英语 中的 catching 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 catching 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 catching 的说明。

英语 中的catching 表示会传染的,有传染性的 huì chuán rǎn de ,yǒu chuán rǎn xìng de, 吸引人的 xī yǐn rén de, 接球 jiē qiú, 抓住,接住 zhuā zhù,jiē zhù, 乘坐,搭乘 chéng zuò,dā chéng, 抓住,捉住 zhuā zhù,zhuō zhù, 捕获,抓住 bǔ huò,zhuā zhù, 得了…病,感染上,患...病 dé le bìng,gǎn rǎn shàng, 撞见,发现,抓住 zhuàng jiàn ,fā xiàn,zhuā zhù, 缠住 chán zhù, 接住 jiē zhù, 捕获物 bǔ huò wù, 条件 tiáo jiàn, 闩锁 shuān suǒ, 接球 jiē qiú, 轮唱曲 lún chàng qǔ, 值得嫁娶的人, 接球 jiē qiú, 颤抖 chàn dǒu, 着火 zháo huǒ, 当接球手 dāng jiē qiú shǒu, 颤抖 chàn dǒu, 看到 kàn dào, 听清楚 tīng qīng chǔ, 追上 zhuī shàng, 看, 缠住 chán zhù, 捕捉到, 暂时拿一下, 意外发现某人做某事, 抓住,接住 zhuā zhù,jiē zhù, 引人注目的 yǐn rén zhù mù de, 可获得选票的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 catching 的含义

会传染的,有传染性的 huì chuán rǎn de ,yǒu chuán rǎn xìng de

adjective (informal (disease: infectious) (疾病)

Don't worry, my rash isn't catching.

吸引人的 xī yǐn rén de

adjective (US, informal (attractive)

Everyone was captivated by the actress's catching personality.

接球 jiē qiú

noun ([sth] thrown: action of catch)

The team's batting wasn't bad, but their catching was awful.

抓住,接住 zhuā zhù,jiē zhù

transitive verb (grasp moving object) (移动物体)

I can catch the ball with one hand.

乘坐,搭乘 chéng zuò,dā chéng

transitive verb (transport) (交通工具)

Bill needs to catch a bus from town.

抓住,捉住 zhuā zhù,zhuō zhù

transitive verb (grasp, seize)

Jason caught her by the wrist.

捕获,抓住 bǔ huò,zhuā zhù

transitive verb (fishing, hunting) (钓鱼、狩猎等)

We caught five salmon in the river.

得了…病,感染上,患...病 dé le bìng,gǎn rǎn shàng

transitive verb (disease)

Leah catches a cold every winter.

撞见,发现,抓住 zhuàng jiàn ,fā xiàn,zhuā zhù

transitive verb (discover unexpectedly) (某人在做坏事)

The police caught him in the act.

缠住 chán zhù

intransitive verb (become entangled)

As I was riding my bicycle, my shoelaces caught on the gears.

接住 jiē zhù

noun (action: grasping [sth])

Wendy's catch saved the vase from breaking on the floor.

捕获物 bǔ huò wù

noun (fishing, hunting) (钓鱼、狩猎等)

Salmon is the catch of the day.

条件 tiáo jiàn

noun (informal (condition)

What's the catch?

闩锁 shuān suǒ

noun (fastening)

The catch on the suitcase is stuck.

接球 jiē qiú

noun (sport: catching ball) (体育运动)

The goalkeeper's catch saved the game for the home team.

轮唱曲 lún chàng qǔ

noun (song)

Eddie loves to sing songs and catches from the Victorian era.


noun (informal, figurative ([sb] worth marrying)

I hear her new man is quite a catch!

接球 jiē qiú

noun (uncountable (game: throwing ball back and forth) (运动)

The boys were playing a game of catch, but William kept dropping the ball.

颤抖 chàn dǒu

noun (unsteadiness in voice) (声音)

着火 zháo huǒ

intransitive verb (informal (begin to burn)

Lou dropped a match and the gasoline caught.

当接球手 dāng jiē qiú shǒu

intransitive verb (US (sport: be catcher)

Jennifer is catching in the softball game today.

颤抖 chàn dǒu

intransitive verb (voice: be unsteady) (声音)

看到 kàn dào

transitive verb (informal, figurative (see) (电视节目或广播等)

Did you catch the news last night?

听清楚 tīng qīng chǔ

transitive verb (informal, figurative (hear)

I didn't catch what you said.

追上 zhuī shàng

transitive verb ([sb] departing)

You might be able to catch him if you hurry.

transitive verb (informal, figurative (see, not miss)

Let's catch the art show at the museum before it closes.

缠住 chán zhù

transitive verb (usu passive (entangle)

The fly was caught in the spider's web.


transitive verb (figurative (gesture, likeness) (镜头等)

The artist caught her expression beautifully.


transitive verb (US, informal (take momentarily)

Would you just catch my coat for a second while I make a telephone call?


transitive verb (discover unexpectedly)

Alice caught her boyfriend eating cookies in the middle of the night.

抓住,接住 zhuā zhù,jiē zhù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (reach for [sth]) (球类运动)

Jane caught at Pete's arm and pulled him back onto the sidewalk as a car zoomed past.

引人注目的 yǐn rén zhù mù de

adjective (attractive, grabbing the attention)

That shirt's a very eye-catching colour. His sports car is very eye-catching.


adjective (informal, pejorative (gets votes)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。