包 huáng yóu miàn bāo

noun (bread with butter spread on it)

A glass of milk with bread and butter for breakfast is the best.

生计 shēng jì

noun (informal, figurative (livelihood)

Cooking is his bread and butter; he's a chef.

基本的 jī běn de

adjective (informal, figurative (staple, basic)

面包盒 miàn bāo hé

noun (storage container for bread)

Bread boxes are not really used anymore. I haven't seen one in years.


noun (figurative (main earner of a family's income)

In many modern families, there is more than one bread earner.

面包粉 miàn bāo fěn

noun (flour with high gluten content)

You shouldn't use bread flour to bake a cake.

切面包刀 qiē miàn bāo dāo

noun (tool for slicing bread)

I bake crusty artisan bread, so my husband gave me a really sharp bread knife.


noun (queue for free food)

面包机 miàn bāo jī

noun (appliance that bakes bread)

I don't waste time kneading and rising and baking my bread; I just use my bread maker!

粮食 liáng shí

noun (food, sustenance)

精神食粮 jīng shén shí liáng

noun (figurative (Christianity: spiritual sustenance) (基督教)

面包布丁 miàn bāo bù dīng

noun (dessert made with bread and fruit)

Bread pudding with raisins and rum sauce is delicious.

小面包 xiǎo miàn bāo

noun (small loaf)

Liz is baking a tray of bread rolls.


noun (baton of crusty bread)

切面包板 qiē miàn bāo bǎn

noun (surface for slicing)

Please cut on the breadboard; if you cut right on the countertop, you'll damage the plastic.

等待救济食物的队伍 děng dài jiù jì shí wù de duì wǔ

noun (queue for charity handouts)

Dozens of hungry people, many of them homeless, were waiting in the breadline.

进餐 jìn cān

verbal expression (figurative (eat a meal)

Good friends enjoy breaking bread together.

共餐 gòng cān

verbal expression (figurative (share a meal with [sb])

At the Last Supper, Jesus broke bread with his friends for the last time before he died.

黑面包 hēi miàn bāo

noun (bread made of darker flour)


noun (Boston brown bread)


verbal expression (do good without expecting a reward)

玉米粉面包 yù mǐ fěn miàn bāo

noun (bread made with cornmeal)

I bake my corn bread with jalapenos mixed in it.


noun (baguette)

Good french bread has a crispy crust and a soft interior.

蒜蓉面包 suàn róng miàn bāo

noun (bread with garlic, butter)

Italian restaurants sometimes serve garlic bread with pasta dishes.

一条面包 yì tiáo miàn bāo

noun (shaped mass of baked bread)

I sliced the loaf of bread to make toast for breakfast. William bought a loaf of bread at the grocery store.

坚果面包 jiān guǒ miàn bāo

noun (bread containing nuts) (含有坚果的面包)

I love nut bread for breakfast.

坚果面包 jiān guǒ miàn bāo

noun (vegetarian dish) (一道素食)

It is easy to make a dish similar to a hamburger with nut bread.


adverb (UK, figurative (in poverty)

Sadly, thousands of families in this country are on the breadline.


noun (Middle Eastern bread) (中东面包)

葡萄干面包 pú táo gān miàn bāo

noun (dough baked with dried grapes)

Sally likes a couple of slices of raisin bread for breakfast.

黑面包 hēi miàn bāo

noun (bread made from rye)

Rye bread is generally heavier than wheat bread.

面包片 miàn bāo piàn

noun (thin piece cut from loaf)


noun (bread: sold pre-sliced)


noun (type of bread)

Soda bread is a traditional Irish bread and is made with bicarbonate of soda instead of yeast.


noun (bread)

I'll have a turkey sandwich on sourdough.


noun (informal, figurative ([sth] new, excellent)


noun (bread made from wheat flour)

Wheat bread is made from refined white flour.

白面包 bái miàn bāo

noun (bread baked with bleached flour)

Wholewheat bread is more nutritious than white bread.


adjective (figurative (characteristic of middle class)

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bread 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。