英语 中的 coffee 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 coffee 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 coffee 的说明。

英语 中的coffee 表示咖啡 kā fēi, 咖啡树 kā fēi shù, (粉状)咖啡 fěn zhuàng kā fēi, 咖啡色 kā fēi sè, 咖啡色的 kā fēi sè de, 大麦咖啡, 黑咖啡 hēi kā fēi, 咖啡馆 kā fēi guǎn, 咖啡豆 kā fēi dòu, (工作期间、研讨会等中途)喝咖啡休息的时间 gōng zuò qī jiān yán tǎo huì děng zhōng tú hē kā fēi xiū xī de shí jiān, 咖啡蛋糕 kā fēi dàn gāo, 肉桂糕, 咖啡杯 kā fēi bēi, 咖啡过滤器, 咖啡豆磨具 kā fēi dòu mò jù, 咖啡机 kā fēi jī, 咖啡研磨机, 咖啡杯 kā fēi bēi, 咖啡种植园, 咖啡粉囊包,咖啡饼, (煮咖啡的)咖啡壶 zhǔ kā fēi de kā fēi hú, (盛咖啡的)咖啡壶 chéng kā fēi de kā fēi hú, 咖啡店 kā fēi diàn, 大麻咖啡馆, 矮茶几 ǎi chá jī, 咖啡色的 kā fēi sè de, 茶几上摆设用书,大型画册, 咖啡馆 kā fēi guǎn, 闲谈, 聊天, 无因咖啡 wú yīn kā fēi, 滴滤咖啡 dī lǜ kā fēi, 滴滤咖啡机 dī lǜ kā fēi jī, 冰咖啡, 爱尔兰咖啡 ài ěr lán kā fēi, 咖啡茶点叙谈会, 咖啡会, 露天咖啡馆 lù tiān kā fēi guǎn, 土耳其咖啡 tǔ ěr qí kā fēi, 加牛奶的咖啡 jiā niú nǎi de kā fēi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 coffee 的含义

咖啡 kā fēi

noun (uncountable (drink) (饮料,不可数)

I have a cup of coffee every morning.

咖啡树 kā fēi shù

noun (uncountable (plant) (不可数,植物)

They grow coffee in Colombia.

(粉状)咖啡 fěn zhuàng kā fēi

noun (uncountable (ground beans) (不可数)

We need to buy more coffee for the coffee maker.

咖啡色 kā fēi sè

noun (color: light brown)

I like the dress in brown, but would prefer coffee.

咖啡色的 kā fēi sè de

noun as adjective (light brown in color)

I wouldn't say it's dark brown. I would say it was more coffee.


noun (drink made from roasted barley)

In time of war people make chicory or barley coffee.

黑咖啡 hēi kā fēi

noun (coffee: no milk)

Black coffee is a traditional hangover remedy.

咖啡馆 kā fēi guǎn

noun (café: serves coffee)

Starbucks turned the coffee bar into a multinational enterprise.

咖啡豆 kā fēi dòu

noun (usually plural (seed of coffee tree)

The coffee I'm serving was made from freshly ground coffee beans.

(工作期间、研讨会等中途)喝咖啡休息的时间 gōng zuò qī jiān yán tǎo huì děng zhōng tú hē kā fēi xiū xī de shí jiān

noun (pause for coffee, tea, etc.)

Whenever I try to ask for her help, she's on a coffee break.

咖啡蛋糕 kā fēi dàn gāo

noun (cake containing coffee)

Peter was eating a slice of coffee cake.


noun (US (sweet bread)

咖啡杯 kā fēi bēi

noun (cup in which coffee is served)

Anna gave him a set of coffee cups as a birthday present.


noun (device: strains coffee)

咖啡豆磨具 kā fēi dòu mò jù

noun (machine for grinding coffee beans)

Ground beans fresh from the coffee grinder give the coffee a richer flavor.

咖啡机 kā fēi jī

noun (machine that brews coffee)

This coffee maker can make both espresso coffee and cappuccino coffee.


noun (coffee grinder)

咖啡杯 kā fēi bēi

noun (cup for coffee)

She clasped her hands around her coffee mug, letting it warm them.


noun (field where coffee beans are grown)

Cutting trees to plant coffee plantations destroys bird habitat.


noun (ground coffee in a filter bag)

The single-serving coffee pod is the latest fad among coffee drinkers.

(煮咖啡的)咖啡壶 zhǔ kā fēi de kā fēi hú

noun (for brewing coffee)

I still prefer my old coffee pot over my new coffee maker.

(盛咖啡的)咖啡壶 chéng kā fēi de kā fēi hú

noun (for brewed coffee)

Tip the milky coffee into a warmed coffee pot.

咖啡店 kā fēi diàn

noun (café where coffee is served)

We arranged to meet in a coffee shop.


noun (café where cannabis is served)

In most of the coffee shops in Amsterdam, you can order a coffee or beer and a selection of cannabis from a dozen different countries.

矮茶几 ǎi chá jī

noun (low table used in living room)

Please don't put your feet on the coffee table.

咖啡色的 kā fēi sè de

adjective (medium-brown)


noun (large illustrated hardback book)

咖啡馆 kā fēi guǎn

noun (establishment where coffee is served)

The Golden Horn was a 60's coffeehouse where you could find coffee, folk songs and poetry but no alcohol.

闲谈, 聊天

intransitive verb (dated, slang (indulge in chitchat)

无因咖啡 wú yīn kā fēi

noun (coffee: caffeine removed)

I drink decaffeinated coffee at night so I do not stay awake all night.

滴滤咖啡 dī lǜ kā fēi

noun (coffee: percolated)

I like drip coffee, not instant.

滴滤咖啡机 dī lǜ kā fēi jī

noun (appliance: percolator)

I must buy some more filters for my drip coffee maker.


noun (cold coffee with ice)

Sophie was drinking a glass of iced coffee.

爱尔兰咖啡 ài ěr lán kā fēi

noun (coffee with Irish whiskey)

An Irish coffee topped with cream is a great way of ending a meal.

咖啡茶点叙谈会, 咖啡会

noun (German (social gathering over coffee) (一种非正式聚会)

露天咖啡馆 lù tiān kā fēi guǎn

noun (café: outside seating)

Outdoor coffee-houses are not very popular in hot climates during the summer.

土耳其咖啡 tǔ ěr qí kā fēi

noun (strong, thick coffee) (咖啡的一种,味道浓厚)

Turkish coffee is traditionally boiled with sugar in a special pot called an ibrik.

加牛奶的咖啡 jiā niú nǎi de kā fēi

noun (coffee with milk added)

I don't like tea; I prefer white coffee with sugar.

让我们学习 英语

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coffee 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。