英语 中的 choice 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 choice 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 choice 的说明。

英语 中的choice 表示选择 xuǎn zé, 选择 xuǎn zé, 上等的 shàng děng de, 选中的东西 xuǎn zhòng de dōng xī, 自愿地 zì yuàn de, 选择不生育, 特选的东西 tè xuǎn de dōng xī, 选择的机会 xuǎn zé de jī huì, 供选择的品种 gōng xuǎn zé de pǐn zhǒng, 措辞 cuò cí, 首选 shǒu xuǎn, 自由选择 zì yóu xuǎn zé, 自由选择物 zì yóu xuǎn zé wù, 自由选择权,自由意志 zì yóu xuǎn zé quán,zì yóu yì zhì, 没有选择 méi yǒu xuǎn zé, 别无选择只能..., 毫无选择余地 háo wú xuǎn zé yú dì, 做出选择 zuò chū xuǎn zé, 做出选择 zuò chū xuǎn zé, 选择题, 多项选择的 duō xiàng xuǎn zé de, 别无选择 bié wú xuǎn zé, 优先选择的, 自行选择的, 唯一的选择 wéi yī de xuǎn zé, 自己的抉择 zì jǐ de jué zé, 个人选择 gè rén xuǎn zé, 特定的选择 tè dìng de xuǎn zé, 个人选择 gè rén xuǎn zé, 个人的选择 gè rén de xuǎn zé, 可能的选择 kě néng de xuǎn zé, 主张女性有权人工流产的, 选择 xuǎn zé。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 choice 的含义

选择 xuǎn zé

noun (range of options)

There was a good choice of desserts on the menu.

选择 xuǎn zé

noun (act of choosing)

He needs to make a choice between the apple and the orange.

上等的 shàng děng de

adjective (quality)

The choice cuts of meat are always the most expensive.

选中的东西 xuǎn zhòng de dōng xī

noun (thing chosen)

The car was her choice.

自愿地 zì yuàn de

adverb (willingly, of one's free will)

I did not exactly retire by choice.


expression (voluntarily having no children)

Glen and his wife are childless by choice, although they have three dogs.

特选的东西 tè xuǎn de dōng xī

noun ([sth] preferred, chosen by)

Coca-Cola is my choice of soda.

选择的机会 xuǎn zé de jī huì

noun (opportunity to choose between)

If you arrive early to the registration, you will have your choice of classes for next semester.

供选择的品种 gōng xuǎn zé de pǐn zhǒng

noun (selection, variety of)

They have such a wide choice of vegetables at this supermarket.

措辞 cuò cí

noun (way of saying [sth])

Mr. Peebles' choice of words while talking to the chairman's wife led to his banishment from the golf club.

首选 shǒu xuǎn

noun (preferred option)

Of course, Paris would have been my first choice.

自由选择 zì yóu xuǎn zé

noun (unrestricted options)

You can only control your own life by exercising your own free choice.

自由选择物 zì yóu xuǎn zé wù

noun ([sth] chosen freely)

自由选择权,自由意志 zì yóu xuǎn zé quán,zì yóu yì zhì

noun (free will)

Man has freedom of choice as to whether he will follow a path of good or evil.

没有选择 méi yǒu xuǎn zé

verbal expression (be forced to do [sth])

I had to fire him. I had no choice.


verbal expression (not have alternative)

We have no choice but to think that you acted irresponsibly.

毫无选择余地 háo wú xuǎn zé yú dì

noun (figurative (lack of genuine alternative) (比喻)

Since it's Hobson's choice I suppose I have to agree.

做出选择 zuò chū xuǎn zé

verbal expression (select from among options)

做出选择 zuò chū xuǎn zé

verbal expression (decide)

You made your choice; now live with it.


noun (test: choose right answer) (考试题型)

多项选择的 duō xiàng xuǎn zé de

noun as adjective (question: with several options)

别无选择 bié wú xuǎn zé

noun (absence of alternative options)

There is no choice; we'll have to do it.


adjective (preferred)

Audrey got into her university of choice.


expression (chosen by you alone)

You can order your new car in the colour of your own choice.

唯一的选择 wéi yī de xuǎn zé

noun (only available option)

There is no public transport round here so my only choice is to go by car.

自己的抉择 zì jǐ de jué zé

noun (decision made freely)

个人选择 gè rén xuǎn zé

noun (individual free will)

My parents wanted me to go to law school, but I made my own choice and attended art school instead.

特定的选择 tè dìng de xuǎn zé

noun ([sth] specifically chosen)

I wonder why you made that particular choice over your other options.

个人选择 gè rén xuǎn zé

noun (free will) (指个人的自由意愿)

I can't force you to go to university; in the end, it's your own personal choice.

个人的选择 gè rén de xuǎn zé

noun ([sth] decided freely) (指个人自由决定之事)

可能的选择 kě néng de xuǎn zé

noun (available option)


adjective (abortion: supporting right to choose)

选择 xuǎn zé

verbal expression (select, choose)

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choice 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。