英语 中的 core 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 core 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 core 的说明。

英语 中的core 表示地核 dì hé, 果核,核 guǒ hé ,hé, 核心 hé xīn, 核反应堆的核心 hé fǎn yìng duī de hé xīn, 灵魂,精髓 líng hún,jīng suǐ, 核心肌群, 核心的 hé xīn de, 核心肌群的, 去掉…的核 qù diào de hé, 苹果核, 在核心, 核心业务 hé xīn yè wù, 核心课程, 核心通货膨胀 hé xīn tōng huò péng zhàng, 核心学科, 主修课程, 核心价值观 hé xīn jià zhí guān, 泡沫芯层, 硬调的, 露骨的, 强硬的, 强悍的, 核心力量 hé xīn lì liàng, 冰芯, 烂到心了,坏透了 làn dào xīn le ,huài tòu le, 烂到心了,坏透了 làn dào xīn le ,huài tòu le, 软性色情的, 隐晦的, 彻底地,十足地,地道地 chè dǐ de ,shí zú de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 core 的含义

地核 dì hé

noun (centre of a planet)

The Earth's core is thousands of kilometers below ground.

果核,核 guǒ hé ,hé

noun (centre of a fruit) (水果)

The core of a pear is stringy and tough.

核心 hé xīn

noun (figurative (essential part)

The core of the problem remains unsolved, and the two sides continue to be at war.

核反应堆的核心 hé fǎn yìng duī de hé xīn

noun (nuclear power)

The reactor's core melted, and caused hundreds of deaths.

灵魂,精髓 líng hún,jīng suǐ

noun (figurative (soul) (比喻)

He is a conservative to his very core.


noun (muscles of torso, abdomen)

This exercise is a great way to tone your core.

核心的 hé xīn de

noun as adjective (figurative (central)

They want to broaden their business without losing their core customers.


noun as adjective (relating to torso muscles)

These exercises will develop your core strength.

去掉…的核 qù diào de hé

transitive verb (fruit: remove centre) (水果)

First, you need to core the apple.


noun (centre of an apple)

Just don't eat the apple core; there are seeds in there.


expression (figurative (at the center or heart of)

核心业务 hé xīn yè wù

noun (main business activity)

They decided to sell off several recent acquisitions and concentrate on their core business.


noun (education)

核心通货膨胀 hé xīn tōng huò péng zhàng

noun (basic increase in prices)


noun (any foundational subject taught)


plural noun (UK (English, math, science)

核心价值观 hé xīn jià zhí guān

plural noun (fundamental ethical beliefs)


noun (lightweight polystyrene board)

硬调的, 露骨的

adjective (pornography: obscene) (指色情影像)

That store sells hardcore pornography.

强硬的, 强悍的

adjective (person: staunch, committed) (指人)

Mike is a hardcore baseball fan.

核心力量 hé xīn lì liàng

noun (those most committed to [sth])

The arduous ascent soon separated the wimps from the hard core.


noun (sample taken of ice layers)

Ice cores are useful for climatic research.

烂到心了,坏透了 làn dào xīn le ,huài tòu le

adjective (figurative (person: wicked) (人)

He seemed to be a good person, but in reality he was rotten to the core.

烂到心了,坏透了 làn dào xīn le ,huài tòu le

adjective (figurative (system: corrupt) (系统)

There's no end to nepotism and corruption: the government's rotten to the core.

软性色情的, 隐晦的

adjective (erotic, slightly pornographic)

彻底地,十足地,地道地 chè dǐ de ,shí zú de

expression (figurative (thoroughly)

Her views make it very plain that she's Conservative to the core.

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core 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。