英语 中的 into 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 into 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 into 的说明。

英语 中的into 表示向…里 xiàng … lǐ, 从事 cóng shì, 陷入(…状况) xiàn rù zhuàng kuàng, 碰入 pèng rù, 伸展到 shēn zhǎn dào, 朝向 cháo xiàng, 深入, 看向,朝向,朝着 kàn xiàng,cháo xiàng,cháo zhe, 进入…阶段, 进入 jìn rù, 被算入 bèi suàn rù, 进入…状态, 进入 jìn rù, 除 chú, 开始...后, 喜欢,热爱 xǐ huān,rè ài, 对…有兴趣,喜欢 duì … yǒu xìng qù ,xǐ huān, 吃掉(利润等), 登记入住 dēng jì rù zhù, 强行闯入 qiáng xíng chuǎng rù, 破门而入 pò mén ér rù, 忽然开始(大笑、哭等) hū rán kāi shǐ ( dà xiào 、kū děng ), 打断 dǎ duàn, 克服困难进入(某个领域), 碰撞 pèng zhuàng, 碰到,遇到 pèng dào,yù dào, 闯入 chuǎng rù, 打断 dǎ duàn, 接受 jiē shòu, 买入…的股份, 登记住宿 dēng jì zhù sù, 调查 diào chá, 催促...做某事, 获得(钱财等),继承 huò dé qián cái děng,jì chéng, 专注于, 使...融入...文化, 让…得以进入, 准许…加入, 与…融合, 倒退进入, 倒车入, 倒退撞上, 倒车时撞上..., 缠着...做..., 将...植入, 遇到, 碰见, 撞,推挤 zhuàng,tuī jǐ, 冲进, 插话 chā huà, 撞上 zhuàng shàng, 欺骗 qī piàn, 腐蚀 fǔ shí, 咬 yǎo, 腐蚀 fǔ shí, 胁迫...做..., 哄骗...做..., 渗透进, 将...混入.., 融入 róng rù, 交融 jiāo róng, 向…吹气 xiàng chuī qì, 突然来访 tū rán lái fǎng, 骗某人做某事, 无意间遇见, 钻,钻入 zuān rù, 盯,注视 dīng,zhù shì, 出身于,生来具有, 给…洗脑, 为...注入..., 给予生气, 赋予活力, 给…注入新的活力, 信步走进, 使标准化 shǐ biāo zhǔn huà, 使对齐 shǐ duì qí, 使某事物产生 shǐ mǒu shì wù chǎn shēng, 为…争辩, 把...置于焦点之上,对好焦距 bǎ zhì yú jiāo diǎn zhī shàng,duì hǎo jiāo jù, 使突出,使清楚地注意到,使明朗化 shǐ tū chū,shǐ qīng chǔ de zhù yì dào,shǐ míng lǎng huà, 让...一致, 发挥 fā huī, 令人对…产生怀疑 lìng rén duì chǎn shēng huái yí, 恐吓某人做某事, 使…固定于, 强迫...做..., 威胁某人做某事, 威胁某人做某事, 匆忙地把…推至(某处), 爆发掌声, 猛烈燃烧起来 měng liè rán shāo qǐ lái, 突然笑了起来 tū rán xiào le qǐ lái, 突然唱了起来 tū rán chàng le qǐ lái, 突然哭了起来 tū rán kū le qǐ lái, 强迫…谈论, 强迫…做, 说服 shuō fú, 质疑… zhì yí, 变成,蜕变成 biàn chéng, 换挡 huàn dǎng, 换上, 冲进, 爬进, 劝说…进入, 劝说某人做某事, 迫使 pò shǐ, 迫使 pò shǐ, 接触 jiē chù, 遇见 yù jiàn, 进入 jìn rù, 出生 chū shēng, 产生 chǎn shēng, 出生 chū shēng, 产生 chǎn shēng, 变清晰, 变得明了,变得一目了然, 开始生效 kāi shǐ shēng xiào, 开始起作用, 拥有 yōng yǒu。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 into 的含义

向…里 xiàng … lǐ

preposition (to the inside of)

Come into my office.

从事 cóng shì

preposition (field of interest)

He went into architecture after his studies.

陷入(…状况) xiàn rù zhuàng kuàng

preposition (to the condition of)

He got himself into trouble with his unkind remarks.

碰入 pèng rù

preposition (making physical contact)

His car ran into a tree.

伸展到 shēn zhǎn dào

preposition (indicating route)

This road continues into the next county.

朝向 cháo xiàng

preposition (in toward)

The car is coming into view now.


preposition (to the heart of)

The detectives looked into the case in great detail.

看向,朝向,朝着 kàn xiàng,cháo xiàng,cháo zhe

preposition (to the direction of) (表方向)

He was staring into space. Sunflowers always turn to face into the sun.


preposition (involved)

We're well into the last stage of our project.

进入 jìn rù

preposition (result)

She was forced into an admission of the theft.

被算入 bèi suàn rù

preposition (engaged)

You entered into a formal agreement when you signed.


preposition (change of state) (表状态)

The house fell into disrepair. The car is coming into view now.

进入 jìn rù

preposition (time: continuing) (时间:推移)

We're now well into the month of May.

除 chú

preposition (math: division) (数学:除法)

Four into twelve is three.


preposition (time: from the start)

About half an hour into the film, there's a really scary scene.

喜欢,热爱 xǐ huān,rè ài

(slang (enjoy, like)

Sabina is really into jazz music. Rob isn't into football.

对…有兴趣,喜欢 duì … yǒu xìng qù ,xǐ huān

(informal (like romantically) (人)

It's obvious from the way Liam looks at you that he is really into you.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (reduce in value) (比喻)

Falling oil prices are biting into the profits of energy companies.

登记入住 dēng jì rù zhù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (check into: hotel, etc.)

强行闯入 qiáng xíng chuǎng rù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (enter by force)

Criminals broke into the house.

破门而入 pò mén ér rù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (building: enter by force)

Thieves broke into the house and stole several items of jewellery.

忽然开始(大笑、哭等) hū rán kāi shǐ ( dà xiào 、kū děng )

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (smile, song, run: start suddenly)

I was surprised when the old lady suddenly broke into song.

打断 dǎ duàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (conversation: interrupt) (对话)

Gary broke into our conversation to announce that dinner was ready.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (field of work)

Joanna wants to break into digital marketing to advance her career.

碰撞 pèng zhuàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (collide with)

I have a huge bruise where I bumped into the corner of the table. // I bumped into the car in front of me on the way to work.

碰到,遇到 pèng dào,yù dào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal, figurative (meet by chance)

Guess who I bumped into at the supermarket?

闯入 chuǎng rù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (enter)

The angry man burst into the room.

打断 dǎ duàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (slang (interrupt: a conversation)

When Mary and I are talking, please don't butt into our conversation.

接受 jiē shòu

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (accept as valid)

It is difficult trying to get people to buy into the idea.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (invest in)

This is an opportunity for investors to buy into a fast-growing company.

登记住宿 dēng jì zhù sù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (sign or book into: hotel, etc.) (酒店)

My flight arrived late so I had to check into a hotel near the airport.

调查 diào chá

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (US (investigate)

We are checking into discount flights to London.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK (hurry or harass [sb] into action)

获得(钱财等),继承 huò dé qián cái děng,jì chéng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (money: acquire, inherit)

He came into a large inheritance when he was quite young.


verbal expression (be integrated, assimilated)

The police lost sight of Tom when he was absorbed into the crowd.


transitive verb (assimilate: into a culture)


transitive verb (allow entry)

The night watchman has to go to the door to admit you into the building.


transitive verb (as a member)

He was admitted into the golf club as a member.


adjective (be absorbed or integrated into [sth])

Foreigners stand out for a while, but then they are assimilated into the host culture.


(enter by reversing)

Jeff looked into the rear-view mirror as he backed into the parking space.


(vehicle: reverse into)

My wife always has trouble backing the car into the driveway.


(hit by reversing)

He wasn't paying attention and backed into the bollard.


(vehicle: hit while reversing)

Matt accidentally backed his car into a lamppost.


verbal expression (pester to do [sth])

My children badgered me into taking them to the playground.


(computing: integrate into) (计算机)

遇到, 碰见

(collide with, bump into) (某人)

撞,推挤 zhuàng,tuī jǐ

(informal (shove)

I was standing at the bus stop when some idiot barged into me and knocked me off my feet.


(informal (enter rudely, uninvited)

插话 chā huà

(informal, figurative (interrupt)

Don't barge into her conversation; wait till she's done talking and then you may speak.

撞上 zhuàng shàng

(informal (collide with)

Walter neglected to watch where he was going and bashed into a wall.

欺骗 qī piàn

verbal expression (deceive)

In Greek mythology, the gods beguiled Heracles into killing his own family.

腐蚀 fǔ shí

(acid: corrode) (酸等)

The acid bites into the metal, etching a pattern.

咬 yǎo

(dig teeth into)

She bit into the apple with vigor. Please bite into the wax so it can make a mould of your teeth.

腐蚀 fǔ shí

(figurative (acid: corrode)

The acid bites into the metal.


transitive verb (US, informal, figurative (coerce)


verbal expression (UK, slang (persuade [sb] to do)


(figurative (start to affect [sth])

When you work from home, it is easy to let work bleed into your family time.


(merge into)

Blend the blue paint into the green using a soft brush.

融入 róng rù

(figurative (be assimilated) (文化等)

In most cultures, minority groups are expected to blend into the mainstream.

交融 jiāo róng

(figurative (be indistinguishable)

Without the usual school routine, the days seem to blend into one another.

向…吹气 xiàng chuī qì


Here, blow into this paper bag, it will help you stop hyperventilating.

突然来访 tū rán lái fǎng

verbal expression (US, slang (arrive unexpectedly)

My friend just blew into town; we're going to go have dinner tonight.


verbal expression (deceive, fool)

Steve bluffed Joe into doing the laundry all week.


(come upon [sth] accidentally)

钻,钻入 zuān rù

(drill into)

Woodpeckers bore into trees searching for insects.

盯,注视 dīng,zhù shì

(figurative (stare piercingly at) (比喻)

The judge's stare bores into the witnesses' eyes, to intimidate them into telling the truth.


(having from birth)


(indoctrinate into doing)

The cult brainwashed Brian into leaving his family.


(figurative (instill, inspire)

Her writing has breathed new life into a tired old subject.

给予生气, 赋予活力

transitive verb (figurative (revive, rejuvenate) (比喻)

The paramedics breathed life into the accident victim.


verbal expression (reinvent, rejuvenate)

Hiring Edie with her fresh new ideas will breathe new life into this company.


(enter casually)

Roger breezed into the room as though nothing were wrong.

使标准化 shǐ biāo zhǔn huà

transitive verb (figurative (standardize)

使对齐 shǐ duì qí

transitive verb (align, line [sth] up)

使某事物产生 shǐ mǒu shì wù chǎn shēng

transitive verb (create, begin [sth])


verbal expression (put forward, argue for [sth])

把...置于焦点之上,对好焦距 bǎ zhì yú jiāo diǎn zhī shàng,duì hǎo jiāo jù

verbal expression (visually: make [sth] sharper)

使突出,使清楚地注意到,使明朗化 shǐ tū chū,shǐ qīng chǔ de zhù yì dào,shǐ míng lǎng huà

verbal expression (figurative (topic: make clear)


verbal expression (make [sth] correspond, conform)

发挥 fā huī

transitive verb (align, line [sth] up)

Artillery was brought into play and this caused the enemy to retreat.

令人对…产生怀疑 lìng rén duì chǎn shēng huái yí

verbal expression (cast doubt on [sth])


verbal expression (coerce into doing)


(make part of)

The carpenter built shelves into the wall.


(figurative (force to do, intimidate)

My colleagues bulldozed me into doing the presentation.


(force using threats)

Greg didn't want to shoplift, but his classmates bullied him into it.


verbal expression (force using threats)

A group of older girls bullied Lea into handing over her lunch money.


(push quickly)


verbal expression (applaud spontaneously)

猛烈燃烧起来 měng liè rán shāo qǐ lái

verbal expression (informal (catch fire)

The bus burst into flames, trapping the passengers inside.

突然笑了起来 tū rán xiào le qǐ lái

verbal expression (informal (start laughing)

They burst into laughter at the sight of his clown costume.

突然唱了起来 tū rán chàng le qǐ lái

verbal expression (start singing)

My father is so musical, he bursts into song in the middle of a conversation.

突然哭了起来 tū rán kū le qǐ lái

verbal expression (informal (start crying suddenly)

She burst into tears at the news of her friend's death.


transitive verb (US, figurative, informal (accost, force to converse)

The next thing I knew, he'd buttonholed me into a discussion about taxes.


verbal expression (US, figurative, informal (accost, force to do)

The interviewer buttonholed me into making comments I later regretted.

说服 shuō fú

verbal expression (coax, persuade)

Ron cajoled his parents into allowing him to borrow their car.

质疑… zhì yí

verbal expression (cast doubt on [sth])

变成,蜕变成 biàn chéng

(be transformed)

The larva changed into an adult.

换挡 huàn dǎng

(switch vehicle gears) (车辆)

On the hill, change into second gear.


(put on: fresh clothes) (新衣服)

When she gets home from the office, Lisa changes into jeans and a T-shirt.


(rush into: a room, etc.) (处所)

The robber charged into the bank and shouted "Hands in the air!"


(enter: vehicle, etc.)


(persuade, entice into)

No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to coax my cat into the carrier.


verbal expression (persuade, entice into doing)

Jessica tried to coax her daughter into eating the oatmeal.

迫使 pò shǐ

transitive verb (force, compel)

The police coerced the suspect into confessing to the crime.

迫使 pò shǐ

transitive verb (force, compel)

The government was coerced into accepting the treaty.

接触 jiē chù

verbal expression (be exposed to: [sth] harmful)

I phoned the doctor as soon as I found out I had come in contact with someone who had Swine Flu.

遇见 yù jiàn

verbal expression (meet: [sb])

进入 jìn rù


When the famous actress came into the room, everyone turned to look at her.

出生 chū shēng

verbal expression (be born)

The Internet didn't just come into being spontaneously. It is the result of decades of research and development.

产生 chǎn shēng

verbal expression (be created)

出生 chū shēng

verbal expression (be born)

产生 chǎn shēng

verbal expression (come about, be created)

The universe came into existence with a big bang.


verbal expression (image, view: be sharper) (图像、视野)


verbal expression (figurative (become clear)

When he started asking me for money, his true intentions came into focus.

开始生效 kāi shǐ shēng xiào

verbal expression (become applicable, active)

The new law does not come into force until February of next year.


intransitive verb (become involved)

Tiredness comes into play near the end of a race.

拥有 yōng yǒu

verbal expression (find, obtain)

When I received my inheritance, I came into possession of several rare coins.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。