英语 中的 marriage 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 marriage 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 marriage 的说明。

英语 中的marriage 表示结婚 jié hūn, 婚姻 hūn yīn, 婚礼 hūn lǐ, …与…的结合,…与…的联合, 包办婚姻, 通过婚姻 tōng guò hūn yīn, 民事婚姻, 民事婚姻, 习惯法上的婚姻,事实婚姻 xí guàn fǎ shàng de hūn yīn,shì shí hūn yīn, 被迫成婚 bèi pò chéng hūn, 同性恋婚姻 tóng xìng liàn hūn yīn, 种族间婚姻 zhǒng zú jiān hūn yīn, 娶寡嫂制, 结婚典礼 jié hūn diǎn lǐ, 结婚证,结婚证书 jié hūn zhèng, 婚前协议 hūn qián xié yì, 婚姻咨询师,婚姻顾问 hūn yīn gù wèn, 婚姻指导 hūn yīn zhǐ dǎo, 结婚证 jié hūn zhèng, 基于利益的婚姻 jī yú lì yì de hūn yīn, 求婚 qiú hūn, 结婚誓言 jié hūn shì yán, 异族通婚 yì zú tōng hūn, 求婚 qiú hūn, 娶姨制, 将…结为夫妻。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 marriage 的含义

结婚 jié hūn

noun (uncountable (matrimony)

The institution of marriage has changed little over the centuries.

婚姻 hūn yīn

noun (married state)

Their marriage lasted 50 years.

婚礼 hūn lǐ

noun (event: wedding)

Mr. and Mrs. Stevens wish to announce the marriage of their daughter Sarah Jane to Christopher Smith.


noun (figurative (union)

Our products are the perfect marriage of style and functionality.


noun (marriage negotiated by parents)

He doesn't want to marry her, it's an arranged marriage.

通过婚姻 tōng guò hūn yīn

adverb (through the family of one's spouse)

He is my uncle by marriage, certainly not by choice.


noun (law: ceremony) (仪式)


noun (law: kind of union) (关系)

习惯法上的婚姻,事实婚姻 xí guàn fǎ shàng de hūn yīn,shì shí hūn yīn

noun (partnership: not formalized) (指非正式结婚但同居的关系)

When a common-law marriage exists, the spouses receive the same legal treatment given to legally married couples.

被迫成婚 bèi pò chéng hūn

noun (marriage arranged without consent)

In a forced marriage, you are coerced into marrying someone against your will.

同性恋婚姻 tóng xìng liàn hūn yīn

noun (marriage: same-sex) (非正式用语)

The state senate is voting on whether to allow gay marriage.

种族间婚姻 zhǒng zú jiān hūn yīn

noun (marriage between persons of different race)

Interracial marriage was against the law under South Africa's apartheid regime.


noun (custom: marrying brother's widow)

结婚典礼 jié hūn diǎn lǐ

noun (official part of a wedding)

结婚证,结婚证书 jié hūn zhèng

noun (official document recording a marriage)

I had to show my marriage certificate in order to change my last name.

婚前协议 hūn qián xié yì

noun (prenuptial agreement)

He insisted his future wife sign a marriage contract to protect his family's wealth.

婚姻咨询师,婚姻顾问 hūn yīn gù wèn

noun ([sb] who gives relationship advice)

After his affair, the couple decided to see a marriage counsellor.

婚姻指导 hūn yīn zhǐ dǎo

noun (counselling for married couples)

Before considering divorce, it might be a good idea to obtain some marriage guidance.

结婚证 jié hūn zhèng

noun (permit to marry)

It is a good idea, about a week before the wedding, to go to the courthouse to obtain a marriage license.

基于利益的婚姻 jī yú lì yì de hūn yīn

noun (marriage for reasons other than love)

Royalty have always made marriages of convenience rather than marrying for love.

求婚 qiú hūn

noun (request to marry [sb])

She accepted his marriage proposal without hesitation.

结婚誓言 jié hūn shì yán

plural noun (promises made as part of wedding ceremony)

They exchanged marriage vows, promising to support each other in sickness and in health.

异族通婚 yì zú tōng hūn

noun (inter-racial marriage)

Mixed marriages were once banned in the southern states of the USA.

求婚 qiú hūn

(ask [sb] to marry)


noun (custom: marrying wife's sister)


transitive verb (usually passive (join in marriage)

The vicar united the couple in marriage.

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marriage 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。