英语 中的 black 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 black 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 black 的说明。

英语 中的black 表示黑色的 hēi sè de, 黑色 hēi sè, 黑皮肤的 hēi pí fū de, 黑人的 hēi rén de, 黯淡的 àn dàn de, 脏的 zāng de, 闷闷不乐的 mèn mèn bú lè de, 邪恶的,坏的 xié è de ,huài de, 丢脸的 diū liǎn de, 不加糖和奶的, 黑人 hēi rén, 丧服 sāng fú, 黑色 hēi sè, 黑子 hēi zǐ, 黑暗 hēi àn, 穿着黑色衣服的 chuān zhe hēi sè yī fú de, 使…变黑 shǐ biàn hēi, 用黑色鞋油擦, 用墨涂, 熄灭灯光,熄灭灯火, 晕过去,失去意识 yūn guò qù,shī qù yì shí, 白纸黑字,以书面形式 bái zhǐ hēi zì,yǐ shū miàn xíng shì, 黑白的,黑白相间的 hēi bái de,hēi bái xiāng jiān de, 青一块紫一块的,遍体鳞伤的 qīng yí kuài zǐ yí kuài de,biàn tǐ lín shāng de, 混合淡色啤酒和黑啤酒的饮品,苦黑啤酒 hùn hé dàn sè pí jiǔ hé hēi pí jiǔ de yǐn pǐn,kǔ hēi pí jiǔ, 黑白 hēi bái, 黑白的 hēi bái de, 非黑即白的,非此即彼的 fēi hēi jí bái de,fēi cǐ jí bǐ de, 警车 jǐng chē, 黑人艺术 hēi rén yì shù, 妖术 yāo shù, 漆黑的 qī hēi de, 黑色的,墨黑的 hēi sè de ,mò hēi de, 黑鲈 hēi lú, 黑大豆 hēi dà dòu, 黑豆 hēi dòu, 美洲黑熊 měi zhōu hēi xióng, 亚洲黑熊 yà zhōu hēi xióng, 黑带 hēi dài, 黑带选手,达到最高等级的高手 hēi dài xuǎn shǒu,dá dào zuì gāo děng jí de gāo shǒu, 黑匣子, 黑莓树, 黑莓 hēi méi, 黑莓木, 黑咖啡 hēi kā fēi, 黑色喜剧, 黑死病 hēi sǐ bìng, 沮丧,抑郁 jǔ sàng ,yì yù, 青肿眼圈, 坏名声 huài míng shēng, 黑色森林, 黑色星期五, 黑人历史月, 黑洞 hēi dòng, 空洞,空虚 kōng dòng,kōng xū, 黑色幽默 hēi sè yōu mò, 心情差 xīn qíng chà, 地面薄冰 dì miàn báo bīng / dì miàn bó bīng, 黑光灯 hēi guāng dēng, 黑人的命也是命, 刺槐,洋槐 yáng huái, 黑肺病 hēi fèi bìng, 巫术 wū shù, 黑肤色的人, 非裔, 恶魔 è mó, 污点,不良记录 wū diǎn, 黑市 hēi shì, 黑橄榄, 黑白分明的 hēi bái fēn míng de, 非黑即白的,非此即彼的 fēi hēi jí bái de,fēi cǐ jí bǐ de, 黑胡椒 hēi hú jiāo, 黑胡椒粉 hēi hú jiāo fěn, 血肠, 黑树莓, 黑莓丛, 败家子,害群之马 bài jiā zǐ,hài qún zhī mǎ, 黑羊 hēi yáng, 黑斑病, 事故多发地段, 危险地带 wēi xiǎn dì dài, 黑天鹅, 黑天鹅, 红茶, 黑色领结 hēi sè lǐng jié, 打黑领结的, 需要打领结的, 糖蜜,糖浆 táng mì,táng jiāng, 黑寡妇 hēi guǎ fù, 黑肤色的女性, 黑人女性, 黑工, 白底黑线刺绣, 黑白电影 hēi bái diàn yǐng, 黑白胶片 hēi bái jiāo piàn, 黑白摄影 hēi bái shè yǐng, 黑白电视 hēi bái diàn shì, 黑白电视节目 hēi bái diàn shì jié mù, 黑衣的,身穿黑衣的, 豇豆,牛豆,黑眼豆 jiāng dòu,niú dòu,hēi yǎn dòu, 豇豆 jiāng dòu, 黑发的, 黑醋栗 hēi cù lì, 加有黑醋栗调味的,黑醋栗味的 jiā yǒu hēi cù lì tiáo wèi de ,hēi cù lì wèi de, 黑人命也是命, 炭黑, 深黑色, 深黑的, 垃圾袋 lā jī dài, 单色地 dān sè de, 白纸黑字写下来的, 书面形式的, 明确的, 白纸黑字的, 有盈余的 yǒu yíng yú de, 乌黑的 wū hēi de, 乌黑色, 漆黑 qī hēi, 一片漆黑的 yí piàn qī hēi de, 五十步笑百步。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 black 的含义

黑色的 hēi sè de

adjective (very dark in colour) (颜色)

She looked good in the black dress.

黑色 hēi sè

noun (darkest colour)

My favourite colour is black.

黑皮肤的 hēi pí fū de

adjective (often capitalized (person: dark skinned)

Nina interviews many Black comedians on her podcast.

黑人的 hēi rén de

adjective (often capitalized (relating to Black people)

In the United States, Black History Month is celebrated in February.

黯淡的 àn dàn de

adjective (lacking light)

The room was black until Ben turned on a light.

脏的 zāng de

adjective (dirty)

The walls of the factory were black with soot.

闷闷不乐的 mèn mèn bú lè de

adjective (figurative (sullen)

Tom was in a black mood after his boss reprimanded him.

邪恶的,坏的 xié è de ,huài de

adjective (figurative (wicked)

The healer was suspected of being a black witch.

丢脸的 diū liǎn de

adjective (figurative (mark: of disgrace)

The conviction was a black mark on his record.


adjective (coffee, tea: without milk) (咖啡,茶等)

I take my tea black with two sugars.

黑人 hēi rén

noun (potentially offensive, often capitalized (dark-skinned person)

That politician is popular with Blacks.

丧服 sāng fú

noun (mourning clothes)

The widow wore black for a year.

黑色 hēi sè

noun (dark pigment) (染料等)

What's the difference between lamp black and ivory black?

黑子 hēi zǐ

noun (chess, etc.: black pieces) (棋子)

Do you want to play as black or white?

黑暗 hēi àn

noun (darkness)

The figure disappeared into the black of night.

穿着黑色衣服的 chuān zhe hēi sè yī fú de

noun (dark clothing)

You look good in black.

使…变黑 shǐ biàn hēi

transitive verb (blacken)

The soldiers blacked their faces before the mission.


transitive verb (polish with black)

The shoeshine boy blacked the shoes.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (obscure [sth])

During times of war, many civilians have to black out their windows so the enemy won't know where to bomb.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (city, house: turn off lights) (城市,房子)

The entire city had to be blacked out when the air raid siren sounded.

晕过去,失去意识 yūn guò qù,shī qù yì shí

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (lose consciousness) (非正式用语)

The head injury during the car accident caused him to black out.

白纸黑字,以书面形式 bái zhǐ hēi zì,yǐ shū miàn xíng shì

noun (written, abbreviation (black and white)

黑白的,黑白相间的 hēi bái de,hēi bái xiāng jiān de

adjective (written, abbreviation (black and white)

青一块紫一块的,遍体鳞伤的 qīng yí kuài zǐ yí kuài de,biàn tǐ lín shāng de

adjective (informal, figurative (badly bruised)

The bullies beat the unfortunate child until he was black and blue.

混合淡色啤酒和黑啤酒的饮品,苦黑啤酒 hùn hé dàn sè pí jiǔ hé hēi pí jiǔ de yǐn pǐn,kǔ hēi pí jiǔ

adjective (UK (drink: mixed beers) (饮料)

Black and tans are made with Guinness and an ale of your choice.

黑白 hēi bái

noun (grayscale)

He asked the director why she had chosen to use black and white for her movie.

黑白的 hēi bái de

adjective (in grayscale) (照片,图画等)

Black-and-white photography relies on composition rather than color.

非黑即白的,非此即彼的 fēi hēi jí bái de,fēi cǐ jí bǐ de

adjective (figurative (clear, defined)

The situation may seem very black and white to you, but actually it's more complicated.

警车 jǐng chē

noun (US, informal (police car)

黑人艺术 hēi rén yì shù

noun (artworks: African origin)

During Black History Month, many museums display black art.

妖术 yāo shù

plural noun (witchcraft, occult)

漆黑的 qī hēi de

adjective (totally dark)

It was black as night in the cave.

黑色的,墨黑的 hēi sè de ,mò hēi de

adjective (black in color) (颜色)

The cat's fur was black as night.

黑鲈 hēi lú


黑大豆 hēi dà dòu

noun (Latin American: black turtle bean) (一种常用于拉丁美洲饮食中的豆子)

Black beans with rice is a common dish in many Latin American countries.

黑豆 hēi dòu

noun (Asian: soybean) (一种亚洲人常食用的豆类)

美洲黑熊 měi zhōu hēi xióng

noun (American mammal)

Black bears are smaller than Grizzly or Polar bears.

亚洲黑熊 yà zhōu hēi xióng

noun (Asian mammal)

黑带 hēi dài

noun (martial arts: highest rank) (柔道、空手道等的最高段数)

黑带选手,达到最高等级的高手 hēi dài xuǎn shǒu,dá dào zuì gāo děng jí de gāo shǒu

noun (martial arts: expert) (柔道、空手道等的高手)

You'd better watch out, he's a black belt in karate.


noun (airplane recording device) (飞行记录装置)


noun (North American tree)

黑莓 hēi méi

noun (fruit of North American tree)


noun (wood of North American tree)

黑咖啡 hēi kā fēi

noun (coffee: no milk)

Black coffee is a traditional hangover remedy.


noun (humor)

黑死病 hēi sǐ bìng

noun (plague epidemic: 14th century) (肆虐于14世纪的瘟疫流行病)

The Black Death spread across Europe in the mid-14th century.

沮丧,抑郁 jǔ sàng ,yì yù

noun (figurative (depression)


noun (bruising around the eye)

He had a black eye after the fight.

坏名声 huài míng shēng

noun (figurative (bad reputation)

The company suffered a black eye when the police charged its chairman with fraud.


noun (Germany: wooded area) (德国)


noun (US (day after US Thanksgiving)


noun (US (observance in February)

黑洞 hēi dòng

noun (space: area with strong gravity) (太空中由于密度极大而具有巨大引力的区域)

A black hole has strong gravitational pull.

空洞,空虚 kōng dòng,kōng xū

noun (figurative (void)

黑色幽默 hēi sè yōu mò

noun (uncountable (morbid comedy)

心情差 xīn qíng chà

noun (bad mood)

地面薄冰 dì miàn báo bīng / dì miàn bó bīng

noun (thin ice layer on ground)

I skidded on the black ice and ran into a fence.

黑光灯 hēi guāng dēng

noun (ultraviolet lamp) (紫外线或红外线灯)

Did you know that bodily fluids and scorpions are visible under a black light?


noun (movement protesting anti-Black violence)

刺槐,洋槐 yáng huái

noun (tree)

黑肺病 hēi fèi bìng

noun (colloquial (respiratory illness) (由于肺中积尘所造成的疾病)

Coal miners may develop black lung disease from breathing in coal dust.

巫术 wū shù

noun (occult arts, witchcraft)


noun (dark-skinned male)


noun (male of African descent)

恶魔 è mó

noun (dated, rare (evil spirit)

污点,不良记录 wū diǎn

noun (figurative (record of failure, wrongdoing)

The scandal was a black mark on the politician's career.

黑市 hēi shì

noun (illegal trade)

Although it's illegal, many people buy merchandise on the black market. Official economic statistics do not take into account the black market economy.


noun (fruit)

I added black olives to the pizza topping.

黑白分明的 hēi bái fēn míng de

adjective (figurative (clear cut)

非黑即白的,非此即彼的 fēi hēi jí bái de,fēi cǐ jí bǐ de

adjective (figurative (viewed simplistically) (比喻过度简单地看待事物)

There is no gray area here, it's black or white.

黑胡椒 hēi hú jiāo

noun (plant) (植物)

黑胡椒粉 hēi hú jiāo fěn

noun (seasoning)


noun (sausage made with blood)


noun (fruit of prickly shrub)


noun (prickly North American shrub)

败家子,害群之马 bài jiā zǐ,hài qún zhī mǎ

noun (figurative (misfit, estranged family member)

My brother is the black sheep of the family.

黑羊 hēi yáng

noun (sheep with black wool)


noun (plant disease) (植物)


noun (UK (hazardous road area)

危险地带 wēi xiǎn dì dài

noun (UK (dangerous place)


noun (Australian aquatic bird)


noun (figurative (surprising, unforeseen event) (比喻意外发生的事件)



黑色领结 hēi sè lǐng jié

noun (men's formal evening wear)

The men had to wear black tie for the company's Christmas dinner.


noun as adjective (of men's formal evening wear)

James looked suave in his black tie outfit.


noun as adjective (event: requiring men's formal wear)

糖蜜,糖浆 táng mì,táng jiāng

noun (uncountable (molasses)

Black treacle is what you make rum out of.

黑寡妇 hēi guǎ fù

noun (poisonous North American spider) (一种有毒的北美蜘蛛)

The black widow has a distinct red marking shaped like an hourglass on its abdomen.


noun (dark-skinned female)


noun (female of African descent)


noun (work paid in cash, not recorded)


noun (embroidery)

黑白电影 hēi bái diàn yǐng

noun (movie: without colour)

I love watching silents, those old black-and-white films with no sound.

黑白胶片 hēi bái jiāo piàn

noun (camera film: without colour)

All our early home movies were on black-and-white film.

黑白摄影 hēi bái shè yǐng

noun (taking photos without colour)

He specialized in black-and-white photography.

黑白电视 hēi bái diàn shì

noun (TV set: cannot display colors)

My parents remember the days when black-and-white television was the only type of TV available.

黑白电视节目 hēi bái diàn shì jié mù

noun (uncountable (TV shows in black and white)


adjective (wearing black clothes)

豇豆,牛豆,黑眼豆 jiāng dòu,niú dòu,hēi yǎn dòu

noun (plant: cowpea) (非洲植物)

We planted two rows of black-eyed peas in our garden.

豇豆 jiāng dòu

noun (edible legume: bean)

In the southern US, it is customary to eat black-eyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck.


adjective (with black hair)

黑醋栗 hēi cù lì

noun (berry)

The recipe calls for a cup of blackcurrants.

加有黑醋栗调味的,黑醋栗味的 jiā yǒu hēi cù lì tiáo wèi de ,hēi cù lì wèi de

noun as adjective (flavored with blackcurrants)

Would you like to try some of my home-made blackcurrant jelly?


noun (initialism (Black Lives Matter)


noun (form of carbon used commercially)


noun (very dark shade of black)


adjective (very dark black in color)

垃圾袋 lā jī dài

noun (bin liner, refuse sack)

I tied up the garbage bag and took it outside.

单色地 dān sè de

adverb (without colour)

I prefer to develop my photographs in black and white.

白纸黑字写下来的, 书面形式的

adverb (in writing)

I didn't believe he was dead until I saw it in the newspaper in black and white. The will states clearly in black and white that all the money should go to me.

明确的, 白纸黑字的

adverb (figurative (explicitly)

We'll set out the terms of our offer in black and white so there can be no confusion.

有盈余的 yǒu yíng yú de

adjective (finance: being in credit)

After paying off all my loans I'm finally in the black again!

乌黑的 wū hēi de

adjective (deep black)

Yolanda has jet-black hair.


noun (deep black)

These T-shirts are now available in jet black.

漆黑 qī hēi

noun (total darkness)

He walks this road every night, in the pitch dark!

一片漆黑的 yí piàn qī hēi de

adjective (totally dark)

There was no moon and the night was pitch black.


expression (person criticizing is worse)

I can't believe you're calling me messy; talk about the pot calling the kettle black! You're the one who's left the sink full of dirty dishes.

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