英语 中的 pick 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 pick 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 pick 的说明。

英语 中的pick 表示选择 xuǎn zé, 选择 xuǎn zé, 摘 zhāi, 清除 qīng chú, 找茬 zhǎo chá, 挑起与...的争端, 选择次序 xuǎn zé cì xù, 选择 xuǎn zé, 挖掘工具 wā jué gōng jù, 琴拨 qín bō, 牙签 yá qiān, 掩护,挡差 yǎn hù, 一点一点慢慢地吃 yì diǎn yì diǎn màn màn de chī, 弹奏, 弹拨, 剔, 凿, 撬开 qiào kāi, 挑…的毛病 tiāo de máo bìng, 逐个杀死, 招惹 zhāo rě, 挑出,挑选 tiǎo chū,tiāo xuǎn, 挑出 tiǎo chū, 分辨出, 在...甄选, 开车接…, 去拿 qù ná, 拿起 ná qǐ, 勾引…, 恢复 huī fù, 接电话 jiē diàn huà, 学到,养成 xué dào, 学会 xué huì, 逐渐学会, 检测到, 注意到,发现 zhù yì dào,fā xiàn, 重新谈到(已提到过的要点), 精挑细选 jīng tiāo xì xuǎn, 亲自挑选 qīn zì tiāo xuǎn, 对...有意见, 碎冰锥, 挑取坚果果肉的用具 tiāo qǔ jiān guǒ guǒ ròu de yòng jù, 挑挑拣拣 tiāo tiāo jiǎn jiǎn, 仔细挑拣 zǐ xì tiāo jiǎn, 严厉批评 yán lì pī píng, 把…啃干净, 从…摘葡萄 cóng zhāi pú táo, 挑毛病,挑错 tiāo máo bìng, 挑…的毛病,挑…的错 tiāo de máo bìng, 动作快点, 选择...而不选..., 扒窃 pá qiè, 撬锁 qiào suǒ, 加快速度 jiā kuài sù dù, 接电话 jiē diàn huà, 收拾残局,重整旗鼓 chóng zhěng qí gǔ, 接过接力棒,继续前人的事业, 向…请教,征求…的想法, 挖鼻孔,抠鼻子, 小心翼翼地穿过, 提神物, 皮卡 pí kǎ, 搭讪用语, 敞蓬小型载货卡车 chǎng péng xiǎo xíng zài huò kǎ chē, 任选。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 pick 的含义

选择 xuǎn zé

intransitive verb (choose)

I have so many favourites, it's hard to pick.

选择 xuǎn zé

transitive verb (choose, select)

Brenda has to pick her favourite flavour of ice cream.

摘 zhāi

transitive verb (flowers, etc.) (鲜花等)

Charlie likes to pick flowers for his girlfriend.

清除 qīng chú

transitive verb (remove matter from, clean)

Doug had to pick thorns out of his trousers.

找茬 zhǎo chá

transitive verb (a fight, a quarrel: provoke)

David always picks fights at school.


(fight, quarrel: provoke with [sb])

Please stop picking quarrels with your sister. // You don't want to pick a fight with that guy—he's twice your size!

选择次序 xuǎn zé cì xù

noun (turn to choose)

The home team has the first pick.

选择 xuǎn zé

noun (selection made)

That wouldn't be everyone's pick, but I guess you know what you like.

挖掘工具 wā jué gōng jù

noun (tool) (工具,如锄头、镐等)

He used a pick to remove a chunk of rock from the cliff face.

琴拨 qín bō

noun (guitar plectrum) (乐器)

Alex strummed his guitar with a pick.

牙签 yá qiān

noun (toothpick)

The dentist used a pick to clean the teeth.

掩护,挡差 yǎn hù

noun (US (basketball screen) (篮球技法)

The guard used a pick to stop the forward.

一点一点慢慢地吃 yì diǎn yì diǎn màn màn de chī

intransitive verb (eat slowly and half-heartedly)

Are you going to eat, or just pick?

弹奏, 弹拨

transitive verb (pluck a musical instrument) (乐器)

My uncle picks a banjo.

剔, 凿

transitive verb (break apart with a pick)

He picked the rock carefully in order to remove the fossil.

撬开 qiào kāi

transitive verb (lock: unlock)

The cat burglar picked the lock.

挑…的毛病 tiāo de máo bìng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (find fault with) (非正式用语)

Her mother was always picking at her about her appearance.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang (kill one by one) (俚语)

The police sniper picked off the bank robbers one by one.

招惹 zhāo rě

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (harass, bully [sb])

Please don't pick on me because I'm small!

挑出,挑选 tiǎo chū,tiāo xuǎn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (choose)

They've gone to pick out her engagement ring.

挑出 tiǎo chū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (select)

The professor picked Ken out as his research assistant.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (identify)

The woman picked out the thief in an identity parade.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (choose from among)

Mrs. Arnolds picked over the barrel of apples to find the juiciest ones.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (collect in vehicle)

I'll pick up the kids from school today.

去拿 qù ná

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (fetch)

Could you pick up my prescription on your way past the chemist?

拿起 ná qǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (grasp, lift)

I picked up the book which had fallen onto the floor.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, slang (seduce)

Lisa picked some guy up in a bar last night.

恢复 huī fù

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (improve) (非正式用语)

We hope that sales will pick up next month.

接电话 jiē diàn huà

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (answer phone call)

I let the phone ring for ages but he didn't pick up.

学到,养成 xué dào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (acquire: a habit, mannerism) (习惯,言谈举止)

Maria was worried that her son was picking up some bad habits from the other boys at school.

学会 xué huì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (learn: a language, skill) (语言,技能)

My brother is so good at languages, he picked up French in a week.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (learn over time, bit by bit)

Andy picked up his cookery skills while working in his father's restaurant.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (detect)

The security scanner picked up something strange.

注意到,发现 zhù yì dào,fā xiàn

(informal (detect)

I made an error in my calculations, but nobody picked up on it.


(talk about: [sth] mentioned)

Denise picked up on Laura's comment about working mothers.

精挑细选 jīng tiāo xì xuǎn

intransitive verb (figurative (make a personal selection)

He cherry-picked the data to support his point of view.

亲自挑选 qīn zì tiāo xuǎn

transitive verb (select personally)

The manager handpicked Charlotte for the position because of her extensive experience.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (want to reprimand)

I have a bone to pick with you! Did you forget to feed the cat?


noun (pointed tool for breaking ice)

挑取坚果果肉的用具 tiāo qǔ jiān guǒ guǒ ròu de yòng jù

noun (tool for removing nutmeat from shell)

挑挑拣拣 tiāo tiāo jiǎn jiǎn

verbal expression (informal (be fussy) (非正式用语)

Salad bars allow customers to pick and choose from a wide selection of vegetables.

仔细挑拣 zǐ xì tiāo jiǎn

verbal expression (take [sth] selectively, not in its entirety)

严厉批评 yán lì pī píng

verbal expression (find many faults with)


(remove meat from a bone) (骨头)

The hyenas picked the bones clean.

从…摘葡萄 cóng zhāi pú táo

verbal expression (pluck grapes from)

The boy picked the grapes off the vine and ate them one by one.

挑毛病,挑错 tiāo máo bìng

(figurative, informal (find fault)

挑…的毛病,挑…的错 tiāo de máo bìng

verbal expression (figurative, informal (find fault)


verbal expression (informal (move, work, etc., at a faster rate)

We'll never finish this job by Thursday at this rate; we need to pick it up.


(choose [sth/sb] over [sth/sb] else)

I still don't understand why she picked him over me.

扒窃 pá qiè

verbal expression (steal money from [sb])

The thief picked the passengers' pockets.

撬锁 qiào suǒ

verbal expression (unlock [sth] without a key)

The thieves picked the lock on the door to get inside the house.

加快速度 jiā kuài sù dù

verbal expression (get faster)

接电话 jiē diàn huà

verbal expression (answer phone call)

Fiona picked up the phone and began talking to someone on the other end.

收拾残局,重整旗鼓 chóng zhěng qí gǔ

verbal expression (figurative (deal with aftermath)

After her husband's death, she had to pick up the pieces the best she could.


verbal expression (figurative (take over)

Mozart picked up the torch passed to him from Haydn, and elevated classical music to new heights.


verbal expression (figurative (ask [sb] a question) (比喻)

Can I pick your brain for a minute?


verbal expression (put a finger in your nostril)

Little kids will pick their noses in public, because they have no shame.


verbal expression (find a path through)

The survivors picked their way through the wreckage.


noun (informal ([sth] that makes you feel better)

When I need a little pick-me-up, I eat one of my favorite candy bars.

皮卡 pí kǎ

noun (US (small open-backed truck)

The man gave us a ride in the back of his pickup.


noun (informal ([sth] said to seduce)

Do you come here often?, is not a very original pickup line, to say the least.

敞蓬小型载货卡车 chǎng péng xiǎo xíng zài huò kǎ chē

noun (small open-back truck)

My new pickup truck is painted bright yellow.


expression (choose any one you like)

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pick 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。