英语 中的 cash 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 cash 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 cash 的说明。

英语 中的cash 表示现金 xiàn jīn, 把…兑现 bǎ … duì xiàn, 铜钱,方孔钱, 兑换 duì huàn, 趁机获利,从中赚钱 chèn jī huò lì,cóng zhōng zhuàn qián, 趁机利用 chèn jī lì yòng, 定价 dìng jià, 变现 biàn xiàn, 结算 jié suàn, 兑现支票, 预付现金, 现金余额, 现金柜, 现金支取卡, 摇钱树, 经济作物,商品作物 jīng jì zuò wù,shāng pǐn zuò wù, 收银台, 现金(支付)折扣 xiàn jīn zhī fù zhé kòu, 自动提款机 zì dòng tí kuǎn jī, 现金抽屉 xiàn jīn chōu tì, 现金流转 xiàn jīn liú zhuǎn, 付现金, 付现金的, 提款机 tí kuǎn jī, 货到付现, 现金付款 xiàn jīn fù kuǎn, 现金价格,付现价格 xiàn jīn jià gé,fù xiàn jià gé, 现金奖励,奖金 jiǎng jīn, 收银机 shōu yín jī, 现金储备,准备金, 现金交易 xiàn jīn jiāo yì, 货币价值 huò bì jià zhí, 付现自运批发店, 付现自运的, 缺乏现金的, 返现,现金返还, 小额提现, 现款 xiàn kuǎn, 钱 qián, 货币,现款 huò bì,xiàn kuǎn, 自动取款机 zì dòng qǔ kuǎn jī, 现款,现金 xiàn kuǎn,xiàn jīn, 用现金 yòng xiàn jīn, 利润丰厚之业务, 现金支付 xiàn jīn zhī fù, 现金支付 xiàn jīn zhī fù, 零用钱 líng yòng qián, 公共部门收支短差, 现款 xiàn kuǎn, 手头紧的 shǒu tóu jǐn de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 cash 的含义

现金 xiàn jīn

noun (uncountable (money: bills and coins)

The coffee shop only accepts cash as payment.

把…兑现 bǎ … duì xiàn

transitive verb (a cheque)

Most supermarkets cash paychecks for a fee.


noun (Asian coin) (古代东亚)

兑换 duì huàn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (exchange for money) (换成现款)

I was short of ready money so I cashed in my shares in M&S.

趁机获利,从中赚钱 chèn jī huò lì,cóng zhōng zhuàn qián

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (profit)

Gluten-free foods are popular and many brands want to cash in by bringing out new products.

趁机利用 chèn jī lì yòng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (profit)

The witness wrote a book about his experiences to cash in on his fame.

定价 dìng jià

phrasal verb, intransitive (US, informal (cost, is priced at)

变现 biàn xiàn

phrasal verb, intransitive (withdraw an investment as cash) (投资)

结算 jié suàn

phrasal verb, intransitive (cashier: count final takings) (出纳)


verbal expression (exchange a cheque for money)


noun (credit card service)


noun (funds in account)


noun (for money)


noun (credit, debit or bank card)

She paid for her new dress by cash card.


noun (figurative ([sth] lucrative) (比喻)

Bottled water is the cash cow of the new millennium - it costs more than gasoline!

经济作物,商品作物 jīng jì zuò wù,shāng pǐn zuò wù

noun (agricultural crop grown for money) (为供出售而种植的)

In many countries, subsistence farmers have turned to producing cash crops. My cash crops pay the bills but I also grow things for my own pleasure and for prestige.


noun (UK (checkout in a store)

现金(支付)折扣 xiàn jīn zhī fù zhé kòu

noun (reduced price for payment in cash)

If you go to the warehouse, you can get a ten percent cash discount.

自动提款机 zì dòng tí kuǎn jī

noun (ATM)

现金抽屉 xiàn jīn chōu tì

noun (in a cash register)

If you leave the cash drawer open you are encouraging thieves.

现金流转 xiàn jīn liú zhuǎn

noun (income and expenses)

Cash flow can be a problem when you are self-employed.


expression (pay: directly with notes, coins)


noun as adjective (payment: made directly with notes, coins)

提款机 tí kuǎn jī

noun (UK (money dispenser)

I'll have to get some money out of the cash machine before I can go shopping.


noun (payment on receipt)

现金付款 xiàn jīn fù kuǎn

noun (payment in notes and coins)

The plumber offered me a discount for cash payment.

现金价格,付现价格 xiàn jīn jià gé,fù xiàn jià gé

noun (discount) (使用现金支付的最低价格)

The cash price for a new car can be as much as 10% less than if you buy it on time.

现金奖励,奖金 jiǎng jīn

noun (winner's money)

He entered the contest for the cash prize.

收银机 shōu yín jī

noun (cash till)

The new computerized cash registers don't make the pleasant whirr-and-ring sounds the old ones did.


noun (often plural (emergency funds)

现金交易 xiàn jīn jiāo yì

noun ([sth] paid for in cash)

The store had no record that John bought the knife because it was a cash sale.

货币价值 huò bì jià zhí

noun (value of life insurance)


noun (countable (kind of store)


adjective (uncountable (paid at time of purchase)


adjective (having little money)


noun (immediate payment discount)

This credit card offers cashback on all supermarket spending.


noun (supermarket service) (超市提供的服务)

The cashier asked Jill if she wanted cashback.

现款 xiàn kuǎn

noun (currency)

Davis paid the workers in cold cash.

钱 qián

noun (figurative (making money)

He didn't care about performing a service; all he cared about was cold, hard cash.

货币,现款 huò bì,xiàn kuǎn

noun (money, not credit) (本义)

I'll sell you this bike, but you have to pay me in cold, hard cash.

自动取款机 zì dòng qǔ kuǎn jī

noun (cash machine, ATM)

Hasn't the airport got a cash dispenser?

现款,现金 xiàn kuǎn,xiàn jīn

noun (tangible money, not credit or check)

用现金 yòng xiàn jīn

adverb (in the form of coins and notes)

Will you give me a discount if I pay in cash instead of by credit card?


noun (figurative ([sth] profitable)

现金支付 xiàn jīn zhī fù

verbal expression (pay using coins or notes)

You can't use a credit card here; you have to pay cash.

现金支付 xiàn jīn zhī fù

verbal expression (pay in coins or notes)

I don't have any credit cards: I always pay in cash.

零用钱 líng yòng qián

noun (funds kept for minor expenses)

We keep the petty cash in a small metal box with a lock.


noun (UK, initialism (Public Sector Net Cash Requirement)

现款 xiàn kuǎn

noun (available money)

手头紧的 shǒu tóu jǐn de

adjective (slang (short of money)

I'm a bit strapped for cash right now – can I pay you back next week?

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cash 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。