英语 中的 contact 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 contact 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 contact 的说明。

英语 中的contact 表示接触 jiē chù, 联系,交往,来往 lián xì ,jiāo wǎng,lái wǎng, 联系 lián xì, 熟人 shú rén, 隐形眼镜 yǐn xíng yǎn jìng, 与…联系 yǔ … lián xì, 接触式的, (电路中的)触点 diàn lù zhōng de chù diǎn, 保持联系 bǎo chí lián xì, 与...联系, 与...接触, 接触 jiē chù, 遇见 yù jiàn, 接触性皮炎 jiē chù xìng pí yán, 联系方式 lián xì fāng shì, 联系信息 lián xì xìn xī, 隐形眼镜 yǐn xíng yǎn jìng, 联系人姓名, 联系电话, 快粘便签, 接触印相纸, 对抗性运动, 接触者追踪, 眼神交流 yǎn shén jiāo liú, 开始与…接触 kāi shǐ yǔ … jiē chù, 保持联系 bǎo chí lián xì, 保持联系 bǎo chí lián xì, 联系 lián xì, 眼神接触, 身体接触 shēn tǐ jiē chù, 联络人。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 contact 的含义

接触 jiē chù

noun (touch)

Contact with wet paint can ruin your clothes.

联系,交往,来往 lián xì ,jiāo wǎng,lái wǎng

noun (social interaction) (社会关系)

Does he have any contact with the Mexican community?

联系 lián xì

noun (communications)

Yes, we were friends, but we have lost contact in the last few years.

熟人 shú rén

noun (often plural ([sb] known)

I have a contact in that company if you need any help.

隐形眼镜 yǐn xíng yǎn jìng

plural noun (informal, abbreviation (contact lenses)

Bree has striking eyes, but the truth is that she wears green contacts.

与…联系 yǔ … lián xì

transitive verb (get in touch with)

You should contact your doctor if you get a high fever.


adjective (requiring contact for effect)

Contact paper is sticky on both sides.

(电路中的)触点 diàn lù zhōng de chù diǎn

noun (part of electrical circuit)

The electrical contacts must touch to complete the circuit.

保持联系 bǎo chí lián xì

verbal expression (be communicating)

Do you know how Steve's doing these days? Are you two still in contact?


verbal expression (communicate with)

The man suspected of the bombing attack had been in contact with a foreign terrorist organization.


verbal expression (touch)

I develop a rash if my skin is in contact with nickel for too long.

接触 jiē chù

verbal expression (be exposed to: [sth] harmful)

I phoned the doctor as soon as I found out I had come in contact with someone who had Swine Flu.

遇见 yù jiàn

verbal expression (meet: [sb])

接触性皮炎 jiē chù xìng pí yán

noun (allergic skin condition)

Poison ivy, poison oak and sumac can all cause contact dermatitis.

联系方式 lián xì fāng shì

plural noun (name and address, etc.)

Please include all your contact details on your cover letter.

联系信息 lián xì xìn xī

noun (name, address, etc.)

I gave my contact information when I left a message with the secretary.

隐形眼镜 yǐn xíng yǎn jìng

noun (usually plural (corrective lenses worn in the eyes)

Marc is wearing glasses today because he lost a contact lens.


noun (name of [sb] to be contacted)


noun (phone number)

Please leave your contact number so that we can contact you as soon as possible.


noun (paper with sticky back)


noun (photography paper) (摄影)


noun (sport: with physical contact)

Rugby and football are high-contact sports.


noun (identifying those exposed to [sb] contagious)

眼神交流 yǎn shén jiāo liú

noun (looking into [sb]'s eyes)

Eye contact is important when communicating with others.

开始与…接触 kāi shǐ yǔ … jiē chù

verbal expression (get in touch with)

You can get in contact with us at the address above.

保持联系 bǎo chí lián xì

verbal expression (stay in touch)

My uncle and I stayed in contact after he moved to Australia.

保持联系 bǎo chí lián xì

verbal expression (stay in touch with [sb])

New technologies make it easy to keep in contact with your customers. I'm sorry you have to leave but please keep in contact.

联系 lián xì

verbal expression (contact, communicate with)

Perhaps one day aliens will make contact with the Earth.


verbal expression (look directly into [sb]'s eyes)

People who are lying often avoid making eye contact.

身体接触 shēn tǐ jiē chù

noun (touch)

A person with telekinetic powers can move an object without ever making physical contact with it.


noun (person, department)

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contact 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。