英语 中的 built 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 built 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 built 的说明。

英语 中的built 表示修造 xiū zào, 身材好的,形体美的 shēn cái hǎo de,xíng tǐ měi de, 用…建造的, 修造 xiū zào, 创立(事业), 建造,修建 jiàn zào,xiū jiàn, 建筑 jiàn zhù, 逐渐增强 zhú jiàn zēng qiáng, 体型,体格,身材 tǐ xíng,tǐ gé ,shēn cái, 建筑风格 jiàn zhú fēng gé, 版本 bǎn běn, 开发 kāi fā, 编写, 体格健壮的, 砖砌的, 建成环境,人造环境, 内置的 nèi zhì de, 与生俱来的 yǔ shēng jù lái de, 固定在墙上的家具, 嵌入式橱柜, 内存 nèi cún, 高楼林立的 gāo lóu lín lì de, 建筑物密集地区 jiàn zhù wù mì jí dì qū, 定制的 dìng zhì de, 内置的 nèi zhì de, 自身具备的 zì shēn jù bèi de, 偷工减料建造的 tōu gōng jiǎn liào jiàn zào de, 特别建造的, 强壮的,健壮的,结实的 qiáng zhuàng de ,jiàn zhuàng de ,jiē shi de, 坚固的,结实的 jiān gù de ,jiē shi de, 稳固的,坚固的,结实的 wěn gù de ,jiān gù de ,jiē shi de, 健壮,健硕的 jiàn zhuàng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 built 的含义

修造 xiū zào

verb, past participle (past participle of build)

This company has built many houses.

身材好的,形体美的 shēn cái hǎo de,xíng tǐ měi de

adjective (slang (body: sculpted, attractive)

She has a pretty face, and on top of that, she is built!


adjective (constructed)

Stone-built houses can last for centuries.

修造 xiū zào

transitive verb (construct)

The construction company built the house in two months.


transitive verb (establish and develop: a career)

He has built an international career for himself in business management.

建造,修建 jiàn zào,xiū jiàn

transitive verb (cause to be built)

Donald will build a house on the coast. The builders will start in March.

建筑 jiàn zhù

intransitive verb (construct)

Jerry has always liked to build.

逐渐增强 zhú jiàn zēng qiáng

intransitive verb (develop)

The intensity of the music is starting to build.

体型,体格,身材 tǐ xíng,tǐ gé ,shēn cái

noun (body shape)

That supermodel has a nice build.

建筑风格 jiàn zhú fēng gé

noun (style)

I really like the build of that house - is it neo-Gothic?

版本 bǎn běn

noun (computing) (程序等)

Download the latest build of the program to see if the bugs have been fixed.

开发 kāi fā

transitive verb (develop)

We're hoping to build this town into a nice place to live.


transitive verb (computing) (计算机程序等)

Build a copy of the application for that customer, please.


(vulgar, slang (person: be big and muscular)


adjective (made of bricks)


noun (urban or man-made setting)

内置的 nèi zhì de

adjective (in-built, integral)

The bedroom has a spacious built-in wardrobe.

与生俱来的 yǔ shēng jù lái de

adjective (figurative (inherent)

Some animals have a built-in sense of direction.


noun ([sth] permanently installed)

That bookshelf is a built-in, so we can't move it.


noun (AU (cupboard)

The kitchen has several built-ins.

内存 nèi cún

noun (integral data storage capacity) (计算机)

高楼林立的 gāo lóu lín lì de

adjective (developed, urbanized)

I can remember when all this was farmland – look how built up it is now! // The speed limit is 30 miles per hour in built-up areas.

建筑物密集地区 jiàn zhù wù mì jí dì qū

noun (area with a lot of buildings)

The park provides a green space in the built-up area of the city.

定制的 dìng zhì de

adjective (created to order)

内置的 nèi zhì de

adjective (built in, incorporated)

自身具备的 zì shēn jù bèi de

adjective (figurative (inherent, integral)

Horses have an inbuilt ability to run fast.

偷工减料建造的 tōu gōng jiǎn liào jiàn zào de

adjective (US (poorly constructed)


adjective (made for specific use)

强壮的,健壮的,结实的 qiáng zhuàng de ,jiàn zhuàng de ,jiē shi de

adjective (person: stocky) (人)

No, he wasn't overweight … 'solidly built' is how I'd describe him.

坚固的,结实的 jiān gù de ,jiē shi de

adjective (structure: strong) (建筑物)

Solidly-built houses can withstand tornadoes and even minor earthquakes.

稳固的,坚固的,结实的 wěn gù de ,jiān gù de ,jiē shi de

adjective (structure: solid, stable) (结构)

I can't deny the new headquarters is well built, but does it have to be so ugly?

健壮,健硕的 jiàn zhuàng

adjective (person: heavy, large) (人)

The police are looking for a young well-built man with a light complexion.

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built 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。