英语 中的 fishing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fishing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fishing 的说明。

英语 中的fishing 表示钓鱼 diào yú, 捕鱼业 bǔ yú yè, 打探 dǎ tàn, 鱼 yú, 鱼肉 yú ròu, 捕鱼 bǔ yú, 钓鱼 diào yú, 寻找, 找寻, 搜索, 美元 měi yuán, 寻求,渴求 xún qiú,kě qiú, 搜寻,搜索 sōu xún ,sōu suǒ, 在...中钓鱼, 深海捕鱼, 渔船, 渔具 yú jù, 钓鱼线 diào yú xiàn, 钓鱼竿 diào yú gān, 钓竿 diào gān, 钓鱼之旅,垂钓之旅, 捕鱼网 bǔ yú wǎng, 飞蝇钓, 垂钓 chuí diào, 去钓鱼 qù diào yú, 盘问 pán wèn, 冰上垂钓,冰钓 bīng shàng chuí diào,bīng diào, 钓鳟鱼 diào zūn yú。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fishing 的含义

钓鱼 diào yú

noun (sport: catching fish)

I enjoy fishing. It is so relaxing.

捕鱼业 bǔ yú yè

noun (occupation)

Fishing is an important industry around here.

打探 dǎ tàn

noun (eliciting information)

Her constant fishing for information bothered us.

鱼 yú

noun (aquatic animal)

My son has a pet fish.

鱼肉 yú ròu

noun (fish meat as food)

I prefer to eat fish for health reasons.

捕鱼 bǔ yú

transitive verb (fish: try to catch)

He's fishing trout.

钓鱼 diào yú

intransitive verb (go angling)

On Sundays I go down to the river and fish.

寻找, 找寻, 搜索

intransitive verb (figurative (search, rummage)

Looking for her lipstick, she fished in her bag.

美元 měi yuán

noun (US, dated, slang (dollar)

Hey, man, do you have a spare twenty fish?

寻求,渴求 xún qiú,kě qiú

(figurative (seek: compliments, etc.)

She's fishing for compliments. Just ignore her.

搜寻,搜索 sōu xún ,sōu suǒ

transitive verb (figurative (search through)

They're fishing the whole region for leads.


transitive verb (try to catch fish in)

My grandfather has been fishing these waters for forty years.


noun (fishing in deep ocean waters)


noun (vessel: for fishing)

渔具 yú jù

noun (equipment for catching fish)

We got up at 5:00, grabbed our fishing gear, and set out for the lake.

钓鱼线 diào yú xiàn

noun (cord used to catch fish)

The bass was so huge it broke my fishing line and got away.

钓鱼竿 diào yú gān

noun (rod used for angling)

Grab your fishing pole and we'll head to the river to catch some trout.

钓竿 diào gān

noun (rod used to catch fish)

The latest fishing rods are made of fibreglass.


noun (outing to catch fish)

Did you ever ask him why he never caught any fish on his fishing trips?

捕鱼网 bǔ yú wǎng

noun (mesh used for catching fish)

The ship is equipped with various fishnets.


noun (method to catch fish)

垂钓 chuí diào

noun (sport: catching fish)

The deep blue waters of the Andaman Sea are ideal for game fishing.

去钓鱼 qù diào yú

verbal expression (try to catch fish)

Let's go fishing at the lake today.

盘问 pán wèn

verbal expression (figurative (hunt for unspecified evidence)

In the US, police are not allowed to go on a fishing expedition in your house without a search warrant.

冰上垂钓,冰钓 bīng shàng chuí diào,bīng diào

noun (angling for fish through a hole in ice) (通过冰面上凿开的洞进行)

In winter we used to go ice-fishing when the lake froze over, but we never caught any fish.

钓鳟鱼 diào zūn yú

noun (angling to catch trout)

Trout fishing is a relaxing pastime, unless you're a trout.

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fishing 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。