英语 中的 civil 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 civil 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 civil 的说明。

英语 中的civil 表示社会的 shè huì de, 礼貌的 lǐ mào de, 民事的, 美国公民自由联盟, 土木工程师 tǔ mù gōng chéng shī, 民政事务, 民事部队, 世俗婚礼仪式 shì sú hūn lǐ yí shì, 民事法庭 mín shì fǎ tíng, 不合作主义 bù hé zuò zhǔ yì, 市民动乱 shì mín dòng luàn, 土木工程师 tǔ mù gōng chéng shī, 土木工程 tǔ mù gōng chéng, 民法, 公民自由 gōng mín zì yóu, 公民自由 gōng mín zì yóu, 公民自由 gōng mín zì yóu, 民事婚姻, 民事婚姻, 法定伴侣, 民事伴侣关系, 民防,民事保护, 公民权利 gōng mín quán lì, 人权运动 rén quán yùn dòng, 公务员 gōng wù yuán, 政府行政部门 zhèng fǔ xíng zhèng bù mén, 民间团体, 动乱 dòng luàn, 内战 nèi zhàn, 美国内战, 非宗教形式的婚礼 fēi zōng jiào xíng shì de hūn lǐ, 有礼貌地 yǒu lǐ mào de, 市民事书记官, 西班牙内战。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 civil 的含义

社会的 shè huì de

adjective (relating to society)

The people there have no civil liberties.

礼貌的 lǐ mào de

adjective (courteous, not rude)

Try to be civil to everyone, even if they're being rude to you.


adjective (law: not specifically criminal)

The case is a civil matter and will be settled out of court.


noun (initialism (American Civil Liberties Union)

土木工程师 tǔ mù gōng chéng shī

noun (abbreviation (civil engineer)

Kevin works as a CE and makes a decent salary.


plural noun (UN: with local authorities)


plural noun (US (military: with civil authorities) (美国军队)

世俗婚礼仪式 shì sú hūn lǐ yí shì

noun (non-religious wedding)

They preferred a simple civil ceremony at city hall, but her mother insisted on a large church wedding.

民事法庭 mín shì fǎ tíng

noun (UK (city court, non-criminal court)

A civil court deals with non-criminal matters, such as eviction proceedings, anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs), debt hearings and family proceedings.

不合作主义 bù hé zuò zhǔ yì

noun (peaceful protest)

More than 40 people have been arrested and charged with civil disobedience.

市民动乱 shì mín dòng luàn

noun (public unrest)

There was civil disorder outside the stadium after the soccer game.

土木工程师 tǔ mù gōng chéng shī

noun ([sb] who designs public works)

Ruth is studying to be a civil engineer.

土木工程 tǔ mù gōng chéng

noun (design and building of structures)

The construction of buildings, roads and bridges is all part of civil engineering.


noun (laws about private matters, rights)

公民自由 gōng mín zì yóu

plural noun (personal freedom)

Al-Kidd claimed the Attorney General had violated his civil liberties by treating him like a terrorist.

公民自由 gōng mín zì yóu

plural noun (against governmental abuse)

Many people died in the battle for universal suffrage and other civil liberties.

公民自由 gōng mín zì yóu

noun (against governmental abuse)


noun (law: ceremony) (仪式)


noun (law: kind of union) (关系)


noun (spouse in civil union)


noun (legal contract between couple)

It is pure discrimination to say that we can form a civil partnership but we cannot get married.


noun (emergency planning in case of war)

公民权利 gōng mín quán lì

plural noun (individual rights in a society,)

If you don't claim and defend your civil rights you risk losing them.

人权运动 rén quán yùn dòng

noun (campaign for human freedoms)

Martin Luther King, Jr. is a hero of the civil rights movement in the USA.

公务员 gōng wù yuán

noun (government employee)

Some civil servants give the government a bad name.

政府行政部门 zhèng fǔ xíng zhèng bù mén

noun (government workers)

Denise had spent her entire career working for the civil service.


noun (unofficial institutions of society)

动乱 dòng luàn

noun (law: disorder) (法律)

内战 nèi zhàn

noun (country's internal war)

The civil war has displaced almost half the country's population.


noun (historical, US (war between US states)

The American Civil War broke out in April 1861.

非宗教形式的婚礼 fēi zōng jiào xíng shì de hūn lǐ

noun (marriage: non-religious)

The bride and groom decided on a civil wedding as they were not themselves religious people.

有礼貌地 yǒu lǐ mào de

adverb (politely, courteously)

Can we close this conversation in a civil manner?


noun (head of a city's registry office) (市登记处主管)


noun (historical (1930s war) (20世纪30年代)

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civil 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。