英语 中的 city 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 city 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 city 的说明。

英语 中的city 表示城市 chéng shì, 城市的 chéng shì de, 市民 shì mín, (拥有独立的税收体制的)城市 yōng yǒu dú lì de shuì shōu tǐ zhì de chéng shì, 都市中心, 伦敦金融城, 大城市 dà chéng shì, 街区 jiē qū, 区域 qū yù, 首都,首府 shǒu dū ,shǒu fǔ, 街区 jiē qū, 城市旅游, 市中心 shì zhōng xīn, 市政职员, 市议会 shì yì huì, 地方议员 dì fāng yì yuán, 市政女议员, 市法院 shì fǎ yuàn, 城市居民 chéng shì jū mín, 城市居民,城里人 chéng shì jū mín, 都市女孩, 市政府 shì zhèng fǔ, 市政厅 shì zhèng tīng, 市政厅 shì zhèng tīng, 城市生活, 城市边界,城界, 城市规划员 chéng shì guī huà yuán, 城市规划 chéng shì guī huà, 时髦而世故的城里人 shí máo ér shì gù de chéng lǐ rén, 城墙 chéng qiáng, 城邦 chéng bāng, 危地马拉城 wēi dì mǎ lā chéng, 老破城区 lǎo pò chéng qū, 城市中心,中心城区 chéng shì zhōng xīn,zhōng xīn chéng qū, 闹市区的, 贫民区的, 墨西哥城 mò xī gē chéng, 纽约市 niǔ yuē shì, 纽约市 niǔ yuē shì, 港口城市 gǎng kǒu chéng shì, 魁北克市, 姊妹城市。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 city 的含义

城市 chéng shì

noun (large town)

Bruce wants to find a job in the city.

城市的 chéng shì de

noun as adjective (of a city, urban)

The city lights were bright.

市民 shì mín

noun (inhabitants of a city)

Half of the city came to the demonstration.

(拥有独立的税收体制的)城市 yōng yǒu dú lì de shuì shōu tǐ zhì de chéng shì

noun (US (legal designation)

The town has been an incorporated city since 1842.


noun (metropolitan center)

We're going to the City to see a show at the weekend.


noun (financial area of London)

大城市 dà chéng shì

noun (large urban centre)

Tokyo is a big city.

街区 jiē qū

noun (US (street section) (美国,四条街道中间围起的区域)

The grocer's shop is on the same block as the pharmacy.

区域 qū yù

noun (US (square enclosed by streets)

The new building will cover the entire city block.

首都,首府 shǒu dū ,shǒu fǔ

noun (country's main town)

The capital city of England is London.

街区 jiē qū

noun (area surrounded by streets)

That limousine looks like it's almost a city-block long.


noun (short holiday in a city or town)

市中心 shì zhōng xīn

noun (town: central area)

I don't want to drive through the city center in rush hour.


(city official)

市议会 shì yì huì

noun (law-making committee of a city)

The city council is responsible for keeping the city's streets clean.

地方议员 dì fāng yì yuán

noun (US (local councilor)

Part of my job as city councilman is to voice opposition to the mayor's constant waste of taxpayer money.


(US (female local councilor)

市法院 shì fǎ yuàn

noun (US (civil court, local court)

城市居民 chéng shì jū mín

noun ([sb] who lives in a town or city)

Many city dwellers live in tiny apartments without garages.

城市居民,城里人 chéng shì jū mín

plural noun (people who live in towns)

Country folk are more friendly than city folk.


noun (young woman from urban area)

市政府 shì zhèng fǔ

noun (municipal authority)

市政厅 shì zhèng tīng

noun (US, often capitalized (seat of municipal government)

The FBI launched an investigation into corruption at City Hall.

市政厅 shì zhèng tīng

noun (UK (mayoral building in London) (伦敦)

City Hall is situated on the south bank of the River Thames.


noun (urban lifestyle)

I prefer the high energy of city life to the calm of the country.


plural noun (boundaries of an urban area)

My house is just outside the city limits, so I don't get the services the city provides.

城市规划员 chéng shì guī huà yuán

noun ([sb] who designs urban spaces)

We have generations of city planners to thank for all the green spaces in our city.

城市规划 chéng shì guī huà

noun (urban development)

The city council is responsible for city planning.

时髦而世故的城里人 shí máo ér shì gù de chéng lǐ rén

noun (US, informal, usually pejorative (urban person)

We all laughed when the city slicker ran terrified from our old cow.

城墙 chéng qiáng

plural noun (fortification around a town)

城邦 chéng bāng

noun (autonomous city)

Vatican City is a present-day example of a city-state.

危地马拉城 wēi dì mǎ lā chéng

noun (city: capital of Guatemala) (危地马拉首都)

Sonia's mother is originally from the city of Guatemala.

老破城区 lǎo pò chéng qū

noun (ghetto)

Schools in inner cities are often blighted by violence and low academic achievement.

城市中心,中心城区 chéng shì zhōng xīn,zhōng xīn chéng qū

noun (central part of town) (本义)


adjective (downtown)


adjective (of low-income city district)

墨西哥城 mò xī gē chéng

noun (capital city of Mexico) (墨西哥首都)

Some of Diego Rivera's best murals are in museums in Mexico City.

纽约市 niǔ yuē shì

noun (largest US city) (美国城市)

New York City is widely known as The Big Apple.

纽约市 niǔ yuē shì

noun (initialism (New York City)

港口城市 gǎng kǒu chéng shì

noun (town with a harbour)

Although Porto Novo is the capital, Cotonou is the main port city of Benin.


noun (French Canadian capital)

American tourists in Quebec City experience the feel of an old European city without the cost of airfare.


noun (town twinned with another)

Our sister city is in Germany.

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city 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。