英语 中的 made of 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 made of 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 made of 的说明。

英语 中的made of 表示由…制成 yóu … zhì chéng, 可以做到…的,能做到…的 kě yǐ zuò dào de,néng zuò dào de, 造 zào, 加工 jiā gōng, 制作 zhì zuò, 制作 zhì zuò, 制造 zhì zào, 迫使 pò shǐ, 强迫 qiǎng pò, 导致某人做某事, 使某人怎么样, 品牌 pǐn pái, 体格 tǐ gé, 理解 lǐ jiě, 前往 qián wǎng, 造出 zào chū, 做出 zuò chū, 发表 fā biǎo, 缔结 dì jié, 约定 yuē dìng, 赶上 gǎn shàng, 支付 zhī fù, 铺, 整理, 赢得, 闯出, 指派 zhǐ pài, 达成 dá chéng, 制定 zhì dìng, 犯 fàn, 成为 chéng wéi, 成为…的一员 chéng wéi … de yì yuán, 等于 děng yú, 算是 suàn shì, 引诱,勾引 yǐn yòu,gōu yǐn, 做出, 下, 到达 dào dá, 出现在...上, 获得 huò dé, 赶上(会议等), 赚(钱) zhuàn ( qián ), 富得流油 fù de liú yóu。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 made of 的含义

由…制成 yóu … zhì chéng

adjective (built out of)

Those cabinets are made of oak while these cabinets over here are made of pine.

可以做到…的,能做到…的 kě yǐ zuò dào de,néng zuò dào de

adjective (informal (capable of, strong enough for) (非正式用语)

In the army, young men find out what they're really made of. A crisis is an opportunity to show what you're made of.

造 zào

transitive verb (construct)

The children made houses with blocks.

加工 jiā gōng

transitive verb (manufacture)

That factory makes bolts.

制作 zhì zuò

transitive verb (fashion)

The weavers made a hat from palm fronds.

制作 zhì zuò

transitive verb (prepare)

My mother wants to make a cake for my party.

制造 zhì zào

transitive verb (create, cause)

The dogs made a commotion in the street.

迫使 pò shǐ

verbal expression (compel)

My parents make me eat vegetables.

强迫 qiǎng pò

transitive verb (informal (force)

I won't go! You can't make me!


transitive verb (cause to)

He never fails to make me laugh.


transitive verb (+ adj: cause to be)

You make me happy.

品牌 pǐn pái

noun (brand)

What make of car do you drive? Toyota? What make is your computer?

体格 tǐ gé

noun (build, stature)

He is of a lean make, and could be an excellent athlete.

理解 lǐ jiě

verbal expression (interpret)

I don't know what to make of his actions. What do you make of this car?

前往 qián wǎng

(move towards)

The fleet made for port.

造出 zào chū

transitive verb (bring into existence)

Let's make a baby!

做出 zuò chū

transitive verb (take: a decision) (决定等)

Tess must make a decision.

发表 fā biǎo

transitive verb (perform: a speech) (演讲)

All of the candidates made speeches.

缔结 dì jié

transitive verb (enter into: agreement, deal)

The parties involved made an agreement.

约定 yuē dìng

transitive verb (fix: date, appointment)

Please call first to make an appointment.

赶上 gǎn shàng

transitive verb (train, plane: reach in time) (火车等)

I have to run if I want to make my train.

支付 zhī fù

transitive verb (put down: a payment)

Adam makes a payment on his car each month.

铺, 整理

transitive verb (bed: make tidy) (床铺)

The girls must make their beds every morning.

赢得, 闯出

transitive verb (establish: name) (名声)

Bill is trying to make a name for himself in the business.

指派 zhǐ pài

transitive verb (appoint)

The president is going to make Chris a vice-president.

达成 dá chéng

transitive verb (achieve, reach)

The sales team hopes to make its numbers this month.

制定 zhì dìng

transitive verb (establish, set)

Legislatures make laws.

犯 fàn

transitive verb (commit: a mistake, etc.) (错误)

I made a mistake when I spent that money.

成为 chéng wéi

transitive verb (attain: position, rank)

Francis is trying to make Captain.

成为…的一员 chéng wéi … de yì yuán

transitive verb (informal (earn acceptance into) (非正式用语)

Only half of people at tryouts made the team.

等于 děng yú

transitive verb (equal)

Two and two makes four.

算是 suàn shì

transitive verb (be the essence of)

What makes a good writer?

引诱,勾引 yǐn yòu,gōu yǐn

transitive verb (US, slang (seduce) (俚语)

He may try to make her, but he won't succeed.

做出, 下

transitive verb (reach, form) (结论、决定等)

Leanne is always quick to make judgments.

到达 dào dá

transitive verb (arrive at)

The ship made port early in the morning.


transitive verb (informal (appear on) (非正式用语)

The disaster made the evening news.

获得 huò dé

transitive verb (score: a goal, etc.) (分数、进球等)

The player made a goal in the second period.


transitive verb (informal (manage to attend)

Sorry I couldn't make yesterday's meeting.

赚(钱) zhuàn ( qián )

transitive verb (earn)

Jeff makes $80,000 a year.

富得流油 fù de liú yóu

verbal expression (figurative, informal (rich) (非正式用语)

My daughter's Christmas list is four pages long; she must think we're made of money!

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made of 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。